The Spy Museum

On Thursday, my brother and I went to the Spy Museum in Washington DC. ( We were holidaying there) The Spy Museum, was located off Whitman avenue in DC
Walt Whitman, is the man who wrote``   O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won''

 Whitman's words adorn, the metro stations around DC.
   As I said  we traveled to the Spy museum. It cost about 20 dollars for our tickets 
. One was not allowed to the film, inside the Museum. Which was a disappointment. Once inside, the main doors, you went through a lift, with flashing lights. 
Such as in the start of Alias or a James Bond movie 
Then you entered a room, where you had to choose a secret identity.-A legend
. Then I watched a film, narrated by Linda Hunt. (Linda Hunt, who played a man in  the year of Living Dangerously ``Could you be the unmet friend? ''
 Then we saw the exhibits. A mock up of a submarine. ``The Wooden Horse'- from the P.O.W camp not from Troy ' silk maps. A tool kit, which could be concealed with in the rectum. 
The vicious weapons, of the SIS. Knife, club and garrote, which could be hidden, in a palm.
 I crawled down an ventilation shaft, trying not to alert the sound sensor. Iron Felix, the founder of the KGB has his office  recreated. As was the code rooms of Bletchy Park. The UK is represented by The CambridgeFive too. Mata Hari was  remembered too. T
he Gift shop was great. Cameras disguised as coke cans. James Bond sound track 

 Speaking of Spies.... I did receive word from Moscow that day

  A  postcard from my friend Valentina. From Russia


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