
Showing posts from February, 2008

Today in History

Valentina was born. Happy Birthday Valya!
Robots should be armless ``Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range?'' TOP boffin Noel Sharkey has warned that giving robots guns could pose a threat to humanity. According to AFP, the University of Sheffield professor told Britain's Royal United Services Institute that autonomous, gun-toting robots developed for warfare could easily fall into the hands of terrorists and may one day unleash a robot arms race. Sharkey said that intelligent machines were increasingly being deployed on battlefields around the world. The first three armed combat robots fitted with large-caliber machine guns were deployed to Iraq last summer. Sharkey had no problems with the status quo because a human finger has always been required to push the button or pull the trigger. However he said it was vital that did not change. He is worried that one of these robots could be nicked and used by terrorists to replace suicide bombers. However he is also concerned that artificial intelligence could be used
Elskan would agree with me. Welcome home, Valya Happy Birthday Kas! I must protest. I am a fan, of the series lost. I have been following on dvd. A big meanie and a magloi. Tells me they have seen the first 4 episodes.

Round up Mike Bastard

I saw this picture last night. It was part of a circular e-mail. Many of you may have seen it already. I have not stopped laughing since I saw it. I watched ``Trials and Tribble-ations'' Its that time of year again. I had to fill in my student loan forms. Yesterday was Man's day in the former Soviet Union. I recieved best wishes from my friends in points East. I hope my Valya is enjoying her holiday Stick to Sprite Elskan
My Mother had her birthday, on the 20th Feb Today, the 21st Feb, is my brothers Birthday Many happy returns to them both

Whose Shoes?

Are these yours shoes? They have been causing a rucus. I have Wednesday and Thursday off. Which is also my Brothers and my Mothers birthday Good luck, and a safe trip to my Valya. She is off to Prague, and then the spa towns of the Czech republic.

There will be blood

There will be blood Upton Sinclair, was an American writer. A socalist. (Sinclair actually ends up in the TL-91 series as the first Socalist President of the USA) His novel Oil is adapted for the big screen It has two great performnaces. The prospector,(Daniel Day Lewis) and the Preacher, (Paul Danio) The prospector adopts a son. After striking oil. Paul Danio plays two roles. The two brothers Eli and Saul Cirian Hinds, (HBO's Rome) turns up as Daniel Day Lewis secretary They give the boy, H W, whiskey in his milk. This was not uncommon, in the time. In part it was a means of keeping the children quiet. Also unpasteurised milk, is dangerous. It could be seen as King Lear, with Oil money. I found the plot a little simplistic I suspect thats Sinclairs, influence. The strength of this film, is that is truly a window to the past. Plainviews office, is by the railway. An oil derrick, made with lumber. People to poor to grow their bread. The Sundays, were goat farmers, w
I am spending sunday lazily. As some of you have seen I have been somewhat tired this week. I have had a good week, more or less. I saw Juno. I have written down, my thoughts about that film. I will post it. Anway, I was looking for a way, to make the time pass at work. I have been having problems with my camera phone. When my eye was caught by the title of a book. We have a whole series of book's at work. Which address Womens issues. From the point of view, of the Victorian Gentry. There a fascinating insight into another world. For example, my friend the Blogger Miss Misery, has a sister. Should I accompany them to the Blacksmith, or to the Horse fair. I must asked which is the older sister, as she would occupy the place of honour closest to me. I hope my friend in Austria feels better, and kisses to my friend in Akranes
It would be juvenile to make jokes about cunning lingusts I have a busy day at work. I must run

Valentines day 2008

Happy Valentines day I wish you all a happy Valentines day. I'd like to thank my friend in Akranes, for the lovely cards, As well as my Valya, Kas, and Moscow Cat, for their cards Y'all take care :)
Roy Scheider 10 November 1932, 10 February 2008, (Police chief Martin Brody, Dr Heywood Floyd, Captain Nathan Bridger) Rest in peace.
Congratulations to my friend Kate, who has started to work as a Notary. I wish her well at the ball, tonight. I hope she has a lot of fun
I recieved a parcel, from my great Valya, from St Petersberg, Delicious choclate and a postcard, of the Aurora. The ship that bombarded, the Tsars palace and started the Revolution I danced for joy
A very happy birthday, to one of my friends, in Akranes. I heard he had a great time! Someone worked very hard, to make it a very special day
I saw Cloverfield, the other day. I like the film, a lot. If I write a review, I will end up spoiling a lot about the film. This picture was inspired by the film. Its Timosha, and his mistress thwarting the evil plans of Monsters I send hugs, and sweets to Granniog.

Goodbye Sydney ! Alias final episode

As some of you may know. This time last year I bought an exercise bike. It was part of my effort to quit smoking. I doubt there are few things more boring then exercise. So to keep my mind sane, while I exercise. I have started to watch DVD's last month, I worked through, the third season of Lost, as well as the the 5th season of Alias. I had bought it a while back. I had never been able to find the time to watch the series. I had first become aware of the series a few  years ago. Alias was on Sky a double bill with Dark Angel.  I didn't follow it at first. One day I taped an episode. ``The Box'' which featured Quentin T as a guest star. From then on I was hooked. Goodbye Sydney ( In the background there you can see Bradley Cooper)  Jennifer Garner is beautiful. Oh and she is from West Virginia- This is referenced in her character's code name Mountaineer I am in Love with Sydney. She is so smart. I wish I could speak languages like her.  ``Little Ears'