Wolverine X Men origins

Wolverine X men origins
If you like Hugh Jackman, you will like this film.
 I bear Jackman, no ill will. One of the Barmaids at the local, is a farn of his .
 So I saw this, to chat to her about it. I was tempted to spoil the ending for her. She was not there last night. So I can’t
The film starts off in pre confederation Canada. A young lad, is shivering with sickness. 
His older brother regards him coolly. A man his father comes into console him. Its Shane Ramsay, from Neighbours. Last time, I saw him he was in Time Trax
Anyway Jimmy wolfs out. After being disturbed, by altercation, between his mother, and another man. Which killed his father.
Except, it wasn't his father
There is a nice scene, before the fight. When Shane Ramsey asks the older brother (Victor) to check on his mother. His response is icy. ....Its not my name she is calling''
Anyway, we see the boys fighting. USCW, WW1. WW2. Vietnam. There are some good, scenes
Hugh Jackman does saving Private Ryan
After an incident based on
Victor goes mad
The two brothers are arrested, and shot. They revive, and are thrown in prison. There is a nice scene in the prison, where colonel Striker, asks them to join his black op
The pair are joined by a set of other super powered people
including the Lost alum :
and one of the Black eyed peas!
There is a set piece, of a raid on a diamond smuggling centre in Nigeria. A nice piece of whimsy, where the elevator still plays music.
They are after a meteor fragment. That the African gangster keeps on his desk.
The team travels into the bush. There is another incident, with helpless African villages. Sicken. Logan, leaves them all behind. Abandoning his team and his brother
We then meet up with our hero in the Canadian Rockies. There are some beautiful scenes of the mountains, and forests.
Our hero, is leading a content life- living  a school teacher.
 for a while the film becomes Hugh Jackman does little house on the prairie.
It is at this point. One of the writers remembered Wolverine has certain traits. He is Canadian. He smokes. I actually felt sorry for Jackman here. In playing a comic book character he has two challenges.
He has to flesh the character out Make him 3- Dimensional 
He will never be perfect. Everyone has there own batman. Jackman, might have been able to skirt around it in the X men movies. Here he has to carry it for himself. He has to be Wolverine. Saying bub, and chewing a cigar now and then are not enough. Indeed they feel tacked on
Wolverine loses his lady. After she tells, him a story from Amerindian myth. About the Moon who was separated by her lover, by the trickster
His lady is lost! - By Victors hand.
Lev/Victor does a good job. He worked in horror movies, and at times. Particularly the fight with Gambit, in New Orleans One gets the feeling its:
Hugh Jackman, does interview with the Vampire.
A chase scene earlier. was Hugh Jackman doing the great escape. Oh, and even Frankenstein, where Jackman is taken in by an elderly couple. He even sleeps in a barn.
There is a cute scene. Where Wolverine experiments with his claws for the first time.  The claws however end up looking very fake. The CGI really was not good here. A pity because the wash basin cut in half, was a nice image
I could go on. I don't need to. In the end, all's well that ends well. There are a few surprises. Which I give them credit for.  Cyclops, is eye ray is well realized.
Oh and one spoiler
Okay here it comes
Captain Picard saves everyone in Airwolf
If you like Hugh Jackman, this is the film for you. As a movie, it was better then X-Men 3. Its a tougher role, to play then I think is realized. However Jackman, who is more of a classically trained actor. Is playing a part. Its a pity they didn't play to Jackman's skills and draw upon more of wolverines early life.
But there is a Franchise
I would give it a :
B-/C +


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