Celtic Tiger

I am going to break cover, and be openly political on this site. I normally would not do this.
 However for most of you what I am talking about will be obscure
As you may know there has been a  general election in Ireland.
If the exit polls are correct. Than Fianna fail have gone down to there worst defeat, in history. This is a shocking reverse for the most successful political party in the modern world. As the Social Democrats were to Sweden, as the Tories, were to England. ( Not the UK) as the Democrats were to the USA. Then FF were to Ireland. The Ireland, of the 20th century is there story.
So what happened.
Well the IMF came a calling.
However I think, this is only half the story.
The basis of FF, is that they are the defeated alliance of the Irregular, the Anti treaty side in the civil war. An obscure conflict in global terms, and quite bloodless It’s effects were keenly felt.  FF were/are the party of what the Irish state refers to as BMW. Border Midlands and West. The small farmers, and tradesmen the town landers. They tried to speak Irish. They wanted reunification. They wanted a 32 county republic. As was promised on the steps of the G.P.O
Most importantly they were not Fine Gael. They were not the Strong Farmers. They were not the old Home rulers, or the Protestants. They were not Christian Democrats
Not that they knew it at the time. They also wanted to be neutral. They didn’t want to be Catholic in the political sense. ( As the Populares are in Spain- Ireland was spared that particular conflict. )
They were Catholic anyway Indeed they may have been the most Catholic society there ever was, and ever shall be.
So what happened. Well others can chart the rise and decline of the Tigris Celtica.
I think this is more than that.
FF are bound to two oxen, and they must follow their plough.
The first is the Good Friday agreement. FF have organized in Northern Ireland. Reversing an old, decision, reinforced at the start of the troubles.
However FF, have not taken the decision to heart. For a republican, all Ireland party. They have let the North slide. Yes, they have the problem, of what happens if they actually win an election. To take the oath or not.
Oh that old problem…
if you accept the Good Friday agreement. You are stuck with it. There is nothing wrong with that. Once you settled for the GFA. You must place republicanism, on a backburner.
 You cannot confront Paisley, which ultimately constitutional republicanism must

You cannot build a 32 county republican alternative 

  if you laugh at him on the Late Late show…
So either the structures must change, or you must. If the structures change, than why vote FF. Why not vote Fine Gael, or Labour. Why not vote for higher taxes of for a cut in fuel duty. Once you take the national question out of politics, what is the point of voting on national issues. Who votes abolitionist now? Or for the Charter
The second is the European Union. Modern Ireland is a thirty something, who has just had a kid, and put a lot of money on a house. The glory days of spending the whole pay packet are gone. The Celtic Tiger and the CAP Halcyon days are a blur, as my college days were
Like most thirtysomethings Ireland has a steady job.
( Look at its Food, and Medical, and Software, exports,)
However Germany waxes, you will wane. Or even worse, perhaps it was all smoke and mirrors, and the PIIGS, are broken, and cannot be repaired. The banks, broken beyond repair.
Indeed, Brussels, has forced Ireland to vote again and again on matters. Lisbon and the Nice treaties.
This is true, for most small countries in the EU. The Club Med bloc is the first to feel the cold, but it will get chilly for Slovakia, Estonia soon enough
Sooner, or later, the two issues must be confronted. A nationalist party must assert itself, once you move past that. You have a nothing more, than a brand name, and history. Like TWA.
I am not suggesting, that someone fling themselves into Newry, or demand the surrender of Brussels. There is a reason why small countries, such as Ireland, and Iceland remain dominated by nationalist movements, after independence. Remember Iceland had no Irredentist claim 
The two Island republics, were among the most globalized economies of the planet. Once their ruling class lost their national focus, in part because of the necessary and benign compromises of power. NATO, and the EU for Iceland. Lisbon 2 and the GFA for Ireland.
So what is the future?  I don’t know. 
To use the military metaphor- Most soldiers, do not go to war, most weapons are never fired, but they always remain on guard. FF stood guard during The Emergency, and we should be grateful for there service,  even though the treaty is signed, there is no need to desert to the bright lights of Globalisation.
The challenge now, is to make a new destiny after the war is over


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