Frank Davis

2-1-1918 to 1-6-2011
Born, as the sounds of the guns raged across Europe.  Before he walked, Lenin, would be in power. Starting school, as Ireland was convulsed in civil war.
Frank would have remembered the General Strike, and been just old enough to have looked for work during the depression. Mr Davis would have seen the first talking motion pictures, and than the first colour ones. Than the war came
Far from his home Frank was sent across North Africa, up through Italy, and Austria. Churchill promised a weak underbelly well, it turned out to be a tough old gut. Frank made it through the fighting and the Chaos. I wonder what his head must have felt like on the morning after VE day Returning home to an city destroyed by bombs, and rockets. Than Austerity,  and bread rationing.
Mr Davis were you a fan the Goons, or was it the Ratpack playing on the turntable, that lightened your post wars day.  Wondering if he’d ``Never had it so good’’ sitting by the Radio, and wondering if the world would end
Staring at mini skirts. 1966. Frank would have been approaching middle age, and watching the young, dress and protest Than petrol prices rose. The Three day week. The Corona man. The IMF, and Milk Snatcher. The Falklands. Retiring, the only thing he would have had to get up to, was Breakfast televion I wonder if he thoughtthe great storm of 1987 was much of a muchness
Mr Gorbachev tore down that wall
Frank had outlived the division of Europe. He would have seen the pound drop out of the ERM. There was fighting in the Middle East again. New Labour get into power. I wonder if Frank voted, in 1996, or in 1946. Watching on the televison, he would have seen the planes hit, the twin towers. I wonder what that old soldier thought, when he saw that. ``That this time, it would be over by Christmas'' The First US president of Colour,

A long life, and I hope a full one.

Rest in Peace Frank Davis

Husband, Music lover, Soldier,


Anonymous said…
There was silence all around the Throne, where saints had often trod,
As the soldier waited patiently, for the judgement of his God.
"Step forward now you soldier, you've bourne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, you've served your time in Hell..."

Rest well Frank.

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