Contention and loneliness.

The great Gaels.... were the people god made mad.

For all there wars, were merry, but their songs were sad.

GK Chesterton

``Grasping the handle of his sword, and his bronze shod spear, and breathing fury against the foe''


``His face, would Glow, he would strike the table, and say they would yet have a good day''

Earl of Tyrone.

For about a fortnight. I have been restless. Were I a horse. I would be chomping at a bit.

I should explain. Last Monday, we were told, that two managers, and another employee, would be transferred pending an investigation. We were not too make a big deal, of this. Well asking around, fleshed out some more details. Apparently one of the newbies complained in writing to the Older Gods of Personnel.

Well, today, I did some more asking around. Sometimes, you look at things from the side.

I head a whisper, that it not one person, but 6 that complained. If I am right, that means the kingdom of Hades, is divided against itself. It means it cannot stand.

In short, the supervisors, are fighting amongst themselves, but this is more then just them squabbling over tea and snubbing each other. There will be a loser. In a best case scenario, they may destroy themselves. Leaving the field free.


If I am rational, I suppose in truth, there will be no great changes. However the sniff of contention, has made me restless. I am finding it harder to sleep. It is close to being sexually frustrated.

One of the maddening things, at the moment, is that a co worker, who I would have chatted about this has been absent. Perhaps I am just a really big gossip. Perhaps. 

Today, I was looking at the passers by outside the off license, from where I catch the bus. They were carrying booze, and some were smoking, and I thought. Oh it would be nice, to chat with people, and tell them, this. Drink beer, and smoke. Oh and I want to fight.

Perhaps, that's a truth about myself. My work is a source of frustration, of even depression, well, depression is anger internalised. Instead of externalised. 

My job, often frustrates me, I guess because I have no challenges. There is no one to compete against. No intrigues, no greater aims,

No contention

I am remembered forever sniping at Robyn, and her at me. I spend my days at work, accusing of co worker of murder. I text my sister, to tell her she is adopted. My ex, will remember, my super powers. I discovered them in Germany. Graniog probably never wants to hear the phrase. The greatest sword in all France

So I ask the question, without contention, are we doomed to Loneliness. Its imperfection, that produces pearls. Its friction that causes orgasm


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