Valentines vomit

Worst Valentines day gift ever!!!!!!

On Sunday night.(14/2/2010) I ordered a pizza. I do this maybe once a year. A bit of a treat. ]It was a hot and spicy pizza. I had it with some cranberry juice. I have been trying to cut out carbonated drinks, for this month. I am also off the booze. Anyway I spent Valentines day quite happily chatting with my friends. I went to bed a bit restless, but otherwise fine..
I had some weird dreams, but the regular readers of my blog. (Plano Texas, please say hi, your probably in the Texas area and that is just the ISP hometown) Know this is not something new for me. One was about a girl at work
I had  trapped wind. So I got up and walked around my room I opened the window in my room. 
I looked out at the people in the housing across the street. One of my neighbors still seems to have a Christmas tree up ! The intestinal gas disperses of its own accord. I figure the pizza had just been sitting on my stomach. I go back to bed. Then I have to go to the bathroom
Well nothing new there. It had gone 6am. .. At least I am not vomiting
As in 2006 I started to vomit one Friday in September. I would not stop. I ended up having to go to hospital. So stomach pains always scare me
I can't leave. I kept having to make encore performances.
I had mercifully got in my medicine cabinet some , Pepto-Bismol. As well as mint tea. I make a cup of mint tea. Swig Pepto and go back to bed. Pressing the hot cup, against my stomach
Well I tried...
I keep running to the bathroom. I will have a lot of laundry to do next week.
I managed to get some shut eye, but I had to make a call
I called in sick. It was the 2nd or 3rd time I have ever done this and tried to sleep
I shivered. I shook. I was so thirsty I had no water. I drank my beverages, I have for work. I could not get up to unplug my PC. Or to turn my Heater on
I've heard there is a test Dr's use. If there was 10$/E/£ in the garden, if you have flu you won't go down and pick it up. Well that's how sick I was. I would have let a 20 go... I am cheap
I sweated it out . I managed to get to the local store to buy fluids and I went to sleep again
My body purged the poison. Pineapple juice, and King of the Hill got me through it..

Beware of pizza!

I wonder if this was an attack of Dvicerculitis. 


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