Cowboys and Aliens

Cowboys & Aliens

I caught the trailer, for this sometime, last year. The trailer looked fantastic. Its a classic B-Movie. A one line pitch. ``Cowboys v Aliens'' In the way that Miami Vice, was MTV Cops.

Well, there is no great revelation to be had here. However I did enjoy it. Its a bit smarter than the average blockbuster. The cast is stronger. Craig, and Harrison Ford, and than... Paul Dano, the Preacher from there will be Blood. Walton Goggins, (Shane Vandrell from the Shield, and Sam Rockwell. Sam Rockwell is third billing remember when he was going to be the next big thing. Moon, and parts in Iron man 2, and this are not exactly working for food, but its a moon which which is waning rather than waxing,

Daniel Craig wakes up somewhere in the old west. With a blood stained shirt, and no memory. Only a strange bracelet on his hand. For the first chapter of the film, Craig remains silence. There is an economy

Craig reminds us of why he is the most effective Bond, since Connery. Connery, was a hard man. Not an especially likeable one. See his comments about hitting women. Craig gives off a similar vibe. Similar.. See his line in Casino Royal, the Bitch is dead... Craig Bond works for that part of the British Secret Service, which poisoned wells, in Oman.

Ford, plays against type in this movie. Harrison is Dolarhyde a ruthless cattle baron. The paths, of Craig and Ford, cross when Craig, hits Fords son, in a confrontation in the one horse town, which Craig heads to for shelter after waking. Dolarhyde is introduced, to the camera having a man pulled between two horses. So Dolarhyde, goes into town, to free his son, who shot a deputy, after a confrontation with Craig. Who it turns out, is the notorious Jake Lonnegan, who stole gold, from a stage coach, belonging to Dolarhyde.

Its at that point the Aliens attack.

Interestingly the Aliens, use drones

One thing, I did like about this film, is that it knew its history. Yes its a comic book. However the Mexican war, and the United states civil war, were fresh in the characters minds. The Apaches, who are introduced later in the film, are a figure of menace at first. They are wild and dangerous. Than the Hollywood treatment steps in... However the film, does not flinch from the marital prowess of the Apache. The leader of the Apache, taunts Dolarhyde, with the question of if he is such a great warrior, why do only a man and a boy follow him...

At one point Craig, fighting with an alien drone. Realises he is flying. Powered flight, is still a generation away. Assuming this 1878. 1848, plus thirty years.

Olivia Wilde, is pretty. I was glad of the nod towards the real old west. When Oliva joins the posse, who ride out, after the townspeople. The preacher says, a boy and a dog, why not a woman!

There was also a nice piece, when she approaches, Craig in the Bar, and he tells her he is here, to drink.

On occasion Daniel Craig, sounds too english. To be monikered Jake Lonnegan, why not lawford? The same is true with David O 'Hara's North Channel Accent.

Still it is very enjoyable, and should introduce the brighter parts of the younger audience, onto better things


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