
Showing posts from August, 2009

Fair Gabriella

(From ``Sleeping under the cross’’)   Juan knew he should have been recounting his ordeal to Gabriella Oh she was beautiful. Her hair was like drying corn. The strands of gold shone out. Her eyes green like the plains. Green and full of life. Her body, concealed in dark serge. More bountiful then his masters fields. Juan knew Gabriella had got her letters from somewhere Oftentimes Juan wondered if the maids wit was greater then his. For simple Gabriella parried his approaches like an expert duelist. Juan never doubted that the great God in heaven has a plan. Yet he had often seen, that his earthly Lord had trouble realizing his scheme on earth. Someone needed to oil the muskets, and keep the street rats, and Indios from running riot. The great General relied on his Captains. A Captain, should have a woman, to comfort him. Thus Juan would have been relating the importance of his role in  recent events. Juan would be impressing on fair Gabriella the dangers that he had faced

Bon anniversaire Charlotte

Happy Birthday Granniog

Update 29 August

I have a cold sore today. I think I had stomach troubles last night I slept well last night. I got an accidental call, from LG. It was awkward today. Then again one of my co workers I despise might be leaving. I am not sure if I can go to NC. I want to break the cycle of things.

Wit and Wisdom

Seen in a drycleaners window, in a more upscale neighbourhood


One of my co workers, has got a job on a nurses helpline The bastard

Edward (Ted) Kennedy

(1932-2009) Died this morning, 77. After a battle with cancer. Last of the Kennedy brothers. Father of the Senate.  Always standing in the shadow of Chappaquiddick and Camelot

Old Skool tie

I had to get my glasses fixed. I walked past my old High school. This was the staff entrance. We were not allowed to walk through it. Until our final year. The staff room was next to the entrance. You were not allowed to knock on the staff room door. You had to wait until a teacher entered or left. There was the line for the week, posted next to the door of the staff room. Another view, of my old School. We had to cross over the street, to get the new building. Notoriously a kid grabbed his balls, when they were filming a promotional video for the school, and it got into the final cut. Last picture is me, frowning at the bu stop, I used to wait at to catch the bus home. Next to the Bus stop is a large fancy Hotel. The Hotel , had a set of hedges where I once found pornography, from what must have been from the early 1970s. The journey home, always seemed so long. There used to be stewardesses and other Air crew, using the hotel. I used to stare at them. I was 11 year

Inglorius Basterds

Its several stories joined together. The Basterds a Jewish force behind German lines To terrify the Germans. There is the story of a Jewish Woman hiding in Paris. Who is has a German soldier pestering her for attention. There is the Jew Hunter Colonel Hans. A great performance, by the Austrian Actor. Christoph Waltz People forget, Austrian ruled the Balkans, and it ruled them hard Affable Austrian charm. All cream, and smiles. Then he kills people Most of the film is subtitled. There are indeed several jumps in language. French to English. German, to English. A plot point hangs on a trait of body language Colonel Hans name checks Reinhart Heydrich. The Hangman of Prague The most beautiful Daughter of the French  Dairy farmer is called Charlotte. Yes I have found this to be trueélanie_Laurent Is lovely. Its nice to see Diane Kruger act. Playing a German movie st

The Minstrel boy I love that song, I loved that show. `` I am not going to win this one ‘’

Away to the Fitba

The soccer season started today. I went to a football match. My team drew 1-1. They were unlucky. I thought we were cheated out of a penalty. As the opposing keeper, caught hold of one of our forwards There was also a lady. With huge breasts. Who rather gamely walked up and down, several steps of stairs in front of the crowd. I admired the artisan ship of her brassiere

A candle in my window

The last of the summer sunshine slipped away. Though I am sure there will be some fine days in September. There are those who wander, who I wish would return home

Smiles better

I managed to get some sleep last night ! I went to the Dentist today. I escaped with just a polish. My Dentist had dyed her hair, and I did not recognise her. She told me I had been taking very good care of my teeth. Its nice and warm. Pretty girls in summer dresses, grace the streets. I walked in some of the way too work. Sat in the courtyard, enjoying the sunshine. I am kind of scared, I have the flu though :(

Belated Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday Mrs A Rhodes….

1 out 12

I went to work today I listened to my music I kept busy. I stayed out of the way. Tomorrow, I have to do it, all again Such is my life now.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Mag…

Everybody draw the dinosaur

Playing with the drawing feature on my new phone. I then cleaned it up, via paintbrush. The text should read 100 MYA BC

G. I Joe

It’s a toy commerical. Its really silly. Its not bad The film starts in France.In the 1640’s  With a Scottish laird. The Clan Chief of the Macallans being prosecuted for selling arms to both sides. As a punishment he is forced to wear an Iron mask We fast forward to the future, and the modern Macallan is selling arms, to NATO. Who have a base in one of the stans? Sienna Miller has a lot of fun playing the Baroness. She gets some good lines. ``Nice shoes’’ After she pushes a frightened office drone out of a lift during a robbery General Hawk, is listening to 1940’s music. When there is a raid on the base. The pretty blonde corporal is killed. Stabbed by a one of the baddies That and incident, involving friendly fire seen in flash back. Tells the audience. A lot of whom are going to be boys. That violence has consequnces There was in light of that a fight between the young snake eyes and Storm shadow. The boys fight it out in the Kitchen. With knives, and one of the boys turning on

Take Care Meike

A big hug for my Meike, YOU WERE TOO GOOD FOR HIM

doth Murder sleep

I went to sleep at around 5am this morning. The ending of things with the girl at work, left me restless and troubled. The closeness of the season, did not help either. I sleep in a converted attic, behind black curtains. I must look like a crack dealers lair. Since, two of three years ago. When ever I have been troubled by a woman, or a crisis of some such. I can’t get to sleep. Which starts of something of a vicious circle. As I worry about being tired at work. Then I pass out, and I am rudely awakened. Insomnia, is a a quiet cruel demon, who stalks you when you are alone
Yesterday's Song Sansom and Deliah, by Shirley Manson. It is a cover of an old ``Grateful Dead'' number. I had not connected Garbage, to one of my favourite Songs. ``Stupid Girl'' We will forego a rant about Windows live writer, and You Tunbe's blogger service not working together. I heard the song. In the opening episode of the SCC's Second season. Cameron, the female terminator goes mad, and tries to kill her charge John. So why do I like this song. Firstly, I am feeling a slight nihilism, a rage. Like the Anger of Achilles. I feel I have been slighted. It reminds me of my friend, Valya. Valya, is my protector. My Sansom or Achilles. I guess that makes her slighty dangerous. I am glad she is there for me.

Update 9 August 2009

My parents had their anniversary on Thursday of the last week. They are married 35 years I posted two chapters of Sleeping under the cross, up on its website I am quite hungover today I was watching : Mein Leben Fur Irland (My Life For Ireland) DVD A strange fish. A German Propaganda film, set in Ireland in the 1920s. Curiously the Irish rebel leader is named Devoy. Which may be a reference to John Devoy, or to Dev himself What did you do? I spent my Sunday watching Nazi propaganda I send my best wishes to those who are still celebrating Jamaican Independence day

Uncertainty is hell

Missy called me last night. We had spoken at work I am in two minds. I don’t want to be cheated on. Pushed aside. It is awful being with someone at work. I am calmer when missy is not there. Perhaps I over reacted. Perhaps she is just too young. Then again I do miss her

I am dumped again

Missy, played table tennis after work. With a guy I work with. I despise the fool.  She told me about it. I assume she had dumped me, there and then. So, I was sad for the rest of the day After work. She send me an sms, asking me, what was wrong. I told her. I felt jealous. I told her I am a jealous person. She said, she doesn’t deal with jealously Tomorrow will be agony

A postcard from Irisha

A lovely Postcard from my friend Irisha. She remembered me, whilst enjoying a trip to Croatia

The Taking of Pelham 123

It is a remake. Its lacks the hang dog, charm of Walter Matthau and George Costanzia's father as one of the villains. As well as Robert Shaw, as the first articulate English baddie John Travolta over acts.  Denzel Washington is fine. As Walter Garber. The MTA official James Gandofini, is playing the mayor of NYC. Tired of the fickleness of the plebs. A man who does not even like the New York Yankees. Gandolfini is not going to be Giuliani. Funny in the last movie I saw Jim, he was not being Colin Powell John Turturro puts in a solid performance as the NYC lieutenant. There is a will written scene where he interrogates Garber, briefly. Asking him if he chose his desk There is a twist, with a revelation about Gerber’s past. Chris from the 4th series of the Wire. Turns up as one of the passengers. An Airborne ranger. Amongst the others are a yuppie who can’t pee in public. A geek who is chatting by webcam with his gf.  A  mom and her son make up the rest of the pack. Aside from

Accident of Birth

A short story inspired by an idea of a German victory in WW1 Washington 1940. (Somewhere past the horizon) He would let the man speak. Anything else would be wrong. It would be petty. It would detract from the solemnity of the moment. Even at Weddings the Priest allowed for dissent How did the Vice president say it? ``The Buck stopped here'' For a moment The President felt a smithereens of sympathy for his guest. The Viscount Halifax. A tall spry Man. Born into a Big House. With a crippled hand. In another walk of life. That would have made Halifax a pauper. Yet an accident of Halifax birth. His name written on a baptismal certificate in some English country Parish. Made him a man of means The president found his memory leading him down the lanes again. Halifax and him, were alike. It was an accident of birth that had been his salvation too He had been spared, when all else where killed. He had survived. He remembered the city of his birth, full of ragge

Another Dinosaur post

I was presented with a toy dinosaur, It has joined my collection. Here it stares at the SF section.