
Showing posts from March, 2012


I send my good wishes to the Bennett Sisters, One sitting by the others side, under Capricorn, in Africa.

Best wishes to Glenda

Best Wishes, for a speedy recovery for Glenda
This is a sign post to somewhere, that has not existed, for over 25 years. Its across from the train station. The sign used to point to a youth club, on the verge of a park play area. Where there were swings and roundabouts. A witches hat, and a climbing frame. The climbing frame, was built in the form, of a lunar module. However I always thought it was a spider web. They have since, built over, the swings and the youth club. They have not used yards, on signing for over a decade. So here, a forgotten memory, of a forgotten place

Game of Thrones

This was recommended to me. Unlike those of you who, have HBO, or Sky Atlantic. I caught it on the DVD boxset. I am glad I did. The series grows on you. It may be the best Telefantasy series since Babylon 5. It took, a while to settle. Indeed, I had a problem from the get go. The opening scenes of the North, are clearly filmed in the North of Ireland. I will remember and recognise the mists of Donegal, till I die. ( Yes I am aware, the series was filmed in N.I) For a moment, I saw the mist. I thought there, somewhere in Ireland. Watching the series, which centres on the clash, between the Stark and Lannister families. Aping the struggle between the Yorks, and the Lancastrians. The War of the roses. The series gives a feel for a world, which is larger than our own. The North is 1000 leagues away from London. Several days journey. Over dangerous country. That said, The powers that be, have bowed to the modern era. The characters communicate across the miles, by use of raven post. For

John Carter

John Carter. I browsed the first book a few years ago. It was on Project Gutenberg. I  did not think the book was terrible, but I lost interest. I heard that despite the poor attendances. The film, was not bad. Indeed it isn't.  I had similar thoughts to ``There Will Be Blood'' great work, done in the service, of merely good material. John Carter of Mars- I don't think has stood the test of time. I cannot see them remaking the Tarzan franchise either. So, why should John Carter. Where the lead, is a Virginian Cavalier, strike a cord with modern audiences? I think, for better or for worse, the dog got given a bad name. Also the film rather difficulty sits between reality and fiction. reflecting what was known of Mars, at the time. John Carter, can jump further than a mortal man, on Mars, because of the weaker gravity. Yet an intelligent 9 year old, would know that there is no air, or life on Mars. Your asking, the people who tell you the emperor is naked, to suspend di

Ms Garcia

One of my netfriends Ms Garcia. Lost her mother. I wish her and her family the best

King of the Hill, an appreciation

I remember watching this, before I went to the USA. I remember the adverts of channel 4. It was scheduled for Friday night's just after or before fraiser. However, I really came to appreicate this show, when I was in North Carolina. It was a feature of Sunday nights. Simpson's and than king of the hill. As the week wound down, I would watch it with my friend. Its very quotable. Its different to the Simpsons, and family guy, in that it is sent in a more realistic universe, and unlike those two. King of the Hill, carries a unashamed small c conservative message. Where as Peter in Family Guy is New Englander and Cleveland Brown is a Virginian. . Though Peter would probably have moved out of Connecticut by now. Hank Hill, is a proud Texan. This is the heartland, his woman is from Montana. The Hills, are the old west. My brother picked up the third series of the show, for me, one Christmas a few years ago. It had been sitting on a shelf, and so, one day. Riddled with anxiety, and
Last night, I had the terrible dream, that my youngest brother caused a national scandal. It involved London Irish Rugby club. I get there newsletter, as I bought my brother a cap from there, a previous christmas. Anyway, My youngest brother had arranged some sort of charity event, which did not happen, and the press were outside my side
A stowaway from Germany

Wuppental zoo

Dam dirty apes A video from Wuppental zoo
Happy St Patricks day

Our of Wuppental

Inspired by out of Africa My brother and I were visiting Wuppental zoo, in March 2012

Munster and Wuppental

My brother and I have ventured North from Dusseldorf, to the town of Munster Yesterday we visited to town of Wuppental, and their zoo Today we were walking by the lake, and the cathedral. Than a brief trip about the state museum. Where there were pieces of art both modern and even ancient. There was a hand carved crucifix, from the high middle ages. Reminded me, of the Lewis Chessmen

The Rhientower

With thanks to Valya
Alíviate pronto Sthefany
Somewhere beyond the sea My rosy stands on Peruvian sands, waiting for me Grumpy
Peruvian flowers, for Women's day
A belated Happy Birthday to my friend Daria.I hope her and her son, enjoy this day.


A Tyrannorurr Look at his glasses and little arms


Skyline. Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers It feels, like a pilot for a TV series. Its about the same length. Just under an hour a half. It even has recognisable stars. Turk, from Scrubs, and Detective Angel from Dexter. Anyway, Turk is playing almost the same character he plays in scrubs. He is the cool friend of a white guy. Instead of being a surgeon, he has made it big on the west coast. So, the lead, Jarrod comes to visit Turk, with his girlfriend in tow. The girlfriend, has become pregnant. As it telegraphed to us, the viewer. With his gf, getting morning sickness. The film, is a series of homages. The most obvious is Cloverfield. Which is one of my favourite films of all time. I was surprised, that when Turk, was showing his friends his new home. He did not say. That the gf, belongs with them among the clouds- Starwars-Lando reference. Anyway, there is a party. Which I guess, it to introduce, the fact that there is a telescope, in the flat. Lifter from Sliver. Anyway the

Happy Birthday greetings

Happy Birthday Kasia Happy Birthday Kasia 2021 - I hope you have a nice life, are happy. Your family are safe, and have escaped the ravages of Covid 19
Happy Birthday Tan
Before and after...


I saw a quote by Hugh Mcdiarmand, which I paraphrase today I have faith in our hidden po'ers The presents there.... But the past and futures ours..