Funny People.

I remember when Adam Sandler was the funniest man alive. I remember laughing hard at Happy Gilmore. It was my college days.
It was the days of South Park and Cider.
``God bless Hanukhah’’
``OJ Simpson still not a Jew!’’
I remember watching Billy Madison, with my cousins.
I remember talking about going to Hooters in NYC. Talking about how, it had been in little Nicky
I don’ think Sandler holds the title anymore. One of the contenders for the crown would be the Seth Rogan -Jude Aptow partnership.
The people who brought you the 40 year old virgin. Superbad etc etc
Seth Rogan, is playing Ira Wright. A wannabe stand up comic. He is a better salad seller then a comedian. He lives with two other roommates. One is another stand up comic. The other is a mildly successful star of a dreadful Sitcom. Think Nick freno.
There is a good joke made by an African American waiter, about how he forgives Kramer. ``Michael Richards’’
Sandler, plays at a Myspace gig. There is a crack at Craigslist. With it’s erotic services list I think we see Tom. The face of Myspace.
We see former President James Taylor. That’s a crack from when the Simpsons was the funniest show on the Planet
Oh there are even prank phone calls. For when the Jerky brothers were the funniest men on the planet
I will add them, to myspace page
Norm Macdonald, has got old. So has Paul Reiser. Which I guess makes sense, as my two dads was over twenty years ago.  Jackie Gleeson gets a name check. A man so funny it almost cost him his career.
The plot is simple. Sandler’s character a famous comedian is dying. Sandler has a variety of Leukemia  Sandler plays at an open house comedy   gig. Where he goes on before Ira Wright. Sandler bombs. Wright has to improvise and so is strangely funny.
Wright gets a job as Sandler’s PA. Sandler wants to hide his illness from the world. However he wishes to make some sort of peace before he dies. Leading him to contact the girl he really loved, but cheated on, and abandoned…
The film muses on celebrity. Even after Sandler has been given news that he has terminal illness. He must have his photo taken, and pose for the public.  There is a sub plot of Ira and a female comedian, who break up before they even get together
Why do they break up. As Aubrey’s character sleeps with the more famous roommate. A Lovely looking girl Isn’t Aubrey
Sandler’s character has sex, with two women who see him at a myspace gig. One wants to fornicate with Merman. Another is screwing him, because he was her father’s favourite comic. Celebrity, is a public condition. Like pregnancy.
Its a well acted, well written movie. A very good joke about jews and lists. Its lacks something. For a film that dwells on aging. Sandler nearly dies of disease. It takes too long to get the real message you can’t go back.
Oh there is a great Ray Romano joke too!!!!

Its nice to see Eric Bana actually playing a decent role. Rather then brooding as he did in the Hulk. Or sigh as he did in Troy.


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