Mr Malchera goes to Washington

I went back to work today. After a sluggish start, I was worried. I would be late. My day went well. A nice birthday card, from my friend Miss Misery, awaited me. Work was fine. People asked about my holiday Work, was brisk, and busy. I came home, and did my excercises. Last Wednesday. I went shopping. After a hearty breakfast. My brother and I travelled to the Metro center on the Washington Metro. We stopped off at Macey's. Where I bought, a pair of Jeans. A Jumper, and a top. Then came the cherry on top The nice lady serving me. Noticed my passport. I keep dollars, in my Passport, as I can separate, the 1$'s from the 20$s and 50$s. (1 Dollar bills, are a bane of my holidays.)After being sent up to the top floor, to collect a voucher. Then we went for a walk. We went through Washington's Chinatown. Which had a Starbucks, advertising its wares, in English and Mandarin. From there, to Union Station. Where, I bought two DVDS, namely Heroes and Jericho.  I then kicked myself, as I left the shop. I saw, Transformers, the Movie on DVD 
Then I kicked myself again, seeing the Vivid videos Dvds. As well as picking up two UNC baseball caps. One sky blue, One white. I made a slight mistake, with the price. When buying the caps. It was 40 dollars, rather then 20. Oh well! I picked up my stamps, and went back to the hotel. I spent the evening, writing postcards. Then we went back to the Irish times, and the Dubliner.


Nessa said…
So wait, don't the dvds only work in certain regions or are you fancy with a special DVD player and TV?

Vivid Videos huh?

I just realized that you may not have my new address Ru because I still haven't gotten your post card :(
Malchera said…
I have a multiplayer, DVD player. Though if you get a new computer. You can keep the old one, and change its dvd reigon.

None, of the Americans I sent cards, to seems to have got a reply. Yet so fingers crossed...

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