12 Questions

Did you manage to sleep this time, the night before your trip?

No, and despite having a few beers, no. Or rather not well. I think I was dreaming at one point. I was up before 6am

Did you have any trouble going there?

Yes the flight to Frankfurt was late. I missed my connection. I had an unwelcome extended layover

How about going through security?

Well maybe it is me, but after I had deplaned in Frankfurt. I had to go through security again. I had to take off my jacket. Understandable as it has a metal zip. I was trying to dash to the the gate, where I was hoping my flight would be. I swear the guy at the metal detector held my box with my jacket back for a few extra  moments

So what did you do at Frankfurt Airport while waiting for the flight?

I sat and waited. I read Bild, and the Washington post. I tried to sleep. I checked my phone. They gave me a voucher and I had something to eat. I didn't get any change from it though

What did you notice first about Munster?

From the Air, there were lots of Windmills. Huge Wind turbines.

Anything else come to your notice?

 Oh yes, the Airport had revolving doors, between the runway and the terminal building. You deplane on steps, and your driven to the terminal building.

What did you do than?

I got a taxi to the hotel, it was 45 euros. If I had done more research and slept better, I would have got the bus. This is where I missed my brother the most. If he had been there, we could have split the fare!

How was your hotel?

Nice enough. I paid for internet upfront. My room, had no view. Though there was a crane outside. I wondered about the driver/operator. I thought I bet he gets a show

So what did you do?

What I normally do, when I am alone in a foreign country. I tried to sleep. I didn't succeed.

Than what?

I showered, and looked up the nearest Irish bar on the net. I set my phone's gps for it, and I went off to find it. I found it easy enough, only going in circles once. Later I found out that either by accident or design, Google had taken me through the streets rather than through the park. However at this point I had no money, and had to find a cash point.

Did you find one?

Yes at a service station. A very pretty girl, walking a dog walked past. I also bought two salami sandwiches. I   than went back to the pub, but I looked around the place for a taxi rank At that point I thought it is dark, and I don't know anyone here, and I am so tired

Why go to a taxi rank?

I was worried about not being able to find my way home. There was something going on, in the building across from the Irish pub. Across from the Hindenbergstrasse, in the park.

So what did you do then?

I went into the pub. I paid Cover, and got my hand stamped for the first time in ages. I drank murphy's draught stout. I listened to a Scottish woman sing covers


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