Cowboy play for Children

Cowboy play for Children

A man walks into a saloon, behind the bar , there is a man, wiping glasses.
Two or three people are playing cards.
There are 1 or two people as waiters, or such
You can have people sitting around and ask for milk or coke
The boy/man walks into the bar

``Snap!'' Says one of the men, playing cards. ( Snap is a childrens game in England)
The bartender asks the cowboy

``What will it be cowboy?’’
``One of your smoothest glasses of milk’’
The bartender, makes him a drink.
``I am looking for a man they call him the El Nina Kid’’
Everyone, in the bar, is silent. Music stops if playing
``The el Nina kid!’’
Everyone gasps, they cards players stop,
Bartender ``We don’t want any trouble mister. Why don’t you finish your milk, and leave’’
Cowboy,`` I said, I am looking for the El Nina Kid’’
Waitress, but the el Nina kid is so mean, so terrible
``They say the el nina kid, does not get frostbite, he bites the frost
They say the El Nina kid, squeezed an orange so hard, apple juice came out
The el Nina kid, went to Burger king, and asked for a big Mac, and they made him one!’’

Cowboy, I want to see the El Nina Kid, (Walks over to the card players)
``Have you boys seen the El Nina Kid?''
Card player 1) The el nina kid is so mean, that the sun wears glasses, to shield it from him!
Card player 2), They say , the El Nina kid, is so mean, and tough, when he hits the road he breaks it!
Card Played 3) They say the only thing El Nina kid, is scared of is his own reflection
Card Player 4) They say that ghosts dress up as the El Nina Kid on Halloween
Another cowboy walks into the bar
Everyone,`` Its the The El Nina, Kid!!!!!’’
The El Nina, kid walks to the end of the bar,
``A chocolate Milk! On the double! ‘’
The cowboy walks over and asks the El Nina kid
``Are you the El Nina kid?
``They say you don’t have to shower, they say, dirt does not dare go near you!''
The El Nina kid, turns around
``I am the El Nina kid
``Who wants to know?''
I have a message for you Listen up, as its only coming once.
When I count 3




``Your mother says come home, dinner is ready!''



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