Closing Time, Doctor Who


``Closing time''


( Oh dear, its James Corden... After last weeks, sneaky kidney punch. Amy and Rory, and the Doctor parting ways at the end of the episode.
The Doctor, is on his own this week)

The episode begins as night falls. A street lamp flickers. A street light illuminating a department store, somewhere in England. A blonde teenage shop assistant is bemoaning, the fact, that she cannot leave. Her beau, waits for her. The girl's supervisor, sighs, and tells her ward, she will close up. The young lady is free to go The supervisor closes the till, and walks off, with the days taking to some back office, and passes, the changing room. She notices movement, and tells the customer, that they have five minutes.

Clive, from the lodger, Yes its James Corden...

now married and besuited, is talking with Sophie, his wife. Sophie, keeps asking him, if he will be alright? Will he be able to cope? Sophie, has left food, and Clive and Sophie's parents, will ring, now and than.

We, get our first shot, of Alfie. The baby, of Craig-Corden and Sophie. Sophie leaves, and her husband, is left to look after Alfie.

The new dad a bit overwhelmed, by his responsibilities Craig is texting his mother, insisting that he is coping when, he is interrupted...

Its the Doctor!

The Doctor announces this is a social call, and walks into Craig's new house, Our Timelord is not impressed, by the new décor. We've moved, says Craig. Indeed they have. The Doctor asks after Sophie, the girl who Craig and scans the room, with his sonic screwdriver

The lights still flicker, and the Doctor makes, his way out...

``You woke him up''

Back in the department store, the store supervisor, makes her way, through the back, as we see the head of a cyberman...



Craig is complaining to the Doctor, he has let, his wife, Sophie have the weekend off, to spend time, with Melinda. Craig complains, he has no instinct, to be a father, to Alfie.

The Doctor tells his friend that baby, calls himself, Stomrageddon, and refers to everyone else as peasants. The Doctor speaks Baby, remember this, from a God man goes to war, anyway the Timelord dismisses, Craig's fears, that he has ``Aliens in his fridge.''
This is just a social call. The Doctor, is traveling around. I popped in to say hello, after this it is a trip to the Alignment of eximor, 17 galaxies in perfect union apparently....

The Doctor, is just being social, just having a laugh, never mind, Craig is not convinced. He has seen the Doctor has registered something, the Timelord has noticed something amiss, and possibly awry

``I have nightmares, about your noticing face'' Craig states ominously, from his kitchen table

However the Doctor is oh his way.. out the door, and out of Craig's life

The Doctor, shushes-Storm/Alfie, to the amazement of his father

Craig, pleads for the shushing things. It only works once, on things, with undeveloped brains.

The Doctor is trying to walk away, trying to walk back into the TARDIS, and saunter off into Space

``There is nothing here. I am not scanning for electrical activity'' The Doctor insists, he will not notice the patina of Teleport energy

The Doctor `` I am through saving them'' I'm going away'' The Doctor states, at the doors of the TARDIS, his head almost in his hands. The weight of many Worlds upon it

``It goes up diddy up up, it goes down diddy down''

 The Doctor is working in a Toy department, demonstrating toys to children. A Toy helicopter, that flights, the Doctor describes, as overpriced, at 49.99, however he muses, that the parents of those watching, would spend their money on boring things like lamps or veg

The Toy, helicopter, operated by the ``oncoming storm'' lands on a Craig out walking Alfie, while on the phone to his beloved Sophie. Who doubtless is just checking up

The Doctor works in a shop with a name tag, on his shirt. (The Tag, says the Doctor)Its good, in case I forget who I am. Which is very helpful notes the Doctor, thoughtfully ``as that does happen''

Mind Yappy the robot dog yappy, not as much fun as I remember

``You look awful, Craig has not slept he explains, to the Timelord, his predicament

``I even tried singing. Alfie, thought his father was crying too, he could not sleep either''

He did mention it, observes the Lord of Time

``good bye Clive, Good bye Stormageddon''

Something rushes past the Doctor and his partner, or indeed companion. Getting both the attention of Human and Timelord.

``If its you it will be dangerous and alien'' Craig demands to know, what is happening, to them. The Doctor, picks up a newspaper...

Shelia Clarke, went missing, on Saturday. The first of a few. A Tom, a Luca, on pages 7, 19 and 22, of the local paper, it is mentioned. However the front page, described the emotional journey of a TV talent show contestant from the area, so it was not surprising, that they were overlooked

Craig Owens observes that the power fluctuation, were just the Council installing new cabling. The Doctor tries to get Mr Owens and Alfie/Stormaggedon, to go on their way again, somewhere anywhere else

The Doctor tries to hustle away Craig taking him to a lift. Craig and the viewer observe that the lift has been put out of use. The lift is taped up, and sign posted off.

The Doctor, reassures, Clive, that lifts are not dangerous. The new father protests does he look like, he is stupid

``Quiet Stormageddon'' rebukes the Doctor. As father and son, and the Timelord, get into the lift. So, how did the Aliens, get there inquires Craig. The Doctor at the moment does not know how other than it was with a teleport. The Shops CCTV has been wiped. Clive attempts to engage the Doctor about the Teleports. Star Trek, beam me up teleporters. Yes, Craig. As the lights flicker-The audience notices something on the roof of the lift
and the Doctor and Craig end up in an Alien environment,

The Doctor, tries to distract, Craig from the Horror of the Cybermen, by telling him, he wants to kiss him, that he loves him. Clive is unimpressed. I don't love you, he tells the Doctor. As the Cybermen advance, a quick flash of the sonic. ( Sorry I have just reread the sentence) reverses the beam, and Clive, Alfie/storm and the Doctor, are safely back to Earth, Colchester, the department store

The Doctor scans, for the Cybermen, Craig asks, why haven't the Cyberman invaded. If they are that evil, after all, what's stopping them?

The Doctor, is aghast and guilty about what happened, he advises, Craig to take Alfie, and Go. Go away from Colchester, until it blows over.

People got killed, People who didn't know you. states Craig who stands his ground. No, he will stay by the Doctors side. He tells, the Doctor
``You always win''
``Those were the days, replies the Doctor'' but perhaps there not over yet

Well, if Alfie/Storm and his father are going to stay, they may as well as help the Doctor. Babies are sweet, people talk to babies- ( Torchwood, did this well, in Miracle day, when Capt Jack, and Gwen ambushed the Asian American programmer) That is why, the Doctor always takes a Human with him states our Galifreyan

Your my baby.. The Doctor tells his human friend, the Husband of Sophie, and father of Alfie

The Doctor walks past the perfume counter, and is told, by Val, the older woman, working behind the counter. That he and his Partner (Craig) look ever so sweet.

Partner, is it better than companion, asks the Doctor. ``
Oh, yes Companion sounds old fashioned, no need to be coy these days''

talks to the woman, who works at the perfume counter. The Doctor, asks her, if anything has been going on, Val, relates an story about two people snogging outside the Conservative Club.
 Don Etheredge and Andrea Groom, if you must know

As the Doctor walks off

``Than there's that silver rat thing!


Craig decides to investigate, in the lingerie section. He tells, Alfie to look cute, as he does the talking Stormy's father tries, to ask the shop assistant, if she has seen anything unusual. While making gestures with hands, (Not obscene ones)

The shop assistant, confused, summons George, a large security Guard

A silver rat, glowing red eyes. Val, wanted to get one for her nephew, `Stock room says no such item''

``Hello sir, have you seen how cute, my baby is?'' Craigs reply to George's challenge

Craig, knocks over, some knickers, which disturbs the Doctor, as he is scanning for the silver rat. As Craig is being question

``Make a habit of hanging around in women's wear Sir ?'' The shop assistant, is convinced, Craig is a pervert. ``Hello everyone here to help''

Hello Doctor, George and the Shop girl reply. Everyone is happy to see the Doctor

Have anyone seen a silver rat

Nice uniform, George, The Doctor explains, that Craig is with him, George is pleased with this explanation and the shop girl begins to moan, about having to work twice as hard, as Shona, is not in

SSsh, says the Doctor, to the amazement of Craig


``Shona, my supervisor, shes meant to be in today, but never showed up''

The Doctor and Craig, sneak round the changing rooms. Craig asks if the Doctor sectres an alien gas, that makes people love him. `` would that I could'' replies the Time Lord

``You love me, I never used any aliens gas on you'' Craig is nonplussed at this remark, on

I did exactly what you did and nearly got myself arrested, complains Craig, Stormy cracks wise to the Doctor

Walking in on a changing woman, The Doctor advises her`` to try it in red''

The Doctor, I know, of course you do, we are partners. Stormy thinks you should believe in yourself more, opines the baby, through his translator. Dismaying his father who thinks even his infant son, is reviewing him

Last night a cyberman took Shona. Craig is confused

``A cyberman, I thought it was a silver rat''

``Its a cybermat, not a rat,'' the Doctor replies

`All right don't have a go at me, because I don't know the names'' James Corden, speaking for many confronted by fandom

The Doctor explains, the principles of cybermats, They infiltrate, the collect power, like bees collect pollen, One has been sucking the energy from the shop, why the shop, why not a nuclear, power station

Craig gets annoyed, why the Doctor, and with the situation, this just a coincidence,, why Aliens in Colchester, why twice in his life. Now, his Baby cries, The Doctor tells Stormy's father, that his nappy needs changing the baby has mentioned it twice. Craig is annoyed, even more, when the Doctor points out there is a child changing station near electrical goods

Craig its a coincidence...

A girl, asks, a red head for her autograph,

A Scottish redhead, tall and leggy. The redhead tells, the little girl, that she likes her hairband. As, her Husband beams, and carries the shopping

Amelia pond, smiles as the little girl runs off to tell her mother

The girl points to a poster on the wall....

Petrichor, ``for the girl, who is tired of waiting''

Amelia Pond....

After closing time, with the customers gone and the doors closed

George patrols, the shop and Craig and

, the doctor scans, the store. The noise of the Doctors all purpose gizmo is disturbing-Alfie/Stormy. Craig asks, if the Doctor can scan, quietly

No, Sonic=sounds, explains the Doctor.

The Doctor, recommends Craig pick up a papoose. There is a staff discount. He explains, that Stormy has been grading his father. Stormy wants to feel more attached, Oh and he will never stop, that is the beauty of Parenthood.

could just got a babysitter, not just a hot one. No, as Craig, has told everyone he knows, that he can cope.

George is downstairs, in the basement, he notices, a broken light, and investigates

The Doctor, and Craig catch the cybermat, with the sonic, and butterfly net Looking at it, they remark, on its cuteness, until its teeth snap into action

There is a Cyberman behind George

Metal Mouth, Metal Mouth.. Craig panics.

George screams,

The Doctor and Craig, and his son, run to Georges aid. The Doctor finds Georges buddy A Cyberman steps out, of the shadows, and stuns the Doctor

The Doctor is somewhat stunned, as he hear Craig's voice, as he wakes up, from being struck

Chipped, chapped chopped,

The arm he used was damaged. Hence the Doctor avoided electrocution

why did he change you? asks Craig

The Doctor is not compatible, with Cyber technology its a long story

We got to go back to base, says Craig, its not safe here.

The base, is Chez, Craig. As the Doctor cooks something up in the Kitchen. Craig pops out for milk. Craig asks the Doctor if he knows, what to do, if Stormy cries. No, says the Doctor, Me neither says Craig,

The Doctor pleads, with Stormy to stop crying, to be quiet

Really you've got a lot to look forward to,

9-5 job mortgage, and a persistent nagging sense of spiritual emptiness,

save the tears for later boyo.

I am crabby I am old, stormy, I am so old,

The Cybermat springs into life downstairs, in the kitchen

Alfie, you are so young, and you know, right now, everything is ahead of you. You could walk among the stars,

The Doctor starts a light show, on Alfie's ceiling

I lived my dream, I owned the stage gave it 110 percent


Your dad tries his best

Not his fault, he does not have Mamery glands, says the Doctor

sinister beeping

The doctor shoots, the cybermet, with his sonic. Run its only stunned. As the Doctor, goes out the door, he drops his sonic.

Craig is back, with the milk, and enters the house, his phone is on silent, and he misses the Doctors attempts to call, him, and warn him from going into the house

Craig struggles with the cybermat. The Cybermat, has Corden by the Throat

The Doctor crashes, through the window, to save Craig where is alife? Shouts his father, as the Doctor and Craig struggle with the Cybermat, the Doctor tells Craig to pin the cyboid with the baking train and as Alfies father struggles with it, the doctor shuts down the cybermat

You muist be really strong observes the Doctor, to Craig The Cybermat, was playing Possum, but it should have had, Craig easily

Because of me, you and Alfie nearly died. The Doctor, is enjoying the Guilt again. As he examines the Cybermat, with a jewelers eyepiece,

Do you still feel safe with me Craig

You can't help who your mates are... offers Craig

I should have made you go

Who else, knows about Cybermen, and teleports, if not for you, the planet would be a ruin

``Very soon, I won't be here,

my time is running out

Silence, will fall, when the question is asked. The Doctor has not found out what the Question, is ``Its tomorrow, I can't put it off, anyore

Tomorrow is the day I...

Craig has fallen asleep, with Alfie, in his arms. The Doctor covers, them

Safe mode

clever me, come along bitey

A message from sophie, to Craig and her son, Her friend has gone, off

The Doctor has gone off to the Store

Morning morning..he greets Val the Teleport, is still fused

Found the silver rat, (Val notices, the Cybermat, in the Doctors arms )

Where are the silver men?

Meanwhile at Chez Craugshe needs someone , he always needs someone he just can't admit it. We owe him. I would not have you, or mummy, if wasn't for him. Craig, puts on his Papoose, and tells his son, nothing will happen to him. Craig goes off after the Doctor

Back at the store, the Doctor is still, investigating

So it didn't teleport down. How did the Cybermen, get there

A dsillum bonded steel door, disguised as a door, That is cheating. The Doctor, climbs down, into the lair, of the Cybermen. A controller

Craig has reached the store. Val asks him, if there was another row. Tells Craig, that the Timelord, went to the changing room, Craig, leaves Alfie. with Val, and goes off

The ship crashed, The systems, survived, and when the council, began to put the cables, in the Cybermat was activated, and began to explore. The crew, tried to get

Convert the planet to cyberform, six cybermen will be enough

deactivate yourself, or I will deactivate you

The doctor is surrounded by bCybermen. They tell him, they will Brain and binary vasuclar systems, are incompatible, however other parts can be used.

Craig rushes, down, grabbing a bar code scanner. Confronts the Cybermen, the Doctor tells, him to go. The Cybermen, grab Craig. Craig is compatible, Craig is intelligent

I am not intelligent, you don't want me

do not fear, we will remove fear says the Cyberman

You will be like us, you will be more than us. Mr Owens will be designated the Cyber controller, he will lead, them in a path of a Conquest. James Corden, will follow in the footsteps of Comedy legend, Rodger Lloyd Pack, and Dervla Kirwan

The Doctor attempt to use his chipped Cybermat, is thwarted with a cyber boot.

`` You have failed Doctor'' Craig, and the TimeLord, are in the hands of the Cybermen.
Craig is pushed into a cyber conversion device. ``No Craig, you can fight it!'' pleads the Doctor
``Don't give into it'' The reply of ``make it stop, make it stop.'' From Craig does not bode well, The Doctors attempts to steel his companion, by asking him to think of Alfie, to fight, does not seem to be working

I belive in you begins the last of the Timelords

I've always believed in all of you, tomorrow, I am going to die. But I don't mind, if you just prove me right

Craig, is encased, in the Cyber outfit. As the full conversion begins...

Alfie is crying on the store. We can see him, through the CCTV

Unknown soundwave, one of the Cybermen states, It is the sound of fear, replies the other Cyberman, we will remove all fear. The Cyberman

Alfie, I'm so sorry, Alfie, please stop crying.

Emotions eradicated conversion complete

Alert alert, emotional subsystems rebooting this is impossible

Whats happening, is that a father can hear his son

Daddys coming home,

``Alfie, I am here, Alfie I am coming for you!'' Craig, bursts out of the Cyber suit, to save his son.

Daddy's coming Home. The Cybermen, have to deal with that feeling

The Cybermen, now flooded with live emotion explode. Their ship without its crew, to maintain it, will soon follow. The Doctor and Craig, head to the teleport, and escape in the nick of time, via a flourish of the Sonic

Father and son, are reunited. 10 out 10 review, for Craig from his son, stormageddon

The cybermen, I blew, them up with love. The Doctor offers, an more plausible explanation based on evolutionary psychology. The Doctor, than tells the shop girl, that the building would be safe, and sound, as the Disllium door absorbed the explosion, why is he telling her this, I don't know, says the Doctor, and shushes her...

All is left, is for Craig to get some new clothes, on the Doctors staff discount. When asked, if he is married. Craig, says its just a piece of paper.... Then the penny in the air drops, and Craig realizes that Val, believes he and the Doctor are a couple. As Craig begins to protest, the Doctor vanishes

Craig, returns home. His house has been tidied up. The Doctor, has been tidying up
But even with time travel glaziers on a sunday, are a nuisance. The Timelord, used his TARDIS to fix Craig's flat. Spending time, he did not have.

Stormageddon, is now quiet and happy and prefers the name Alfie, and is so proud of his father

Now its time, I have to go. The Doctor picks up some stationary, Tardis blue

Craig offers to help, but no one can. The Doctor, must face this

Goodbye mate...

Wait, one last thing, as Craig goes off to get something. The Doctor checks, the fridge, but its seems, safe from Aliens at the moment

from Seans stag, a stetson, You ride them Partner.''

The Doctor steps out of the house, as Sophie returns home....To a spotless house, and a papoose wearing Man, who seems different

One last trip eh? The Doctor strokes the Tardis

The Doctor, turns to three Children playing in the street


I'm the Doctor

I was here to help, and you were very welcome'' He tips his hat


Somewhere thousands of Years later. Doctor River song, is going through eye witness statements,

One little girl, liked the Doctors, hat. Another remarked, on how sad he looked. The boy, thought he was a Cowboy off to a gun fight

Tock tock goes the clock, now summers gone away

such a lovely old song, but is it about him?

You know about the doctor? , so very well.. Its Madam Kovarian,

we've been far to thorough with your dear little head

The Silence step from the shadows, River asks, what are those things

Your owners. Doctor River Song, how clever you are. Kovarian tortures, and toys with River

You understand, what this is, Kovarian, I won't use the title, points to the day of the Doctors death, as written, in Dr Songs diary. The Tardis blue one

The day the doctor dies

Its a story....

``this is where it begins never really escaped us Melody pond

How do you know, who I am? Demands River

I made, you what you are, the woman who kills the Doctor

Melody/.River is sedated, as the Astronaut spacesuit, is brought out to her

River wakes up, in the water, of the lake,

We listen to a child's voice sing. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, he cradled and he rocked her, Tick Tock, won't be long Till river kills the Doctor!''

More to come, next week a Dalek, and Vikings and Churchill!


Was the girl, at the perfume counter supposed to be, Ruth Jones? Or is that just me?

Opinions vary but I loved the Rory and Amy cameo, in the middle of the show.

Some digs at fandom. Corden's don't get cross,with me because I don't know what its called. When encountering the Cybermat, is probably repeated in Living rooms, and college bedrooms across the world.

I have a fear, there there were elements of James Cordon Franchise here. The I love you bit, from Gavin and Stacey, and Cordon. Was that rehased, with the Doctor, and Craig. trying to impress the girl selling knickers. Which was suddenly out of character. Craig, is a devoted husband, and than goes, off to bother a girl, in the lingerie department. That said, though I have criticised, him here. He did a good job. Last week, I saw David Walliams, play an Alien, this week, Cordon is playing craig. The man is a skilled Comic actor, and let Matt Smith, play the weird one.

The Doctor, playing the Alien who walks amongst us, is done much better here, than it was, in

References to the Family of Blood, and K9, I think would have been spotted, by even the youngest viewers.

The Coda, with River song, being suprised, by Madam Kovarian and the Silence, was unexpected. ( I am perhaps easily impressed) and changed the pace, and tone of the episode. The same trick they played last week, with Rory and Amy, leaving the TARDIS. Seeing River as passive was interesting, after the events of lets kill Hitler. It looks like a cracking finale episode

PS, Could the BBC not have waited a week, before telling us about the Christmas special?


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