Mr Malchera goes to Washington part 2

So my brother and I having arrived in Washington, woke up after an early or late night. Depending on what timezone your living in. We went down to breakfast. I ordered a full Irish Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Soda bread Black and white pudding. That was also garnished with a strawberry. Not something I remember from my childhood holidays.

We then set off to explore DC. We took the city's metro. We purchased a fair card. After a bit of tooing and froing with the electronic gates. We managed to get aboard, Washington DC's Air conditioned Subway. We got off at the Metro centre, and followed the signs. The first famous site we saw, was the White House

I had meant to film it with my Video camera, however the accursed instrument, was playing up. From the Whitehouse grounds, a heron swooped over us. Washington, must have a lot of Green areas, that are undisturbed. We could see men, patroling the rooftops of the Whitehouse. My brother asked, what would happen, if he climbed over the fence. I told him, our friend on the roof, would end his holiday. We then walked onto the national Mall. The Whitehouse sits as the peak, of the Lincoln Memorial- Capitol Hill, Triangle.

Its two miles, from the Capitol building to the Lincoln memorial

This is the Washington monument. Its more weatherworn, and robust, then it appears on Postcards. From there we went to see Mr Lincoln. Past the World War two memorial. Where people still leave flowers, and pictures. We went past the reflecting pool. Which was patroled by geese. You don't want to disturb geese

Was that a problem? I would say the FBI, should have got onto the Case. However there offices seemed to be closed.


Nessa said…
Neat! I have enjoyed your holiday post!

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