I remember New Years eve 2000. I had no money. I was at my parents home. I think the biggest thing I did that night, was light a millenium candle. I had left university six month before. I had not been able to find any work. It was one of the most miserable times of my life.
Then in 2000 I managed to get work. It was sporadic. I got work. I worked at a nice insurance company. I wore a tie, and I filled in spread sheets all day. With my earnings I went to my friends graduation. It was a surprise. I had a digital camera. It was my families digital camera. There is only picture I remember as having been taken by it. I was quite fat at the time. I would hang out at jonos and eat junk food. Playing the age of empires games, was a highlight of my life. I lead a very solitary existence. Occasional e-mails from my American friends. Oh, not Robyn. We had fallen out at the time. I used to flirt with a saf, girl who ran the internet cafe. I got her sweets on her birthday
I saw Chris and Rebecca in the summer, of 2001. I got my job in Hades. I was interviewed by my current supervisor. It took ages to get clearance for the |library. I lied on my application form- I said I was a temp in a position I was fired from . I was waiting for  news of the library job, when I was sitting at home, on that day in September 2001, when the planes hit the towers...
I went my friends Rob's wedding in Maine. My mommy lent me the money. Next month I started in Hades. It was miserable. I could not remember the name of the person I was supervising. ( I actually meant shadowing, that is Freudian slip ) I broke a shelf on my second day. No one would speak to me.
Then in 2002. We went to New York for St Patrick's day... Then to Hawaii the year after.
In December 2003. I signed onto Tickle....
Then, There was Soul Dragon, there was the fair Renoan. Dorthe, and Sara. From Sara ICQ, From ICQ. Regina, Diana, Tan, and Daria, Then Viki, Then Tanita. Then Prague in 2004. The bars full of Abi girls, and it was so cold. I chased after a pretty Ukrainian woman called the Midnight poetess

2022 - Update
Soul Dragon still occasionally in Contact
Renoan, married someone else. So did Dorthe, Sara may have lived in the bottoms of Southern Ponds
Regina married someone else

The summer before went on Tickle again, after I fell out with the Dragon. From whence came Sol, Then fotolog, Then Jo, then Myspace Then IMVU, Then Grand Dutchess Alexie, Then Hysterika . I liked her Xena picture

Hysterica seems to have been an upper class slovak. 

Oh and Kate, who was so young when I met her
From Charlotte, Montpellier in 2005. After New York in 2005, and meeting up with Robyn again. I was a supervisor in 2005, for a black month. I never would have quit though if Regina had not been away for that weekend. Then came 2006. I went to Germany and I met Kas, and Meika. I was in Koln for the first time. I rode the Deuschebann, I smoked like a chimney. I didn't drink but every weekend, I would bring home 30 camel lights. It was in 2006 on ICQ, I met Mag, and from that meeting I would visit Akranes in 2008. I would visit it twice. Then to Texas in 2006. To Corpus Christi, where we spent the first night in a really rough bar. ( I say we, its me and my brother who went) We talked in an Irish bar, with a Mexican-American USAF veteran who knew the Beatles. We saw the Selina memorial.
Oh I got sick in 2006. I threw up and threw up, one day in September. ( Turned out it was Dviercutlits)
Then I gave up smoking in 2007. The patches were so expensive. We went to Koln for St Patricks. My brother was not pleased. We have video records though. I drank whiskey. I glared at some poor girl. I bought a copy of German penthouse. I kept my head down at work. We had a boss, who was very popular, and very accomdating. I got a new passport. I got a new Laptop. The BBC started to repeat Doctor Who. I have more DVDs and Books, then I could read or watch. I started to ride my bike, for a half hour every day, and then a full hour. I went to Washington DC,
I made friends with a woman called Valya Sometime before 2006. She gave me bombs to throw at Germans. She chased away people when they were mean. I helped her find a home on the Potomac.
In 2009 I went back to NC, I had returned in 2008. After a trip to chicago, It was so cold. I got so drunk, I forgot my own In 2008 I met a young lady at work. I was in Boston. I went to havard. A young ladies skirt blew up. I got made supervisor, again, and then again. I worked on my blog. I wrote AH stories. I entered and left Stargate Fandom. I watched every episode of the Wire, BSG, Alias, I started to go to the cinema again, and to swim. I bought an Iron, and hoover. I bought lamps and bed clothes. I was thrown off a flight drunk. I went to Berlin, I went to Vienna.
Its been busy


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