A Good Man Goes To War, Doctor Who

A Good Man Goes To War



Mid season finale. Well I suppose the cousins need to be humored
Last week Amy Williams-nee pond was revealed to be flesh. our beloved redhead, had been abducted heavy with child
i did not grasp this point. Until after the episode.

If last week, had a wow ending, this is a wow episode.
Its epic in scale. Some questions are finally answered
More to come!



The episode begins with a recap of what has happened, in the last seven episodes.

``Who is the little girl'' The child in the spacesuit, who we see in ``The Impossible Astronaut''

The episode takes place on ``Demons Run'' which is an asteroid in the middle of nowhere.
 Seriously it is, I did not see a star around the asteroid. 

Amy has given birth, she has named, her daughter, Melody. A beautiful name. The pre credits scenes, are Amy. Karen Gilliam, screaming WIFE MATERIAL, with a baby, talking to her new born, in a room flanked by soldiers. She tells the child, her father, is famous, her father has lived for centuries Her father is a legend.

Her Father is the last Centurion-(Rory Williams)

Than the action changes, to 20000 light years away. (Which Star Trek fans will remember is twenty years away from Earth at maximum warp.) The Cybermen have established a listening post. Manned by the Twelfth Cyber Legion, for those of you keeping score back home. 

Melody is placed into a basket, ala Moses. The action goes back and forth between Amy, and Rory/Doctor

The Cybermen, confront Rory, who asks them where his wife is? Says he has a message from the Doctor. We see Cyber space stations exploding,

``Why the blank faces'' (Cybermen don't have facial expression).

Why do Cybermen talk? If they don't need to smile? Do they need language? Or at least the spoken word

Finally, we see Rory come into his own. There is a reason the world remembers the title Centurion.

Back at the asteroid base of Demons Run, two marines chatter as they go off on break. They are talking about the Doctor- a powerful person, a legend. One Marine is tall and thin, one fatter

``We are here to fight him, not to praise him'' praising him cost more

The married Marines practice on psychic paper. You have to look out for the fractals, apparently. They then pass a young lady. Who had actually met the Doctor. From the Gamma forest. which we later learn is ``Heaven Neutral'' Moffat really has a thing for religion 

A marine goes off, with the Headless monk for a conversion ritual. We are later shown, what happens when you convert to join the Headless monks, its pretty final.

``Red to hide the stains'' Indeed.

``Heaven Neutral'' now that does not sound good. The female marine, is sewing something, on her lunch break.

London 1888 ad. A carriage stops, outside a townhouse. Well I suppose they would all be Victorian, back than. The Lady sends her driver away,

The driver known as Parker, utters the immortal words. ``Yes my lady''
The Lady places her broadsword, on the mantlepiece and informs her maid to tell, Scotland Yard. That Jack the Ripper is dead. The Maid, compliments her mistress on her exertions

The woman who had just dismissed her driver, takes off her cloak. She is revealed to be a Silurian, a homo repiltus. Or rather terra repiltus. (As the Silurians are not hominids)

The Maid calls her mistress attention to a matter in the other room. We hear the whirring of the Tardis. An old debt is going to be repaid

The battle of Zathustra, in the Far future. The president, her child wounded, cries out for a nurse,
Who answers her call?

River song?


Martha Jones?

The Doctor?

The camera finds a Sontraran nurse. Brilliant! 
One of the more inspired cameos’ of the series. A Sonatraran, who has been disgraced by his birthpool, works as a nurse, healing the sick. A child here, and whishing them health, so that one day he would face them on the battlefield for the Empire. The People at the battle of Zarathustra seem to be in Victorian dress. I guess the 41st century will be into steam punk in a big way
Finally we come to than brings us to River song. She has set the alarm off, in her prison. Of course she is trying to get back in.
Then she meets Rory, Rory is still in the uniform of a roman centurion. ( The Roman army changed it’s uniforms, and kit several times, and Rory is in the uniform of a roman centurion at it’s height, he should have been issued several sets of armour, between the events of the The Pandorica opens, and the fall of the Roman empire, however that is a nitpick)
Rory thinks the uniform is silly, but it was the Doctors idea. River, (who Rory called Doctor Song) suggests he tries high heels;

Our River, is therefore in a good mood. She had been with the Doctor, to see the Frost fair, in 1814and Stevie Wonder had song, for her. The Doctor, did not tell Stevie the date. Steven can never know
River asks Rory the date, and the place. Demons Run
River recalls the name. It is the place, where the Doctor, will learn, who River its. Remember River knows the Doctor’s real name. Its hinted they marry in the ``Big Bang'' You know that, but if you have read this far, I may as well repeat it.
River tells us, via Rory that today is the battle of Demons run. Where the Doctor will rise higher than he ever has, and than fall further. It is also the Day When the Doctor finds out, whom River Song is...

The Marines are having a rally. There leader Colonel Manton announces speaking of the Doctor

``He is not the Devil, or a God, He is not a Goblin'' ``The Doctor is a living breathing Man'' They are going to fix that problem.

The Marines cheer.

Ms. Bucket The very pretty brunette. Slips off to talk to Amy. Amy's guards don't seem to worry about the only person who had a visitation from the Doctor, talking to the imprisoned companion

Amy asks, to borrow the female marines gun. She does not want to hear someone else, talk about the Doctor. Amy has you will recall had her baby taken from her. I would not push her to far

The two woman recount there meetings with the doctor. The Marine met her as a little girl, Amy did too. However the Doctor came back for her

``You must be very special'' The Lorna tells, Amy

The marine hands Amy, a prayer leaf with the name of her child written on it

We are returned to Colonel Manton's speech. The Colonel, informs his troops. It is a level one heresy. Punishable by death, to remove the hood of a headless monk. However on this day, as authorized by the Papal mainframe herself, he can reveal, the secret of the headless monk to the marines. They are in fact headless. They are bodies, without heads, kept alive by some contrivance and thus cannot be reasoned with, or persuaded or lied to.
( A nice touch that. The Cybermen and indeed the Daleks are variations on the same theme. Here it is simple. Remove the mind, which is materialistically in the philosophical sense located in the head and you have the body, as a tool, with the pity and humanity of a claw hammer)

As Colonel Manton gives his speech, about how the Monks, cannot be stopped.

The Doctor reveals himself, he has been disguised as a monk.

As the Marines step backward, and cower. We see the control room, has been infiltrated by the Silurian lady and her maid. Whom are lovers. The control room, in the hands of the Doctors Allies. They command the marines there to lower the lights.

With the lights off, the headless monks, and the marines, start to face off. As the Marines keep seeing the Doctor, in the headless monks. The headless monks draw there energy weapons. It looks like both sides are about to destroy each other.

The Colonel, re graining control by putting his gun away, and getting his troops to chant I am not a fool. Is a nice subversion.

It is to no avail. An Army of Silurian's, are transported into the station. They surround the marines. Any further resistance will be futile. Accompanied by Juddoon.

I have a fleet out there, announces Colonel Manton, if Demons run is destroyed. They will intervene

Danny Boy to the Doctor . That surprised me-The converted spitfires from Victory of the Daleks, fly into destroy the communication's array on Demon run. The Doctor, talking to the colonel pretends to be the gunner, on an airplane. piow piow. piow

The one-eyed woman, is trying to get away. She tells her guards( For no reason, that they must bring her the child, and that the Doctor must think he is winning) As she gets into her ship, is confronted, by the centurion and his gladius. She tells him, she has a crew of 20.

The door opens, and the one eyed woman is confronted by the pirates from the black spot

The Doctor confronting the colonel after his defeat. The sontaran nurse, tells the Colonel he is o give the order, for his men to withdraw. The Doctor tells the colonel, he wants him specifically I want you to be known as Colonel run away. Children will laugh at you, because they have found the house of Colonel Run away

I am an angry that's new. ( We have seen, the doctor get angry a few times in the series so far, The Almost People, and the Doctors wife) However the Silurian lady flinching at the sight was well executed)

There is a confrontation between the Doctor and Madame Kovarian. ( The eye patch lady. I just found the name in my notes. The eye patch lady dismisses the Doctors anger. As the anger of a good man, is not to be feared. They have too many rules.

The Doctor than tells her. Good men, don't need rules.( I will come back to this later, but this is the statement of a monster)

Rory, and Amy are reunited. Amy, grabs a toothbrush or some such and brandishes it at the door. Announcing she is armed, and dangerous and cross. A familiar voice answers from behind the door. Rory is attempting to enter the room with the sonic screwdriver. It takes a little longer than he expected.

Amy tells her husband, that they took her baby. Rory, tells Mrs. Williams, that it is never going to happen. Father and mother, and daughter, and husband and wife, are reunited.

A crying roman with a baby, definitely cool. The doctor, a little put off by the crying and the kissing, puts his head round the door. (*) The happy couple discuss the name of there

Melody pond is a superhero. Melody Williams is a geography teacher.

The Doctor speaks baby. He translates Melodies cries. ( We will see this skill a few times)

The doctors allies, give us some exposition about what has happened. The clerics, have been escorted out of the quadrant. Which is a huge part of the galaxy. The spitfires have returned to there own time.

The Silurian aristocrat, announces, that Demons run, is the doctors without a drop of blood spilt. Surely the Doctor has never risen higher.

The Titanic was unsinkable too. Peace in our time. There is a world market for 5 or 6 computers. Rory looks worried.

The sontaran, tells Rory and Amy, that there baby needs feeding, and offers to demonstrate the root of the English word nurse.

The Doctor who had not wanted to turn off the noise brings a cot out. Rory states that it is a cot ``No flies on the roman'' Its beautiful, glowing and there are stars outside the cot. Amy says its best. ``

Rory and Amy ask about the cot. His companions ask whom this cot belongs to . Do you have children? The Doctor does not answer this. From the episodes of the tenth doctor we know that is true. The Doctor does not answer it

Amy asks the doctor, about her time in captivity. The doctor asks permission from the centurion to hug Amy. Rory is still jealous of the doctor, but why? The doctor explains, that while Amy was in a cell on demons run. Her heart-mind and soul, were on the Tardis.
Rory points out that whoever was holding Amy, was powerful enough to project the signal into the Tardis. Rory, than tells the doctor, that he did not tell, them he suspected. That Amy was flesh. The parents ask for answers. The Doctor gives an answer. It was his, this was the cot, the Doctor slept in as a babe ``Look the The Doctors first stars''

The Doctor is called to the control room. The Silurian, tells him off, about his anger, earlier in the episode. Than they get to the business at hand. Melody pond, is more than human. She has timelord DNA, alongside her human genes.

The Doctor and the Silurian and Dorium, the blue man. discuss the events. We get a quick recap of the first season. Sexy fish vampires. Rory was dead, and than he wasn't there, and than he was plastic. It turns out, the first time, that Rory and Amy were together on the Tardis, was on there wedding night. Dorium smirks. The Silurian, had told the doctor, that she was trying to be delicate, as he knows how the doctor can blush, and indeed the millions of parents and grand parents watching with there kids

There is by video screen, a final confrontation between the Doctor, and old one eye. (Madame K) The child is hope, for an ending in the war, against the Doctor. For a moment, I thought about the Daleks. Who are still out there

The headless monks, make there attack. After erecting forcefield between Team Doctor and the Tardis, and locking the doors. They chant. ``The attack prayer'' exclaims Dorium

Amy has one last wish for her husband ``Let them all die first''. Your so Scottish!
Centurion your needed. Rory joins his comrades for the fight

The plasma pistols are broken out. The swords are drawn. Our heroes make a stand.

The Doctor and Madame, K are still chatting. The Doctor tells her the Child is not a weapon. His opponent tells him it will be The cyclopes is gloating. Fooling you once, doctor, was a joy. Fooling you twice would be a privilege. Little melody is flesh
We see through melodies eyes. Madam K opens the slot, into her universe.

Amy is crying. Melody, is no more.

Yeah we know''

The day is carried. The Monks are driven off, but at a cost. The Sontaran, Commander Strax is wounded, struck by a headless monk, laser sword in the back
Rory, talks to Strax as he dies. He tells him, he had a good life, he is nearly 12. He chides Rory with the phrase. I am a nurse''

The Doctor talks to Lorna, the marine. Who met, him as a child. They ran, and ran. She joined the clerics, to meet the doctor. She sees him again. She dies,

``There always brave'' So many dead...Remember how Tegan left as she was sick of all the killing.

The Doctor, has a petulant moment. His Silurian friend asks if he is giving up. He did that before, in the Stolen Earth. The Time Lord, exclaims, don't you wish I would...

Well than Soldier how goes the day. River Song, is teleported into demons run
``Where the hell, where you?'' The Doctor, is the position the people he has to help are in, an onlooker to events outside his control
``I could not have prevented this''

River than tells the Doctor, that he changed the universe. When he spend off, from Galifrey, when he confronted the Daleks, and the cybermen and the rest. When he became a legend. There would be consequences.

The Doctor and river have an angry confrontation. The Doctor demands of river, the secret of her identity. River takes him to the Cot. The doctor giggles, and says Hello. Pleased with the answer, he lowers the forcefield between himself and the Tardis, and vanishes, promising to rescue the Pond-Williams baby

Amy confronts River. No one was pleased to see river. Brandishing a pistol at her, Amy demands, River tell them, who she is.

River takes them the cot. She soothes the fury of a mother, she points, to the writing on the side of the cot. Its in Galifreyan, it does not translate. So Doctor Song shows them the prayer leaf, Lorna prepared earlier. She explains, that in the Gamma forests there is no word for pond.

``The only water in the forest is the river''

``Its me,

I'm Melody,

I'm your daughter''

River Song is Melody Pond...


Okay, so there was a much better Silurian story out there. The Doctor meets, a Silurian woman, while Victorian London builds its great sewer, and tube tunnels. The Silurian woman hunting down Jack the Ripper

Its been a long while building up. One wonders if Steven Moffat was asked to write an 18 episode season, for the cousins. Which can be viewed as 1.5 series in the UK. The story referenced, the Doctor and Rivers first meeting. Silence in the library

Finally, we see Rory, playing the last centurion on Camera. Finally. This is the man, who waited two thousand years, to protect the woman he loved. This is what has been held back. The Kenny-Rory trope ends here.

The explanation given for why, the child/Melody, changed, exposure to the time matrix. Is good, neat and elegant. The same thing happened to the time lords, over millions of years. Nice to see the Doctor's conversation with the Silurian and Dorrium. Its good to see the Doctor having a conversation on a more equal level. Its in contrast to Rory and Amy, who he was keeping information from a married couple, and from parents. Yes that is a problem, as the Rory and Amy stories go on. Having single Companions,

The series maintains, the high visibility of people and indeed Aliens of LBGT that it started in the reboot, under Russel T Davis

I was confused, by Madams K, motivation. Okay so they want to make a Timelord to fight the Doctor, with. That makes sense, However it seems a little mundane. If you can make a Timelord, why not be Timelords. Why not rule the Universe?

I wonder how many parents cringed, when the Doctor has to lampshade the fact where babies come from....Its interesting that Matt Smiths Doctor, is less of the sensualist and less sexualized then his counterparts in the Russel T Davis era

Alex Kingston, could conceivably be the child of Rory and Amy. Look at her coloring. I was skeptical about river songs character at first. In this episode she comes into her own. She even steals the doctors role. Descending from out of the sky at the last moment, to explain everything.

Amy has taken her pregnancy awful well, She should be full of hormones. This was brushed aside
Also her breasts should have been larger. I know she might not lactate. I am still of the opinion her breasts should have been larger

There was a lot of continuity porn. Juddoon, Cybermen, Silurians. It also seems that the Clerics which we saw in Flesh and Stone, might not be good guys.

Lorna Bucket is beautiful.


Did anyone else, feel in places, that you were watching Star wars. The soldiers, the bad guys, the cloaks and the swords. The Doctor as the Jedi, leading a band of rebels against an empire. The Star wars Franchise has left so many tropes, that you cannot avoid them. Along with the words Mid Season finale. I was wondering if this was a concession to the American Audience
You could even argue, that the Doctor is fighting the dark side. I don't object to the Doctor having a human enemy, but what is there motivation beyond the desire for wealth and empire.

Also I felt there was a little bit of a problem of scale. Demons run v Ending the last Time war. Demons run V defeating the Daleks. Demons run V restarting the Universe.

It was a nice tidy up of the Matt Smith-Moffatt era. With a nod to the past. Looking towards, the future. I look forward to seeing the second half of the season if only for the title of the next episode

``Lets kill Hitler''


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