Springing forward, sailing away

The clocks went forward today. I woke up at noon. After a light breast. I sat down to a lovely Sunday lunch.

I had meant to go out and buy a new printer. I am just too lazy. If I had a car. I would drive down, to the store and pick one up. I have a voucher, with which I would buy a printer. However its for a particular type of store. I was quite frankly, lazy today. Despite being bright. Its not a little chilly.

I watched Oxford win at the Boat race. Every year Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Race down the Thames. Two sets of 8 man boats. I used to go rowing at High school.Its back breaking. I never ever once got to be cox. (Sitting at the front of the boat, and shouting stroke, stroke. There is no way to keep the double entendre out of discussions about rowing)

Anyway Oxford once, easily. They were bigger and better then Cambridge. One of my earliest memories is going to see the boat race. My father took us. Myself, and possibly my brother. Maybe my sister. Not two youngest siblings. They were not yet born. I remember the crowds. I think there were so many people there we could not get near to the actual river. I don’t remember seeing the boats. I remember seeing the TV Helicopter. It was bright Yellow. My father pointed it out.

My father, like his father has always taken an interest in rowing. Even the very English Boat Race draws his eye. One of the last memories of my Grandfather. Is watching rowing at the Olympics with him. He recalled seeing French Tourists one year rowing in very fancy boats My family were fishermen who kept the odd cow, and worked a small potato patch. Rowing was as natural to them, as using a keyboard or driving is to us

I worked on that fluff piece for my work newsletter. I am about to fill out a form. I hope you all had a good day


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