Paint it Black

I got up cranky today. I doubt my mood, will improve.

Anyway, those of you who, read my friend Nessa's blog.

Will have seen, her talking about a song for the day. Well, I think I will steal the idea. I have basically stolen, the map, and other ideas :)

I have paint it black on my phone. I use my phone as an MP3 player.

I must have first heard the song, on the TV series tour of duty.

I was being babysat. I was about 9 or 10 It was a family friend, and he had brought over his pc. We were playing on his PC.

Operation Wolf :)

Anyway, arround 11am. He turned on tour of duty.  I will write about the show, some other time.  I remembered the song, though. It stuck with me. Even though I was a child.

Through my adolescence, which is just a miserable time. I remembered the song, and the words.

``I see the girls, walk past, in their summer clothes.

I have to turn my head, until my darkness goes''

Thats what my teenage years were like. Misery and loneliness, weighing so heavily that, you can't do anything about it. You don't want to be consoled you, want to be angry.

The lyric which stays with me now is

``If I look hard enough into the settin sun
My love will laugh with me before the mornin comes''

Staring into the sun, is an act of madness, and there is of course the idea, of those who are just beyond the horizon. King Arthur, and Finn Mc cool, in Legend. Somewhere they sleep,  beyond the horizon.

I guess thats where lost loves go

To end on a lighter note. I always look for this in Karoke, and I once listened to a good version of this in Hawaii, from a stones cover band


Nessa said…
Thief! Thief!

heheh! Please feel free to do a song of the day! Music makes and breaks the soul. Paint it Black has some meaning to me too. Love it!

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