Today I was thinking about

Should I get early, should I make the effort. I would have more time later in the evening. I am too tired, back to sleep

Esha, is not online. That's no fun

Oh, I have ignored Sveta's answer. Opps!

(Leaves for work 10-30)

(I see a syringe on the street) Oh god, who left that there. Are there going to be druggies hanging around. The park is full of kids. Its an old woman, who live in the street

Asked directions on way to station

I have no idea, where that street is, ask at the post office. Be careful, in the neighbourhood

(At the station)

I could have got on the train, if it had not been full of tourists. Too many suitcases to jump on it. Damn

(On the train)

Pretty Japanese tourists

A woman of middle age, gets on wearing a T-shirt. Stating I have interesting things, pierced, that you would like to lick, I disagree, with her statement.

(I get off, the train)

I walk faster, as I want to miss speaking to a co -worker. I just don't want to be bothered, talking to him. He is not a bad person, in small doses.

Arriving at work. 

His shoe laces are undone

Oh, are letters, about the investigation. Cool, mine is on the 2nd. Do I have that day off. I check. No I am in cool

One of my co workers, seems to be looking at Miss World contestant pics. Her uncle sent them.

(Clock strikes, 1130. I go to work. )

Should have said, to forward me the Miss world pics

I think about the meetings. I wish one or two people were in, so I can gossip with them about the meeting.

I describe the plot of Breaker Morant to a co worker

Breaker Morant

I am excited about my trip to NC. It would be kind of cool, if I met up with some of my old, UNC set. I keep thinking it would be like the Angel, episode ``the old gang of mine'

'Old gang of mine.

(I had the wrong episode.)

Oops. Maybe I should not be making to much of a fuss, about the meetings. Never know who is listening.

I am getting hungry now.

Lunch time

Oh cool a newspaper

I wish I had more cereal bars

Mmm, blackcurrant jelly

Oh Pussy Cat dolls. Nicole, reminds me Paola

I am waiting ages, for a PC

(Return to work )

Oh I didn't recognise, a co worker, when he said hello. I feel kind of bad now

My eye itches, it feels like a skin infection

I am thinking of an answer to give to a question about zoning, on one of my lists. I am thinking of examples from Ireland, Spain, and Iceland. I am thinking about my arguments. Using the UK, as a counter example.

I notice one of my managers leaving. I am pleased, as he won't be in charge this evening. So I will get out early.

I look at my hair, in the lift. It never makes me happy

(I spend about half an hour, working on microfilm)

I see the initials, of a girl. I used to work with, on a report. I think, Oh I had a thing for her. Did I give up too soon. Should I have fought for her. How do I do that anyway.

I am laughing at a joke, on last nights Desperate Housewives. The PBS and Olson joke. I think about what happened in the episode.

Now, I am thinking of that American Dad, episode. Where Francine tries to break George Clooney's heart.

Tears of a Clooney

I hope Charlotte, boss is treating her right.

Then I think about my history list again, demographics, what happened to that girl, in the Turtledove novel.

I joke with a co worker. Then I go upstairs.

Other peoples work. The other department, have drawn this out. I doubt my co worker, would do anything, If I wasn't here.

Ooh, a book about Betty Page.


(I have a tea break, and return to work)

I nag, my co workers, into doing something.

My eye still itches.

Now my back hurts. My sister, has a bad back. Oh no

Now, I have a neurotic moment. One of my co workers, is a 20 year old student. Jess. I like Jess, as she wears a lot of tight clothing.

Anyway, there is a slightly awkward moment. As I move to let Jess pass. We are putting books away. The fool behind me, does not step back. So for a moment. I think we may be touching. Anyway, a few moments later, Jess, is excused to the bathroom. I am worried then for the rest of the day, Oh god. Did she think I was brushing up against her. Oh god. Surely my supervisor would have said something right. Jess, is hardly a blushing violet. I mean she would have smacked me, if she thought, I was taking liberties.

I answer a question, on why King Edwards are so called.

(Home time)

I look at the pretty girls, at the station, whilst I walk to the trains.

Damn tourists, get in the way, on the escalator, and the way to the train.

(I board the Train)

I am crowded in, oh cute picture, of Britney.

Two women get on the train. One has dark hair, is she American?  At the next stop, They move closer to me. I notice the other woman, looks a bit like my ex. I look at her more closely

No, my ex, was much much prettier. The two women, get in everyone's way. They stand in front of seats. Yep, not at all like my ex.

I see some kids, laughing at taking pictures of themselves. Its fun to be young.

I managed to get a seat. A pretty redhead, sits next me. (19 or so) Oh she is beautiful. The girl across the row, has silver shoes. That's sweet.

A toddler is gurgling to himself, It makes me smile

( I get off the train )

Oh there is another gorgeous redhead. looks like Molly Ringwald, when she was young

There is another person, speaking French. I hear a lot of french, around the station. Oops it is Italian.

I look at the station clock. Its 19.00pm. I bet, I will be ages, coming home now.

Cute girl with I-pod, is by the bus stop.

I look at the wine shop, next to the bus stop. There is a kid, in the shop, looking at the wine bottles. He is with his mum, or possibly his nanny. She buys him sweets. She plays with the kid. Poor kid, is freezing.

Lazytown. I think of Lazytown.

I get more and more annoyed. Waiting for the bus. I won't be home till 1930 PM. The bus will be packed. I could be home, now, if I lived in a safe neighbourhood.

I get on the bus. I read an article about the repeal of the act of succession.

I get off the bus, two pretty blonde Aussie's, on the bus. No, I-pod girl. Shame

I walk to my street. I feel much better now. I offer a silent prayer, for my safe return home. I give thanks for my friends, and wish they and their families, well. Oh I hope Valya is behaving herself.

My neighbours door, is open. Oh good, there not there. I just didn't want to say hello. I just don't feel like it

I notice a car, with a sticker for a rival soccer teams, bastards

(I arrive home)

My eye still itches.

My hard drive/dvd player won't load. I missed the Simpson's

I settle on`` My name is Earl''.

Oh advert for ``Smallville''. Esha loves that show.

Cool Burt Reynolds, starring in my name is Earl :)

Yes, Joy flashed her bra!

Time for dinner.


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