30 Birthday

I turned 30 I was given, some money by my parents, towards a minibreak in December.
 My sister gave me some cash today, towards my trip. I got tour of Duty on Dvd from my Brother I recieved birthday greetings, from my friend Nessa. I received Birthday Greetings from my friend in Arkranes, in Icelandic Valya called me on my birthday I got a birthday message from Lilly I got sent a card, from Meika. Granniog said Bon anniversary ESHA, sent me Birthday joy 
 I didn't hear from the Good Witch of the South, I guess, we just out grew each other. Thank you to my friends, who made feel happy today. If I forgot you, drop me a line, and I will remember you here


Nessa said…
:) *does a birthday jig*
Sahara said…
Belated Happy Birthday!

Everything's a bit busy here at the moment.

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