Cheers Havard

I came home from the pub, at 1am. I did not wish to repeat last years excess. A pity, because at one point I was chatting with a raven haired beauty

I woke up at 6am. I could not connect to the internet, and I fell in and out of sleep. I had a nightmare. I have been plagued by them this holiday. Then I went to the Hotel lobby, as the wireless internet would connect there.

I then had a snackfood breakfast, posted off my Postcards, and my brother and I went to see Cheers.

We then walked over the Longfellow Bridge, into Cambridge. After some time, we reached Havard. In truth we were looking for Best buy.

We went into the Museum of art. We saw masterpieces by Manet, and Van Gogh. A stater of Julian the apostate, and some fine nudes.

Then crossing the common. A Fresher’s skirt blue up, revealing her red panties

Cheers Havard!

PS. Very funny poster of J Phoneix, with a beard, and dark glasses Warning one and all, not to let this happen to them

PPS. It was a bit weird being in Havard. You realise, your not the smartest person, in the room. I don’t know why this affected me, so much. I chat with Val all the time


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