Age of Empires

My friend Miss Misery challenged, one and all, to a game of MarioKart, on the Wii the other, day. I have a co worker who will take a week off, to immerse himself in the ``World of Warcraft''

My favourite computer game. Or video game, whatever the cool kids, are calling them now, are the age of empires, series
I first discovered the game, in a demo disk, one of my brothers had picked up. I downloaded the demo, on the old Hewlett Packard. It may have been on a 2.5 disk.
I played the demos day and night. I was hooked.
I should explain the premise. Of Age of empires. its a real time strategy game. You basically try to dominate the world. You start of with a stone age tribe, and by collecting resources, you build up your military and industrial base, to a point, where you can beat your neighbours in combat, or surpass them in public worlds, wealth or points.
So, you tribe, starts off, gathering fruit from bushes, and hunting animals, and later learns how to farm , build fishing ships, and trade
The demo version. I obtained, had a series of games, set during the Punic wars. It gave me the chance to play Hannibal. I had always had an interest in Ancient Carthage.
I resolved to buy the series. I went to the shops, and picked up Age of empires, the rise of Rome. Expansion pack. For 30.00. Only to discover to my horror, I needed to by Age of Empires. I had to wait a week, before I can return and exchange the product. I was temping at the time. I earned the money to buy the game. Working at a race track. Washing plates.
I picked up the rest of the series later. Finally I got my hands on the expansion pack, and then. The Age of Titans spin off. Which deals with Greek mythology. I did not like that so much.
As well as the follow ups. The Age of kings, The Age of Kings, the Conquerors expansion. I even have it on my sorely neglected Nintendo DS. I was some times seduced by the rival Cossacks franchise.
So why do I love this game.
1: Its pretty good history. A High school student, wishing to pick up something about the ancient world. Would do far worse, then to simply play the game, and read the manuals. The help, feature. Was tired to a database, with pretty good overview of the Roman legion. The Balista, or the Galley.
Playing the game, you see the different that the wheel barrow, and handcart made, in productivity. You learn the importance of logistics and finance. You often run out of gold. You can only support 50 piece, Villagers, fishing boats, catapults and soldiers.
In the later editions, the villagers, have gender. They also speak in their native tongue's
2 I get to be Hannibal, or Alexander. Or in the later games, Brian Boru, or Cortez. The Age of kings, expansion, features maps based on the real world. So one can invade Iceland, or liberate Mexica.
3. There is a map editor, built into the game. I get to design my own worlds. I get to loose myself.
The game is nearly 10 years old. I reinstalled it onto my PC today. It was an argument of an age of empires game. That was the last straw with a girl. I used to know.
I was playing Age of empires, when I got the first message from my friend Tan.  I once tried to play the game online, and got beaten horribly by a load of 8 year olds.
For most of the time, Its there on my hardrive, overlooked by e-mails, and MP3 but its always there, ready to take me somewhere else. Which is what makes a good book, and a decent computer game


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