DC 2009

After my birthday, which I celebrated with a visit to my favourite restaurant chain. Hooters.
 Where I was served by a beautiful Japanese American lady. A mere slip of a thing at 20 years old. 
Yet older then the last woman I dated. If I had more time in NC, I would have gone to Whiskey River. Which is where the College ladies hang out. I contented myself with a few beers in Connolly's. Connollys Where the lads put on the Ireland France game for me. After drinking up, I had two last beers at the hotel bar. Made a reservation for a wake up call and went to bed. 4am, and I struggled up and out. Past the Soldiers who were checking out too. 
A taxi to Charlotte airport and I was waiting behind a team from Hickory NC. I asked the nice united Airlines lady. Phyllis if I could alter my plans. After a lot of tooing and froing on the phone. I scowled and muttered to myself as the skilled customer services operative got me my transfer. Then a smooth flight to DC and after watching someone argue over a transfer to JFK. My layover in DC was arranged. I called Valya telling her I was coming to see her I found a nice hotel room. Best Western Dulles Airport. I paid in cash, helped myself to the complimentary breakfast, leered at Robin Mead.
 Then I showered. The hotel staff directed me to the airport shuttle, where I could catch the 5A into DC. Otherwise I would have spent a lot of money on Taxis. About 60 dollars each way. Dulles is miles from DC. They really should build a Train route in and out, at least connecting to the far end of the metro. Once in DC. I made my way to the World bank. I was disappointed about not being able to take a can in. As I could have bragged about taking charge, fixing the economy la la la. The Bus journey was not unpleasant. I found the WBank, after a nice lady directed me. It was at that point I realised I had left my passport in the hotel. (Actually I had packed it away in a bag)
I thus got into the World Bank, on the day of the visit of John Kerry. Former Democratic presidential candidate with nothing more then a buss pass. A supermarket loyalty card. A debit card. A postick note with my computer login and my Metro card.

I then rang down for Valya She is so beautiful in person. She looks like an Angel. Like a young Brigit Nielsen. Rather as you would imagine a typical Swede or Norwegian Gal to look like. She is a bit taller then I am. I'd long suspected this. We went to the lunch hall. Deciding not to listen to Kerry's thoughts on the world economy. I had turkey rolls and Mr Pibb. ( I was glad to get Mr Pibb, if you look at the video of Valya and I. You can see my teeth are yellow. BTW see the American dad episode for more information about Mr Pibb) I was scolded for not working on book. I'd let it slide for a while. We traded stories and news. I made her laugh. ( I am writing this midway across the Atlantic. There is a very pretty woman. Looks like Jen from the IT Guys waiting to go to the bathroom. Sorry I am easily distracted) I told Valya to look out for a postcard from me. Which in practice I could have hand delivered and saved myself the price of a stamp. We took pictures. We chatted more. Then Valya had to go back to work. I went into the world bank bookshop. Where I was amused to hear them talking about having acquired a rare book. Oh yes, how rare. Then I walked down the Mall. Looking at joggers bums, and waiting for the crossing lights to turn to walk, rather then don't walk I made my way to the Smithsonian. I walked about. I tried my luck a simulator. I was too tired to take in the instructions properly and I was never good at computer games anyway. I lost my glasses during a barrel roll. It was kind of terrifying but interesting too. I kept thinking about Battlestar Galatica and Starwars. Exhilarated, I perused the gift store. Taking in a model of ...

I then went to a pub. To see if I could catch the Ireland France Game. I couldn't. Oh I walked past the Capitol building. Where there was a demonstration by a pro-life group. The steps to the Capitol building are now closed off.
 After the pub. I walked about Union station. I bought some souvenirs. I looked through a copy of Going Rogue. I bought it at the airport review sometime soon. I made it back to the World bank. I was looking for a restroom. The plumbing in the neighbourhood, had broken down. I had to wade into a Subway mens room, to be told it was non operational. I orried what I would smell like Then I met up with my great friend She took me, to Elephant and Castle. A nice restaurant/pub she frequents. I looked for steak and kidney pie but they did not have it. Alas not Irn Bru either. I settled for a delicious steak and chips. Valya had shrimp. I enjoyed a pint of Smethwick's. The bar was kind of noisy. This is uncomfortable for me. I was with my friend, so I tried to make the best of it. The dinner was very nice. We then moved to the bar, and we watched sports bloopers. My great friend, then kindly agreed to go onto another pub with me. Which I knew better. Which was also quieter. We took the metro there. Genius that I am. I tried to tell Valya which station to get off at. The wrong one! Shows what I know! Valya has a different effect on me than other women. I don't worry about her so much. IF I am walking with Becca my buddies wife. I worry that I may say the wrong thing. Or that I am standing to close. So when I was with someone like Missy, or Ice. Where I feel a duty to look after them too. Its even harder. Around most women, I spend a life of quiet desperation. With my friend Valya, I can relax. We went onto the Irish pub. The second one. I pointed out who people in the pictures were. Bobby Sands, Michael Collins, and King Billy. (Yeah that's weird) I explained the names of Whiskey Bottles. Glenliviet. My friend listened patiently to me. Asked me questions, about the Nash pictures on the wall. Then we walked back to the station. I was very happy to see my friend. She has been my rock, these past few years. With her friendship I have felt secure and appreciated. My old life and my new life meshed. I was very happy to stand by her. As she has always stood by me


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