
Showing posts from June, 2007
I was supervising at work today. Its maddening. I am tied to a machine. Which needs to be reloaded with ink, and paper. I find this task difficult. I have to chase down the tardy. I have to be a mother. Except unlike a mother I cannot ask anyone to stand in the corner, or take their toys away My fotolog. There will be a lot of overlap, I suspect.
HBO's Rome has returned. I again travel with Pullo and Vorenus. Across the Mare Nostrum, to Ageyptus. Casting eyes on the daughter of Osris and Isis.Cleopatra herself. We have travelled with them before. Across the Mountains of Gaul. Daring to march over the Rubicon. Lead by Caesar himself. Caesar was stolen from us, by the so called Tyrannicides. Caesar will be avenged. Marc Antony and Caeasars adopted son. Octavian of the Juli will see to it. *********** I do enjoy Rome. Its not a perfect series. I think it as been maligned, and poorly promoted by the BBC. It seems to have been better recieved in the USA. Which is not suprising to me. Americans have been watching more sophisticated Televison for a decade now. Rome has some great actors. James Purefoy, Polly Walker, Kevin Mackidd. Its odd. In the Way Rome would have been odd. It shows the crazy religions. The nudity, the filth, and violence. That was, the Glory that was Rome
FLASH GORDON I spotted this out of the corner, of my eye. In the DVD store, and I thought why not. The Sci Fi channel are doing a remake so why not... In another world, was there the flash Gordon trilogy ? I was thinking, I have never seen any Flash Gordon merchandise, and I have seen , indeed used to own and have lost a Mr Spock action figure. I have seen some Black hole merchandise. Yet No flash Gordon. At a first glance, this is a little strange. It has a sound track by Queen. Max von sdnow plays the emperor ming. A host of british stalwarts play supporting roles. It did make some impact. Brian Blessed, still dines out on ``Gordon’s alive?’’ Flash starts off on his Journey, heading to the airport from the resort of Dark Harbour. Dark Harbour is somewhere in the North East, of the United states. There is a Bar Harbour, in Maine! I have been there. A friend was married there, in 2001 The show gets into the action briskly. The plane Flash, and Dale are travelling into Is it jus
A castle in Scotland. I would take refuge from the heat, and the storms there. I would enjoy the Maytime, and the clear air.
I wish my Sister, a safe trip, a great holiday, a happy birthday and swift recovery
The terrible Lake Balaki Monster :)

Moscow postcards

Beautiful Postcards of Moscow. From my wonderful Student.
Dr Who
I may change my working hours. I may join the rest, or least the majority of m peers. In commencing my workday at 9am. Finishing at 5m, and working from Monday to Friday. As matters stand I work Saturday. With a day off, as This will mean the loss of a relaxed midweek. Visting the Bank and post office, at my lesiure. To say nothing of Barber shops. All good things....
St Colums Day Today is St Colums day. Rejoice.