Sunday 20th July

I am still having problems, with my DVD recorder. I suspect that the machine is worn out.  I would have thought it would have been the freeze frame that went first

My Internet connection seems, patchy. I can't find, the Nero cd, for my computer.

They are looking for people to supervise at work again. I will almost certainly apply. It is not something I relish. Supervising people, is annoying.

A little story, one of my coworkers, has got outside calls cut off, for our department, by constantly being on the phone. They could have transferred her, they could have sacked her, they could have warned her.  Instead they just cut off the phone


The work becomes more frustrating. I have to chase down individual items, and determine what happened to them.

Rather then applying myself, to a set goal. Do these requests, escort this item here....

On the other hand, I have been longer in my job, then the Second World War, I want something to show for it


Malchera said…
PS, I have an excite e-mail account. Its a few years old.
I used it to send messages when I was in university, I get one or two newsletters sent there, and I use it for things, I am not sure about. Anyway, excite have redesigned it, and its unreadable

so thanks.
Sahara said…
When your work is starting to frustrate you, maybe you should find a new job. Just keep applying and eventually a better job will come along.
One your job is starting to frustrate you, it's not very likely it will get better because you will only find more and more things you don't like about your job... ;)

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