Drinking Scotch in Valhalla, Life on Mars, Rides into the Sunset

Drinking Scotch in Valhalla
 There are spoilers here BEWARE SPOILERS FOR Life on Mars 
 The last episode of Life on Mars, has just been transmitted. The questions have been answered. 
Why was Sam tyler in 1973? 
What is the mysterious Hyde?
 In the previous episode. Gene Hunt, (Sam's boss, in 1973.) Is accused of and arrested for murder. Hence the introduction of DCI Morgan. Morgan a quieter, milder officer then Hunt.
 Morgan shares Sam's progressive policing policies. (Say that three times quickly) 
The new DCI also promises to help Sam, come home. Gene Hunt plays quite a small, part in this episode. Top and tailing, the episode. Most of the action in the episode centers around Sam and DCI Morgan
 Subverting the usual narrative of the episode, which is normally based on the relationship between Sam, and Hunt. Today we see Sam and Cartwright. There was a nod to Robocop- Sam, recites Robocop's standing orders.`` Uphold the Law, Protect the Innocent.''   T
 Gene Hunt's story  in this final  episode, is Hunt's attempt to capture an armed robber This robber is also a cop killer.  Said robber is going to rob a Collery Payroll- That could be lifted from a Western 
 Hunt, had earlier let an informant loose in the hope that he would flush out the gang. 
It had in fact got the tout killed. Hunt decides, that he will have to go undercover, and infiltrate the gang. 
 Sam having been told by the Radio, that he has a cancer. A tumor. This is what's is preventing him, from waking up in the present-2007. 
 So If Sam, is strong enough to survive the surgery, he should wake up back in the future
 If its only a dream, as the scary girl from the test card, reminds Sam- Yet if it is only a dream, then they (Hunt, Cartwright, everyone, they don't matter) How does Sam, prove that he is strong enough to beat his internal and external malady- by upholding the law.
 By gathering evidence to make a case against Hunt. Sam tapes Hunts beating up a  hood  Sam transcribes it - Sam turns informer- Bringing this evidence of Hunt's criminality to Morgan.
 There Morgan, and Sam, have there face off. 
Morgan drops his bombshell. Sam is suffering from Amnesia. The voices he hears, are the result of an accident. But an accident- Sam suffered going to work, going to work, undercover in 1973.
 For ``internal affairs'' to bring down Gene Hunt. Sam, rushes back to Hyde. To confirm this, he goes to check his transfer request. Oh my- DCI Morgan signed it at the bottom..... 
 That still leaves the robbery. Sam, tells Morgan, about the plan to infiltrate the robbery. A risky sting, with the Police working undercover. 
The DCI from Hyde hands Sam a police radio, Which will bring help.. the cavalry will come. You know just like a Western  
At  the public house he frequents Sam, is told by Nelson, the Barkeep. That there`` seems something wrong with him'' Sam asks again, is he dreaming? Nelson, tells him ``You know its a dream. When you can't feel anything''
Later  Sam is confronted by Cartwright, about why he left the pub so early? Hearing from Cartwright that ``The Guv'' is now undercover. Sam lets it slip about his undercover work,-with Hyde.
 Imagine his colleagues joy....... 
 The operation to catch the violent robbers starts well Hunt has infiltrated the gang.
 The rest of Sam's colleagues are disguised as security guards, and railwaymen  The signal is dropped, the train stops- Again like a Western  Hunt, climbs aboard, to help with the transfer of the money, waiting for an opportune moment. To turn, the tables and spring the trap on the gang.
 It was always going to be a train robbery- Gene Hunt, as the sheriff, chasing down a Wild Bunch. 
Gene who is disguised as one of the banditos. Boards the train, and plays along with the robbers, waiting for the right moment. To spring the trap, to head them off at the pass? 
 Then Sams radio goes off. The shooting starts
 Its awful
 It is a bloody and terrible  scene. Chris almost cracks, the Detectives are pinned down 
Trapped. Trapped, and at the mercy of murderers. Panic, sheer panic, and bloody murder. 
 Sam, goes off to get help promising that he will return. In the tunnel he meets Morgan, who tells him Hunt, will get what he deserves, and now Sam can go home... 
 Sam wakes up, in 2007, in Hospital, He is back, back in 2007.
 A DCI, attending meetings, about the ethics of custody. Hyde, was the hospital ward. Morgan was the attending doctor. Of course. It was all a dream!
 So why can't Sam feel anything? Or is it, is it just ``High Noon.'' 
Has Sam, gone to do, what a mans got to do, (Sam) is an educated man. A graduate. The clash between Sam, and Gene was as much about class as it was world view or personality. 
Yet Doc Holiday was an educated man too... A leap, a leap of fait, or perhaps despair. It is a certain journey from the top of a tower block.... 
 Sam is back, Back, with his friends, and colleagues, Once more into the Breach. Sam quickly dispatches the bad guys. With some sharp shooting. With the day saved. Pausing only for Gene to tell Sam. That help will not be required, as he is not a ``Fairy''
 So it ends. Sam is reunited with his friends. There's a Scotch, and he will shortly be in the bosom of Cartwright- There are blags to chase down, wrongs to be righted. 
 They ride off into the sunset, the Sheriff, and his posse.... So what would Sam, ask us to do? 

Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep.

He is awake.. Not in Paradise but somewhere nearby


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