
Last night I had a nightmare. This is not an uncommon experience for me. I suppose they shall have accompanied me at night, from the cradle to the grave. I shall recount it here.

I was on holiday, with a young lady. One of my students. It was St Petersberg, or Moscow. We were walking by a river. We spotted a shop, offering compatibilty tests for couples. We thought it would be fun, to go in and take one of the Tests. (The shop looked like one of those souvenier places. You see anywhere)

So we enter the shop its full of nick nacks, and stuff. We ask about the Test, The old slightly wizend woman. Behind the counter accepts our custom. She turns on a display. Something like an overhead projector. Displaying questions and pictures on one part of the wall.

Test starts nice enough. Then the questions start getting weird. Moving away from whimsy.`` Do you take sugar, with your hot drinks?'' To the more serious ...`` What type of punishment do you think, should be given to those who commit offenses against children?''

This kills the good humour me, and my companion were in. So we look arround the shop. At all the other nick nacks, and gee gaws. Which we didn't really pay attention to when we entered. There all Christian images.

( We assume, that we have walked into some type of Christian mission, and decide to make our polite excuses and leave)

Then I notice. One of novelty plates. Refers to Jesus, as a murderer, the Murderer of the Angels of Neade.

Wait.. that would mean, that this isn't Christian. This is something else. Something thats wrong.

Run... Run....

We don't get out.



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