Advice I received

First of all you need to decide are you going to let your jealousy control your life or not, you need to concentrate on not being bothered, people live their own life's, you cant control others, that is what your jealous thoughts are trying to make you do. I´m sure you agree that being so jealous does not make you happier. Second, her age doesn't matter, some women are attracted to older men. Third, did you ask her if she was flirting or did you just decide that she was. Try to think of your jealous thoughts as trust issues, you don't need to trust other people, but the fact that you got bothered about her playing table tennis with someone else means that you didn't trust her, your mind went straight to bad thoughts. Fourth, did you think you didn't deserve her and so you had to find some subconscious way to justify to yourself why you should let her go? Why are you angry with her, what did she do really, did she confess to you that she was flirting, are you not just angry with yourself for maybe letting your jealous mind control you.... I don't know if this helps, but you said I could be blunt ... I usually am ...


Nessa said…
Ru, it is good advice. Sometimes it's not nice to hear. Take it in stride and know that a bunch of us care for you and want you to be happy.

Malchera said…
Yeah its from my Icelandic ex. I asked her advice. I have been taking the break up quite hard.

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