Germany 2011

I have arrived in Germany. In fact I did solast night. 
My journey started after three hours of imperfect sleep. I forgot my glasses, and I had to go back for them. I had porridge at the Airport, and read more of ``World Without End'' I am nearly half way through. 
The flight was full. I managed to get some sleep, so I think I made at least 4 hours. As we deplaned.
 An American observed with dismay, the baggage handlers, at Schipol, throwing bags and suitcases onto a cart roughly. Told him, we used to do the same, when I worked on the ramp many years ago.

I found my way to the train station at sShipol easily. But my train, was not due to depart for an hour and a half. So I went to Burger King. I had a double whopper. There was an East Asian, watching Love Actually on his I-Pad. I wondered who is the bigger star now? Chris Marshall or January Jones? I read more of ``World Without End'' I got on the train. A woman sat next to me, and ate rye bread sandwiches.
 I changed trains, and got on another. I passed so many bikes, in the station. More than I had ever seen.

An hour later than I intended. The Train I wanted for some strange reason, did not travel on Fridays. So I paid a first class fare, for a 2nd class ticket. I arrived in Muenster and I got lost in the dark, after an hour, I got a taxi. I checked in at my hotel. Very modern design. Room is small. Interestingly, there is a cross on the wall. I than went and walked about the Christmas market. I had a wurst, in a roll. The stall keeper playfully trying to keep my 5 euro note. Will not be so funny, when we default. 
I walked than to the Irish pub. Which seems to run by geordies, I had three pints of the the local brew. I saw a very drunk girl. I walked back to the hotel. Had a beer, at the bar across the road. Than another beer, at the bar in the hotel. I asked for the internet password. It did not work. I fell asleep. I woke up at 9am. The cleaner came in and woke me. I am with a hangover.


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