
Showing posts from October, 2009

Kind of a tough day at work

A tough afternoon. So to speak. I think the symbolism should be easy here


In 2 weeks. I will go to the USA. In a fortnight’s time. I should be enjoying a Coors light and a corned beef sandwich I do not want to go home I want this, trip, to change things at least. There isn’t anything for me here. Nothing that I could not find elsewhere If anyone has any ideas…

To my friend in Rumania

To the Grand Duchess Remember my sweets!

Happy birthday Veronica

belated best wishes

The Boondock Saints

I can see why its a cult classic. I liked it    It is a bit dated. I notice the pager, and the payphone. Though the film is only ten years old.   You can date a film now because everyone is smoking.  They smoke in their offices. They smoke in bars, and cafes. The brothers are supposed to be Boston Irish, but have faux Oirish accents. Its a curious film- There are moments of brilliance. There are moments of madness. There are moments of boredom The brothers are first seen praying, kissing the feet of a crucifix. They work as meat packers. The pick a fight with an angry wyman. Who protests at the term, rule of thumb A fight breaks out over this The brothers head to a bar. Where they celebrate St Patrick's day. The Bar is full of 8 people when a fight breaks out, on St Patrick's day This sets the brothers down the path. A bunch of Russian hoods, try to shut down their favourite bar. ( Its not a pub note) From this incident our bro

Hobbit 419

  H/T to : Dear MR BAGGINS, Fellow Conspirator, I am Thorin Oakenshield, descendant of Thrain the Old and grandson of Thror who was King under the Mountain. I am writing you to discuss our plans, our ways, means, policy and devices for rescuing our treasure from the dragon Smaug. During the reign of Thror our kingdom was a prosperous one. Kings used to send for our smiths, and reward even the least skillful most richly. Fathers would beg us to take their sons as apprentices, and pay us handsomely, especially in food-supplies, which we never bothered to grow or find for ourselves. Altogether those were good days for us, and the poorest of us had money to spend and to lend, and leisure to make beautiful things just for the fun of it, not to speak of the most marvellous and magical toys, the like of which is not to be found in the world now-a-days. Undoubtedly that was what brought the dragon. Dragons steal gold and jewels from men an

Happy Birthday Esha!

A very Happy birthday to my great friend Esha Many happy returns!

Library Haiku

The paper will never stop More and More tickets I sleave and tear all the day

One of those days

I had a problem with the internet this morning. I could not log on at all, before I had to leave for work The coffee machine would not take my money at work. I had to buy a coke There were no seats on the train either. I left a sheet of work. Of a project I am doing, at work. It was the middle sheet. I got a spam email, from a pregnant woman! I hope tomorrow is better

Good luck missy

( This may be the craziest and most unhealthy thing I have ever posted)

I dream of Bob

I had a dream last night that Kevin Smith. Silent Bob, was teaching me English. I was an English class. I was late for his class, and I had not studied. We had been given a pop quiz. One of the answers I had written, was a numeric library code. 2719e. ( A bibliography) I had not really worked for the test. So I copied two peoples answers one was George Orwell. I cannot remember the other one. I am sure he mentioned Orwell as a suicide which is wrong Anyway, Mr Smith found out I had not studied, and was really disappointed with me. I was very upset by that I wonder what it was all about

I am so wet!

I went swimming again today. . I had to go back, and get the right the money. I am sure they put the price up. Then I had to wait to be served. Its a small local pool, I go to. The front desk may well double up as the office. I am exhausted now. I have goggles so I swam faster not having my eyes burned . I think I did about 10 lengths. There were kids from one of the local schools. Were doing life saving lessons in half of the pool There was a very pretty woman, or at least a young lady in a bikini doing lengths in the middle of the pool. I did not know where to look. You cannot stare or you will get thrown out.  I tend to swim underwater. So I worry then do people think I swim that way, to get a look at people’s reproductive organs I swam quite well, today. The muscle memory is coming back. I  still of course live in mortal terror of their being sharks in the pool. Despite the fact that I am in more danger from urine I then paid a dollar for a bag of chips, as I walke

Internet trickery

  Sorry Ms Benz….

5 Good things today

I played a fun game, with my co worker. Amusing sentences based on the titles of books My brother was operated on, and it was a success I had pizza for dinner. I cooked it before I went to work, and it was ready for me, when I came home. Pretty Japanese girl on the train. I have sometime, in the evening as I have finished the bulk of my project in compartment 7

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my middle sister!

Happy Birthday Laura

Many happy returns!!!


I made a dumb mistake at work yesterday. I did not read the catalogue properly. In future. I must remember to be thorough and go through each part

Zombie land

Good fun! There is a reference to Smoky and the Bandit. Tallahassee, can only take Columbus as far as Texarkana There is a reference to Deliverance. The old duelling banjos 1997 is remembered for that great moment of cinema. Anaconda Well, the Zombie movie genre. Is now established enough to have its own spoofs. Following in the footsteps of Sean of the Dead comes Zombie land. Like Scream. It features the rules. Not using bathrooms. The importance of the double tap. Oh and wearing seat-belts. Film is smart enough to show the side effects of a zombie infested world. Not wearing a seatbelt gets you killed. The US flag is shown upside down throughout the film The Zombie’s are given a reason d'être here. Bad beef! I can’t look at Woody Harrelson the same way. After learning that his father is a suspect in the death of JFK. Here is playing a man alone. Taking his murderous rage out on

One day I shall come back A wonderful CGI version of William Hartnell the first doctor, saying goodbye to his Granddaughter Susan, at the end of the Dalek invasion of Earth Giving the ``I shall come back speech This was featured on the 5 doctors VHS, video. Which I bought when I was 12. I got it on sale at a Xmas party in Woolworths. My mothers friend who walked us to school. Got us invites. I got 10% off, and I spent my birthday money buying the video. It was worth it I sold the video to go and  see Chris and Rebecca When they visited London One day, I shall come back…..

The things you miss when you forget your phone

I saw a pretty woman in a nurses outfit


Yesterday my My space account was hacked. There is nothing really valuable in there. I apologise though for any spam I was looking for a Chinese bride for a co-worker I think I have something of a cold. Its a pleasure to start ironing! There is new signage at work banning photography I entered the quiz, at work today. We get a question on our computers, and the first person to check Wikipedia wins. My brother broke his leg!

Busy at work

Working, and learning. Making mistakes. I had a dream, I visited Iceland.

Inherit the wind

I saw the film years ago. It transfixed me. I remember Spencer Tracy’s speech about mankind, stripped of reason is nothing I have been down for a while. So I decided to go and see this on stage. I think Spacey flubbed a line. The horse is stronger and swifter then man. When he has already established the elephant is ``I may be rancid butter but I am on your side’’ A quip from the journalist. I liked this one I felt sad, for the Ministers daughter. A Dixie accent always get me Baltimore, is mentioned as a city of sin. Something’s never change! Music to  this eager viewer of ```the Wire’’ The journalist is based on H.L Mencken. I am a fan of his work, having picked up a paperback version of his work somewhere in the US Brody’s critic of Darwin, as being anti democratic should get more weight. Darwin, influenced Fascism It is a more innocent age. The science teacher can show a smart lad, his microscope and no one sneers, or raises an eyebrow. Brady is made a Colonel, in the stat

A week on!

I had a better day at work then yesterday. There were some downs.  People are reacting to me, being a supervisor. Some with cheers, some with jeers. I managed to find a copy of the staff training manual, and I xerox-ed it. I also distributed copies. I was pleased about this. One negative, was I was looking for a ticket that had not printed. I kept trying to print it on the printing computer. I kept failing One of my co workers, saved my bacon. It was not my best moment. Still the day is done.

A belated happy Teachers day

To my dear friends, who are educators


You are the best!!!

Safe Journey

To my friend Miss Misery. A safe trip to Disneyland!


I see why sulking is controlling. I understood why today, at lunchtime. I might have forgotten already. I understood. It should not have taken a 18 year old to teach me that. So Magga my Icelander, was right about this Its not a nice side of me.  I don’t want to win arguments by sulking. I don’t want to bully people into affection. I pride myself, on my skill at discussing and persuasion Today was not a good day. I hope for better tomorrow

1st of October Chapter 7 I am learning search techniques at work. Learning where the specific catalogues are kept. One I will need a looking glass. Learning the difference between our department and another’s stock is a matter of inches. My brain hurts a bit The manager of  Department deuxieme told me, that they would be happy to have me, visit and even stay. The team was looking forward to it.