War of the Dinobots

One of the highlights of my life was when Hasbro released the Dinobots

They were Transformers who transformed into Dinosaurs. 
I don’t think there is anything cooler even now. I actually brought the advertisement from the mail to the swimming pool. Where I met my friend, and dropped the comic book page into my pool
I was watching this- an episode of the Transformers cartoon the other day, and began to deconstruct it. Read on to learn more
The cartoon  starts with Chip- The disabled companion of the Transformers- looking at a meteor Chip is ``the brains''  and so he is working in an observatory. With an African American- kudos for representation
Chip indulges in a bit of hyperbole when he announces that the meteor is about to destroy the Earth. 
So Chip contacts Optimus prime
No one, else.-NASA, USAF, notices the meteor ( Actually not impossible)
On the ride to  their encounter with the meteor  Prime decides to make two more Dinobots.

( Three Dinobot's had been introduced earlier in ``Enter the Dinobots''- This had not gone well for Prime)
In his undersea lair,
Megatron is watching his recent battle with the Dinobots - from Enter the Dinobots

Brilliant my Boron compressor. Which I presume is Decepticon, for my ass. 
Megatron, than delegates to Soundwave, the task of finding out the Dinobots weakness  After chewing him out
The meteor has landed in a deserted part of a city next to a river. One bank, has a city, the other side some ruins, no homeless no rats
The Dinobots, who are the least experienced Autobot soldiers will be tasked with guarding the meteor
Chip and Spike (Spike is a teenager, but dresses as a construction worker ) are watching the meteor  descend to Earth The Meteor almost crashes on top of our heroes- Thus I deduce that the Autobots have FTL, but not GPS
``No wonder he is called Ironhide'' I am old and cynical and hear innuendo here
So  the meteor, glowing and in the words of the Optimus Prime ``possessing energies unknown to even Autobot science''   
Prime, than blasts a fragment out with his rifle.
So safety first there….. Well Earth is not his planet. 
The Stegosaurus, and Ptedaron, or  a ``Stegowhatis and a ptetrano whatis''- I are the models for the new dinobots. Swoop is not strictly speaking a dinosaur
Soundwave scans the Dinobots, (who are left to guard, the meteor, and guard the meteor against Human interlopers too?) Soundwave performs the brain scans after skulking about for half an hour. 
The brain scans reveal the Dinobots are idiots. This is the 80s popular view of Dinosaurs. Big bodies small weak brains 
Soundwave returns to the Decepticon  underwater base. We see the fish, in the background.
Megatron has a plan -his forces are sent  to attack the Dinobots. The jets, do not disturb the city across the river. The Dinobot’s are terrible shots
Sludge in Dinosaur form should be much taller than Grimlock. The size of a Sauropod- Argentinasaurus versus a Tyrannosaur
The Dinobots manage to hit Megatron, when he is on the ground and a few meters in front of them
Sludge sounds like Jon Pertwee I  wonder if that was deliberate Had someone on the staff seen Invasion of the Dinosaurs? 
Meanwhile back at the Autobot base-which is situated in a dormant volcano- You know just the place where you want people testing strange energies 
Is there something Freudian about the Dinobots, being created with the spraying of silver fluid.
After the two new dinobots are assembled. They are displayed to the group.
``Call me Swoop’’  Chip notices the Autobots have no air support. Which is something Prime was fine with
As well as Swoop we meet his pal Snarl -Snarl, has a huge sword. The other Dinobots have to attack them. One calls the Dinobots  Dino-dodo’s. Which is curious as the Autobots were unaware, of Dinosaurs. Have they been studying Earth Natural History since then?
The Dinobot’s can suddenly shoot
Optimus Prime has gone off to investigate the meteor, and been betrayed by the Dinobot’s egged on by Megatron
``Slag why did you attack me’’
 Ah ha the words heard every evening after chucking out time
Megatron steals the meteor during the affray
The Dinobots,= shoot and beat up, Optimus Prime yet refrain from killing him- Moms would be upset. Also it would kill Hasbro's toy sales.  We are reminded again that Sludge must..
``Serve strongest leader’’
``Traces of Autobot training remain in their circuits’’
The Deceptions, are drawing power from the meteor. Despite the fact that it is unstable
These are energon cubes. The Human brain can generate just about half of one. 
Anyway  Grimlock and the gang turn up with a punch drunk Prime. Megatron, instead of just shooting Prime, decides to insult the Dinobots
After being insulted by Megatron, -Dim witted dinobots. Megatron clearly likes alliteration.
 Prime tries to warn the Dinobots, and Deceptions about the meteorite.
The leader of the Autobots is ignored. Though presumably Megatron knows Prime does not lie?
Yet they ignore him still As the Meteor gets closer and closer and the atmosphere does not get hotter and hotter. Oh Dinosaurs and meteors 
The new Dinobots, show up, and there is some Dino on Dino action. Despite it being three on two. The Decepticons do not take advantage of the fighting, to either finish off Prime, or to skedaddle with the loot!
The Meteor blows up and Prime saves Grimlock from the Blast. The Decepticons fly off in retreat as the Dinobots  once reunited with Prime are too strong for them to fight 
As we watch the sun go down, on the new family,-
Why is Prime suddenly as tall as Grimlock?
But we will Rejoice, the Dinosaurs have been saved from the Meteor 


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