
Showing posts from September, 2007
Happy Birthday Sahara To my friend and fellow Blogger. alles Gute zum Geburtstag


Zodiac, I don't like slasher movies. I don't want to see a pretty teenager screaming and get covered in a mixture, of tomato sauce and red wine Its not my thing. I do love cop shows ;The Shield, NYPD Blue, Homicide I love history, and this is a piece about the Zodiac murders. So I gave it a try. (2021 edit - I now watch a lot more True Crime )  Zodiac inspired the Scorpio killer in Dirty Harry. Who was played by Andrew G Robinson.-Who later played Garak, in Deep Space Nine I remember him in Nash Bridges A pop culture killer. Why did he (Zodiac) get to be this spotlight? The Zodiac Killer, sent notes, to several San Francisco  newspapers, recounting his deeds. Threating more murders  if the notes were not published. Zodiac also demanded, the Newspapers print copies of a cypher, He had  created proclaiming and relishing the murders he had committed The film starts by recounting the murder of  the Zodiac
My Boss I had a problem, at work. The powers that be for some reason neglected to send me, a copy of our latest contract. The Union, and Management have negotiated a new deal. Thus I was entitled to some backpay. Anyway it took, three weeks, for me to get the piece of paper. Detailing my new contract. This was achieved by Boss calling and cajoling HR until they sent me the form So I would like to thank her. I complain about my job alot. Its not Hell either __________ Good luck, to my friends in Arkanes. ___________

Dinosaur news

The terrifying velociraptors that ripped apart everyone they could catch in Jurassic Park should have been given feathers by the director Steven Spielberg. Researchers now say that the dinosaurs, which leapt into the public imagination when they were featured in the hit 1993 film, were misrepresented. After analysing fossilised bones they have discovered that the velociraptor was not the smooth-skinned creature portrayed in the film, but had feathers. The discovery means that as well as being more decorative than the creatures that appeared in the film they could have been an even more terrifying predator because the feathers would probably have been improved their manoeuvrability. Scientists have suspected for several years that velociraptors were feathered beasts, but only now have they been able to identify what they believe is conclusive proof. Close analysis of a velociraptor forelimb unearthed in Mongolia in 1998 reveals that quill knobs were present on the fossilised bone.
A book at work. The cover is inflatated. The book gives a potted history of Ballons, Blimps and other air filled fun


Gangi þér vel To those in Arkanes
A postcard from my friend Joanna. I watched Heros tonight. Hiro, confronted with a picture of him grasping a sword against a Tyranosaurus. Remembers to hope that he does not step on an insect.
Nightmare I had a terrible nightmare last night. I dreamed I was sitting by my computer. I had been on it for too long. Which is not healthy. I know. Anyway, I started to feel my body begin to jerk. As if I had been suffering from a fit. I began to lie down, and I turned off my pc, and my laptop. I felt myself losing control. As if I was going to have a fit. (BTW I have never had a fit, in my life. ) I then felt someone grab me. At first I thought they where trying to put me in the recovery position. Help me in some way. Then I felt them strap me down. I could feel and out of the corner, of my eyes see straps. I started to shout, and say no, no. Then I was gagged. Which was awful. At that point I woke myself, up _______________ I have an awful headache today. I finished watching Battlestar Galatica season 3. Last night I watched Heroes, and taped them on to shiny Dvd's
More Library art.

Sneaking a break from work

Hello to all my readers from work, I have sneaked off here. Just to say Hello, to my favorite people. My readers. I have two more hours of work left. Then I shall be gone, until Saturday, at 8am. Friday is the busiest day for me, at work. So I am glad, I shall be at my leisure tomorrow


Why everyone needs a Hero I took notes, on the first episode. The series came highly recommended. I can't seem to find my notes. I mean't to write this up, a while back. I noticed the first episode of the series is on sale. So I'll write here about Hiro and Claire. Who ever has been writing this, has also been watching lost. It was Lost, that first did the subtitles in prime time. The use of Flash back. The ships passing in the night. ( The leads cross each others paths before there meeting on screen) There is a little B5 and BTVS here. There is a lot of foreshadowing. Hiro, the Japanese salaryman who can teleport. Is descended of Jin from Lost. Although he is Japanese rather then Korean. He is an everyman charcter. He is an innocent. Like a child, he must learn to speak. (The series follows his learning of Japanese to English) The references to spock, and Kirk. Star trek, Claire Bennett. Well she is just a peach. (actually I don't like peaches, water melon,
Today is 9-11-2007. The first two numbers, of today's date, will no doubt stir a memory in anyone who reads this. I also remembered something else today, whilst in conversation with my boss. It is also 34 years since General Pinochets coup in Chile. Numbers. Numbers. Signs borrowed from India, through the Arab world Which represent ideas upon which the universe is built. Some numbers from my day: I left for work, at: 1032 am I arrived at work at: 1127am The first book I retrieved was called Accouting, and its shelf number was :8218 I did the Syllable count excercise on my Nintedo DS in: 2.36 minutes I did the calculations x 100 excercise, on my Nintendo DS in: 3.16 minutes. I completed the reading aloud exercise on my Nintendo Ds in 1.54 minutes The amount of Ribena I drank was :330 ml My Jelly snack is :10 cl Beef Tomato and Mustard Sandwiches, I ate: 2 Number of e-mails I had when I checked my PC at lunch time:4 The number of ICQ messages I had, when I came home today :4 I start

Kasia postcard

Another postcard. From Kasia. Kasia I hope you feel better soon. I love writing and recieving letters. I am going to share some here. I am a bit haggard and ragged today. Long day at work, and short night in a my bed

Michael Collins Musical

A lovely postcard from Paris. Care of Granniog. I like it very much.


Dolphins the clowns of the sea. Am I the only one who is reminded of cats.
I have bought ``Battlestar Galatica'' season three. Sadly the bxuom ensign chest and pale eyes does not feature. I watched it last night. Its great: Some spoilers, these are my first impressions Starbuck, Katie sackhoff, is almost as pretty as Valya Jamie Bamber is fat :) On a related note ``World at war '' dvds have also turned up In the debit column. I bought a HD-D DVD recorder from Daewoo yesterday. I still can't get it to work :(
I am going to go to Washington DC, for my Birthday. Washington DC was the first place. I ever went to by myself. I had been in college for a year. In fact I had crossed the Atlantic. Yet DC in November 1997, was the first time I was by myself. No meals to miss. No roomate. It was just me. This time. I brought help... (Oh this time, I will be of legal drinking age. I won't be staying a 30 dollar cab ride away from the city center. I won't be eating at Mickey dees all the time either)