Five sites I don’t visit anymore
Buffy Fansite. There were /are some beautiful wallpapers. I miss that show so much!
Jammers reviews
A good site. Decent reviews of star trek episodes, and Battle star Galactica. I started writing Stargate-SG1 reviews at one point, in 2000 or 2001 to give me something to do. I think I saw this site at UNC.
Gate world A similar site to Jammers reviews. Though this time its Stargate SG-1 reviews.  I was quite big into Stargate fandom.
I even wrote two Stargate short stories.  They are on the web someplace. I pissed off alot of people on the stargate forums. I kept wanting them to launch special forces raids off world.  I had a crush on a girl from wisconsin Who was on one of my groups. I ended up moderating a group briefly. Then I pissed off the owner.
Xena studies. I had a long drawn out essay on Celtic themes in Xena. Which has been lost several computers ago. I was talking about Xena today at work. A co worker is watching the DVDs .
I used to get an e-mail every march from my friend Rob. He would host a pick the final 4 tournament. I remember going through the message boards at a job I had at an internet company. Looking for pictures of Anna K the Tennis player. She was big at the time. I used to try and pick the coolest name for my team. I would lose badly as I know nothing about NCAA basketball


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