Red Dwarf

Red dwarf

Its amazing how you forget. I first heard about Red Dwarf in Primary school.
From a school mate, whom I remember for crying at a drop of a hat. My sister had a smoke me a kipper I will be back for breakfast T shirt. I bought the videos. I read the books. I read one on a school trip. I bought the magazines. I wrote a fanfic. I wrote a fanfic making light of my best friend. Ripping off the Ace Rimmer plot.

When the 6th series was shown. I was in the first year of College. A fellow student remarked he had waited years for it. I agreed

(There were legal difficulties between the 5th and 6th series, for a cast memeber)

There was an American version staring DS9's Dax Terry Farrell. I looked up a Red Dwarf ST:TNG cross over the first time I was on the net

Well it was the second thing I did ...

SMEGHEAD enough said

Well the show is on again

Its the first episode of the fifth series. This series was something of a reboot. The cast were now searching for Red Dwarf. It having been stolen by parties unknown.
Lister, the hero. As well as the last human being. Is woken up from suspended animation. Well not quite. He is covered with hair, and his fingers nails are curved

``Truly disgustin!''

The rest of the gang are revived, and they give chase to Red Dwarf. Our Heroes pursue there quarry through an asteroid field. Hoping to head them off at the pass.
They then stumble upon a graveyard of spaceships. A recording from a black box, warns of an Alien threat PSIRENS

The humour is mostly from set ups. The scanner is as plain as ``a Bulgarian pin up''. Since the fall of the Berlin wall, and Ryanair. We know that to be false:)

``Engage lie mode''. To quote Kryten. Oh another memory, a classmate, actually calculated the binary code necessary for another quip of Krytens.

1000101100011010011010101 -Don't stand arround jabbering when your life is in mortal danger.

The other is blokey-slobbery. Lister, drinks vindaloo sauce for brekfast. Its very British. (An American would be Tacos and Brewskis ) Unless he rises later, when he prefers freshly strained beer. Or banter. Yeah the Axe man is back. It had 2 black leads. Danny John Jules and Craig Charles. It had no female stars. I wonder if it helped the show. Marking it our as safely male

Kochanski's appearance in season six. I think mean't the show jumped the shark.

The series other plank is SF realism. The Red Dwarf did not have a FTL drive. Starbug, is not equipped with weapons. They worry about their food supplies.

The series even a plot in which Kryten tries to be more human. Foreshadowing ST:TNG's Data. Oh and Lister stuck one on the leader of the third Reich,

There was an element of Religious satire in the earlier episodes. A crack at the Bible. Rimmers parents were apparently quite religious -Hop faith and chairty

A catchy theme tune. Its cold outside. There's no kind of atmosphere rounded off every episode. Oh and it had words. Enterprise had lyrics, and no one liked it. The Boys from the Dwarf could pull it off though

Theres no kind of atmosphere. Da da da
Guest stars included, Timothy Spall, Craig Ferguson, and Gordon Kennedy.
Danny John Jules went on to star in Blade. Craig Charles is now in Coronation street.

Its what I did on thursday nights. How could I forget? I guess I got too old and and too crypto facist


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