My brother, Me and the Muggles

The actor Daniel RadCliffe has revealed he has dyspraxia,,2933,405365,00.html

(I know it should be My brother and I. I just think it scans better)

Myself and my brother have the same condition. For years I could not tie my shoes. I think I was about 11 or 12. When I managed to work it out. One day I grasped it. You make two bows, and you knot them.  I still remember asking the girls in primary school. For help with tieing my shoes. I had trouble with wearing a tie. Thank God for the Americans. Who never wear ties.

One Summer my brother, wore a pair of boots for a week. He could not untie, them. No one else, could untie them. He would not tell my father. My mother was away, visiting her relatives. so my brother wore his boots in bed, for a week.

I have awful handwriting. I was not very good, at some sports. Ball games were out. Tennis, Cricket, Hurling, Baseball, rounders.

I was however pretty fast. I finally learned how to make myself useful, if not skilful on a football match. Even today, I chose to get an Excercise bike rather then go to the gym. I didn't want to look stupid, not being able to work the equipment. I should add at this point, that my brother goes to the gym, every week,

Then there is my handwriting. I cannot write neatly. I don't really understand the rules of punctation. My history list, is full, of essays. No one can read. Because I cannot punctuate them. It has probably kept me from getting a better job. I don't have anyone to check my work. I just don't want to ask my sisters. Pride I guess

This was the bane of my childhood. The bane of my adolescence.

If you look at the Wiki. It says I don't make friends easily. I don't.

I have trouble screening out background noise. I don't like the noise of most social situation. I don't like having the music on. It shuts me out.  That and queuing for bathrooms. Paying 10 notes for a weak beer. I am handicapped, not stupid.

But I split with last my gf. After we went to a dance.  I remember the night. I hated it, it was close to my idea, of hell. But do I hate it, because of what I am. Or because of what I think.

OH and I find it difficult, to handle emotional responses then most people. Even then most men. I haven't really posted, what I mean or what I feel, about the dance, and my ex. I am not here to criticise. or to complain. What's done is done.

It keeps me up sometimes. Am I alone, because I am less able to handle relationships. I know as I get older, that I made mistakes for the first years of my adolescence. First mistake was not opening my mouth. Uncertainty, is the worst type of hell, As people who read my essays, or date me, know, sometimes when we give everything. ....



I don't know

I do know

Me Harry Potter, and my Brother. We are different from you.


Learning Center said…
That was a beautiful post. You may have troubles with punctuation but you sure know how to write. Keep your chin up!

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