The Chronicles of Narnia.

The Lion and the Witch and the Wardobe.

I have read the book, and seen two other versions. Of clive staples lewis work.
One was a Cartoon version, of the 1970s. Where they wore flares.
We had the BBC's 1990's remake on video as well.

As I thought about going to see Prince Caspian, I thought, I might as well, pick this up.

I was most pleasantly suprised.

I am familar with the Narnia series being viewed as a Christian Metaphor. This is of course true.
Yet that is not the be and end all of the story. Disney have made a war movie.
Thats not as asburd as it seems.

Just to drop some history in here. The children, are evacuaees. The UK, evacuated inner city children, and occasionally their parents.
Well, their mothers, sometimes. To the countryside, to speare them, the tender mercies of the Luffwaffe. C.S Lewis, took in a few children.

Can you imagine this happening now.

Lucy seemed much younger, then in the BBC version. Or I guess I am just getting older. The children bicker, and bark at each other.
Lucy, is triumpthant. I told you he was real. Susan, is told off for being smart.
Susan's fate at the end of the Narnian series has angered some. Edmund is a nusicance. As boys of that age are. Sullen defensive and sneaky.

Kudos, to Ms Hawthorne, on her Northern accent.

James Macavoy plays the faun. One nice touch, he shuffles his hoof, upon entering his home.

Whilst the Faun, tries to lure lucy, to sleep. We see an image of the Lion. Aslan.
I am note sure about this. I don't want to check the book. Yet I thought Aslan, was not responsible,
it was Tumulus guilt, and shame, that prompted him to action. Rather then Aslan, which hints at a form of eternal vengance.

After Edmund has recieved his gift, its notable, the dwarf, hurls the goblet away.

We are not heroes , we are from finchley. Mrs T might disgaree.

I believe in a free Narnia. The beavers, the badgers, the fox, can be seen as the little folk.
The plebs, and peasants. Who are being opressed, by the wolves. The last throw of the dice of the Nazi movement styled itself Werewolf
It was written in the dark days of 1940. When the war was going badly.

We see Tumulus and edmund, in the Witches Ice palace, dungeon. Edmund keeps giving away information, risking everything,

The sacrifice of Aslan, at the Stone table. Has a more of a ritualistic element then in other versions.

The forces of darkness, are the Witch, the wolves, Minotaurs, goblins and bad dwarfs.
The Witches chariot is lead by Polar Bears, A dig at the the Golden Compass

Peters battle with the wolf, is perhaps toned down. I remember the BBC's version. In retrospect. I think that was better.
BBC, did a red mist thing, and the wolf was more anthromorphic. Perhaps there was some squeamishness, about killing an animal.

Peter is more of a relucant Hero, when told by the centaurs, thats weapons and numbers do not win, battles he remarks, yes but he is sure they help

The Phoneix flying and flaming the field, is something only modern CGI can do

The lord of the rings influenced, cast of thousands battle, is something I wondered about.
The strength, of the film, was the effect of the Witch, of the terrible winter, always cold, never christmas on, the little people.
They were not shown fighting, this makes some sense, Orcs, wil swat beaves, but something is lost, with anoymous centaurs, dashing off to glory.
If the little people, the smallest beasts, were good enough to suffer, why not to fight.

After the triumpth, the heroes return to the spare oom.


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