Iceland, Island

Iceland Island

I think, I saw Ulrika Jonsson, british tv star. She was wearing a cowboy hat. This was while I was waiting for my flight.

The flight over there was great. I watched the Simpsons, and whilst glancing over the seats. I saw Katie Holmes, on Batman Begins. Oh my  I had terrible heartburn though, (nerves)

After we landed, the customs police in Iceland. Pulled me over they wanted to look into my bag. I was worried as i had beer, they x rayed my case. Which revealed my stash of antacids.

My innocence established the Blonde constabulary officer waved me through

I met  my Astin Min, at the airport, she kissed me. It got better from there:) She drove me, to my hotel. Then explained to her cranky Malchera, that I would have to wait for the clerk.

Iceland.  Is a land of Snow covered mountains and Glaciers. Rekyjarvik reminded me of Sligo, or Killibegs.

My Astin min, and I  went out for dinner, and did walk around for a bit. We saw where Regan met Gorby in 86.

The next day, we went to the mall. We had Macdonald's, It came to about, 6 pounds. Food and booze, is expensive in Iceland. Then back to my hotel.

Then my Astin min, had to go.

I then went into Rekyjarvik. I had a few beers, and came home. I walked in and out. Beer came to about 5 Euros, £4 or 9 dollars  for each Beer.

Next day, the weather was lovely. My Astin min,  had to drive her father to hospital  So I toured, some of Reyjarviks landmarks. The Catherdral. The settlement Museum. rurr kirk

This me up on the Kirk,


The sculpture garden. I went up the Catherdral tower. I got a bit lost. II bought a book on the Vikings. I drank a Dr Pepper. Then my Astin Min  called me.

We met back at the hotel. My Astin min, and her wee Angel. we chatted for a bit. Then we drove to Akranes.  Akranes is linked to the capital. By an tunnel under the bay.

My time with my Astin min, was wonderful. I was in heaven, with the Angels. I watched Cartoons.

I was treated to a Magic show, I saw a great collection of Diggers.  I feasted on sweet and sour chicken, and the service, in Akranes. Is excellent. I took the bronze medal, in a running race. I was chastised. I was tested on my Vocab.

A truly wonderful time. I was so happy.


rur viking mall

Oh I bought a Viking Helmet. At the Mall


The next day, after my Astin min, had seen to her duties. We were together. Which was yndisleg, even storkostleg!

They eat cheese and jam, for breakfast, in Iceland its quite nice.

Then on to the Viking Museum, and the Geysir. We braved the wind, and the rain.  A sandwich, at the Phalic mall, and then it was time, to go back to the Airport. It was not easy to leave. Its harder to write how sad, I am I had to leave

I am so glad I went


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