The God Complex, Doctor Who

The God Complex,


Will you ever listen, to River Song?


Well, though its a timely piece of casting- I have my doubts about seeing David Walliams in Doctor Who, Yes I know, its a family show. Peter Kay, managed to pull it off, in Love and Monsters. Or Bill Nighy, did a great job, in Vincent, and the Doctor. I have seen too much of Little Britain, there is a show, that would not die. Oh and don't mention come fly with me

The teaser begins, with a dingy hotel. A police woman in uniform, is making her way, through a corridor, she is trying to write in her note book. She enters one room, and sees a clown, with a balloon, another room features a photographer, an old Edwardian photographer, you know with the hood, and the flash. Than a Gorilla, a Gorilla, the policewoman begins to write. Praise him, Praise Him... and smiles, the bliss of the loss


The Doctor, and Amy and Rory, are in a hotel. Amy and her Husband, who the Doctor calls ``beaky''.
The Humans are a little unimpressed by their environs. What is so special about `` rubbish hotel on Earth?'', as the Galifreyan points out that it is all fake. That they are not on Earth. This was all manufactured, such as the English pubs in Spain. The time travelers, are drawn to pictures on the wall. A Sontaran, and under his name, the word defeat. A lady Silverton, who fell to the Daleks, and a Lucy, who was victim to a brutal gorilla

Three people surprise Tea, Tardis. One brandishing a chairleg, one waving a white hanky and announcing that he will surrender. Rory says its okay, we are nice, something that he is scolded for later, by his wife. The Doctor recognizes the Alien as a Tivoli. The newcomers are aware, that they are not in a normal hotel. The walls move the corridors twist.

Its a Doctor, a medical doctor, an MD, called Rita. Rita impresses the Doctor. The Doctor, tells Amy, ``with regret she is fired'' and a blogger called Howie, and the Alien,( The Alien is played by David Walliams. David W, alien race, has been conquered and exploited so many times, they have come to accept it, and embrace it. Walliams is a town planner who is planting trees, so their conquerors can drive in the shade ) Our favorite time lord, investigates his environment. The doors, and the windows, are all bricked up. There is no way out

The rooms have things in them, bad dreams, the residents of the 1980s hotel say, well the Doctor begins, its time, to go. To the Tardis

The Tardis has gone!

``This is bad, this is three buses, and a long walk, and a taxi ride from good''
There is some one, else, in the hotel, Joe. Joe is tied up. No, literally. The Doctor, his Companions, and his new companions, enter a dining room. Full of ventriloquists dummies, and Joe tied up, to a chair. Joe, tells them that they are going to die, and he is happy . Joe, used to be terrified of dummies, now, he is happy to see them, happy to know they will all die soon. Despite the fact that they are still ``raw'' The Doctor is not impressed by Joe, and decides to bring him, with the, They place Jeo's chair under a trolley and bring him, with them.

The Doctor tries to lay down, some ground rules. They should never be separated, they should avoid going into rooms, they feel drawn too

Jo said, he would feast.

The Alien, remembers his old school motto resistance is exhausting. Howie, tells Rory, that he thinks they are in Norway, the hotel, is where the rich people will live, when a cataclysm, hits the Earth

Howie opens a room and sees a set of teenage girls. (Howie's age) They look at him, and laugh and laugh. mocking him, he closes the door, in the panic. They escort him, away. This is just messed up CIA stuff.

Another room, has Rita, being berated by her father, for getting a B in her Maths GCSE

Rory stops to tie his shoelace, and sees a fire exit. He tries to alert everyone else, and than wait, they have entered another room. It has weeping angels. Fear grips the entire group, until, the Doctor realizes, that the angels would have caught them and killed them. The doctor touches, the Angels. There a bad dream. Tivoli( Walliams, watches while hiding in a wardrobe)

Escaping, from the room. Something has begun, to untie, Joe, Joe runs off, enjoying his freedom. The Doctor chases him, but gets lost. He finds the body of Joe. Joe is dead, Joe is lost

Our heroes, return to the dining room. Rita, puts on the tea. Amy tries to console, the Alien. She tells him, she had met the weeping Angel before, and she can understand, why he would be terrified. Amy tells, (Walliams) that the Doctor, will save you, but don't tell him, that she said that because the smugness, would be more than she could bear

(The Doctor throws a Tantrum)

Rory sees, the Doctor talking with Rita, MD and tells his wife, when he sees the Doctor being pally with someone like that. I want to warn their next of kin. Rory is surprised that his wife, let the crack go. The last time, she hit him, with her shoe. Rita, offers the Doctor, some tea. The Doctor, is surprised that she has it. Rita points out that, it is a fake British Alien hotel, so, it make sense there should be tea. Rita than offers her own explanation they are in
Jahannam. She than asks, if the Doctor, is worried, if she is a Muslim. The Doctors smiles reassure her. Rita, says she has lead a good life, and she knows, she will pass through Jahannam. So she won't worry about it, she will get her head around Kibis, being an Alien, sometime later

Amy passes the Doctor. Lucy's notes. PC Hayward, writes that the gap in her worship was getting smaller, she is so happy, she praises him,

Praise him, begins Howie. Praise him. Howie is infected, possessed

Walliams, speaks. This is no time for sentiment. If we, give him to the monster, than perhaps whatever it is will let us go, and we can go back to being conquered and oppressed.

The Doctor takes umbrage and this, and tells Kibo that his people are an old one, because they are sly not cowardly. ``No one dies today'' the doctor announces.

The Timelord, the MD, and his companions, question Howie. The doctor, tells him, that they are tired of the distractions, and they want to praise him. Howie tells them not to worry, it will find, them and kill them all. Amy realizes he (Howie) wants them to find them

The Doctor, tells them they must not give into fear, its time to catch ourselves a monster.

In the hotel, Amy and Rory lie in wait in a room. Howie speaks over the intercom, the Young blogger asks for the glory of death, for it come to him. Amy, says hi, to the clown with the red balloon, and is rebuked by Rita.

Howie, is still praising the demon, he hopes that his name, will be the least thing he hears, and that his last sensation, would be feeling the breath on his skin of his destruction. Howie, is proclaiming the beacon, who leads, him.

The Doctor turns off the intercom, and catches sight of his quarry, in the mirror. They talk, the Doctor has been talking to something, that is so old. It has lost its mind, it is trapped, it hopes for death, as a final escape ( The creature grunts, and hisses, the Doctor understands its meaning) Why can the monster, not die. What is in charge here, is it the Warden? Is this a prison?

Meanwhile, Howie is talking to (Walliams) Howie, tells him to free him, Howie says that its not like pushing someone out of Airplane, The young blogger wants to die, to be eaten. Howie, tells, (Walliams) that he can say, that the prisoner, due to his possession, was incredibly strong, and escaped. (Walliams) agrees, and Howie, runs, free.

The monster, senses Howie, escape, and chases after him. The Doctor chases, but in vain. Howie is found dead, in the corridor, like Joe before him. The body untouched, the organs, just cease to function.

Amy during the Doctor's mad dash, opens the door of a room. Number 7. Despite, the warnings from the Doctor never to do this. Rita MD, slams it shut, and rebukes her

Howie, and Joe, are laid to rest on the dining room table. (Walliams) returns and gives the story about Howie, getting free and overpowering him. Perhaps now the monster will leave them alone.

``Now we will be safe'' The pleas and excuses fall on deaf ears

The Doctor asks, Rory who is looking at Howie's picture. Howie had overcome a severe stammer, Rory notes that not all victories are about saving the Universe ( Unless Rory was told by Howie offscreen, or Rory deduces, from his nursing experience, or the information is on the picture. I am not sure, how Rory would know this )

The Doctor, asks Rory, if he has found his room yet? To which Rory answers no, perhaps he is not scared of anything, suggests Mr. Williams

The Doctor finds himself talking with Rita again. Rita, tells the Doctor, he has a terrible God complex. The Doctor says he is responsible, for Amy and Rory. He offered to show them the whole of time. If you offer a child a suitcase full of sweets, they will take it

The Doctor, sees a security camera on the wall. Of course its a 1980s hotel. He makes his way, to the security control room, but not before the Doctor passes a room, marked 11 (He is the 11th Doctor)

The Doctor opens the Door. ``Of course, who else'' closes it silently and hangs a do not disturb sign on the wall

At the security room, Team Tardis, see Rita going down the corridor. The Doctor rings her on the phone, and she tells him, she can feel the rapture inside her..`` praise him, praise him
``Good bye thanks for trying'' Rita tells the doctor The MD makes one last request, that they don't watch her die, and give in, and lose herself

The Timelord turns, the screens blank, with his sonic, and Rita is laid to rest beside Jo and Howie

The Doctor realizes, he has made a terrible mistake, that its not fear, that the monster feasts on its, faith. Howie, believed in Conspiracies. Joe a gambler, Rita was religious. That's why, the Hotel, keeps showing Rory a way out. Rory is not a believer.

The Doctor by telling them, to dig deep, has exposed their faith. Amy's faith in him. The Monster begins to chase them, they flee, into a room, and see a Young Amelia pond, in her duffel coat and suitcase waiting for the Doctor in the eleventh hour

The Doctor kneels beside Amelia (The child) ``Amy you are waiting for a Doctor, who is not coming'' ``I took you with me, because I was vain'' The glorious Pond... The girl who waited... ``I'm just a madman in a box''

The monster, which can now be seen clearly. Its a minotaur, staggers as Amy takes in what the Doctor tells her. ``Amy Williams its time to stop waiting'' ( The Doctor here, specifically calls Amy, by her married name, this is rare)

The Monster collapses, and the Hotel vanishes. Team Tardis, and (Walliams) are in a virtual grid. The TARDIS, is safe, and everyone is accounted for. The Monster, is on the floor, close to death. The Doctor, tells him the Monster, he has been given, ``The space to die'' Amy asks, what the creature is, is it, a Minotaur, or an Alien, or an Alien minotaur.

The Doctor names, it as a Nymon. There an old race, who travel, about pretending to be Gods, feasting on the energy, until planets get secular. This is a prison in space, for the monster. The setting got corrupted, and the prisoner was trapped

The Doctor brushes aside, a question about what do Time lords pray to...

The Monster before he dies, tells those in attendance, that ``For such an Ancient creature, soaked in the blood of the innocent death would be a gift'' .... ``I was not talking about myself''

( Alien-Walliams, asks for a lift, to the nearest Galaxy and his character leaves the screen)

The Timelord, brings Mr and Mrs Williams home to Earth. They are outside, there home in England. There is a red E type Jag, outside. Rory's favorite Car. A gift from the Doctor. Rory is delighted, he asks the Doctor how he knew, the Doctor replied, Rory once, showed him a picture and said, its my favorite car. Also wasn't it the one Mel stole, in lets kill Hitler

Rory tells, the Doctor, that Amy is about to tell him, that they cannot accept the gift. Its too much, however Rory is prepared to live with it. The Doctor asks, for a moment with Amy.

The Doctor tells Amy, he is leaving. He will turn up again, his middle name, is Bad Penny. Which is a difficult thing, when it comes to filling in forms.

The Doctor tells, Amy he is leaving, he is going on a bigger scarier adventure. Amy hugs him, as they say goodbye. But why now?
Standing over your grave, your broken body, or Rory's body? asks the Doctor, ( Implying is that what Amy wants, and that is what could happen)

``Tell my daughter to visit'' River Pond-Melody Williams, is still out there.

Rory returns, from the House, with Champagne. The TARDIS whirs, into life, and departs.
Whats he doing asks Rory of Amy.

``Saving us''


Credits-Next week its James Cordon, please do not make it a spin off


A better episode than, I thought it would be

Walliams, first. His character seemed, to be a mesh of stereotypes. The French in American eyes, with possibly a misplaced submissive joke..

Rita. The Muslim Doctor, dies the most horrible death in the series. Not only does she die, but she is broken, as a person. She loses her faith. She loses a part of herself. It is not enough that she dies. Part of her, is lost, as she dies. The Character, made me think of Martha. I did wonder, if this was a rehashed script. Also, the Doctor saying, Amy your fired, skittishly, is interesting. More should have been made of that. Also I presume Rita's body never comes home. Remember Marta,in 37. Talking to her mother, as she expected to die, so far from home. Never to have a grave, or a marker. No closure, just loss lies for Rita parents

Oh, and the faith of the companion, in the Doctor, being the last problem, that must be dealth with before things can be done , was the plot of the curse of Fenric ( Amy in this case, and Ace, in the last one)

I am betting that the Doctor, saw himself in room 11!

The comment, about the Nymon losing power, as planets become more secular. 
Shall we say, that the jury is out about that point. Also it contradicts what we have seen, in the rest of the series. The Clerics, from the Byzantium,. The Cat Nuns, the Headless Monks. We see religion alive and well, out there...The Woman from the Satan Pitt too

The Weeping Angels, were a terrifying cameo. Well done there..Ditto poor Howie, having to face, a room full of laughing teenage girls. Nothing more powerless than a Teenage boy

Its a story about Faith, British TV, does not do this well. Remember this is a show, that introduced Amy pond, by having her pray to Santa clause Hence we have Rory depicted as faithless. Does he not believe in marriage? Does he not believe in Nursing. If Luck and Conspiracies are enough faith for a Nymon to feed on. In the end, this is a crisis of faith for the Doctor. Yes, he has given, Amy a suitcase full of sweets, but he ran off with Amy, not Amelia. They have made, their choice, and they have risen to it. He met, Amy as a Child, but she rejoined him, as an Adult. Faith and reason, are not necessarily opposed, and indeed they work on each other. Amy is not a 7 year old.

Rory and Amy, live into large a house, for a nurse's salary. Oh and champagne, well, I suppose it could have been on Ice from the Wedding. I guess this is for the Cousins. However, its something I notice. (* See the comments)

Matt Smith's Doctor, throws a quite violent tantrum, in the Hotel

A better episode, than I thought it would be. Quite dark in places, really dark.
 The ending was something I did not expect. I wonder about the car, its strange. Amy runs off with the Doctor, so the Doctor gets Rory a car. Well, remember what Nurses think of Doctors


Anonymous said…
It wasn't The Williams' house though. The Doctor gave them it as a gift. He threw Amy the keys, just as he threw Rory the car keys. He was gifting her their marriage. Their life.

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