A relic

I took this picture the other day. Its of a co workers shopping.  A former co-worker, in fact.
The co worker, joined my department oh about a year and a half ago. My employer shut down one of its locations and transferred the staff over here.
The tranferees had been living the life of riley compared to my department. They had flex-time, where they were able to gain as much time off, as they wanted by working extra hours during the day. This is a department which did 80 percent less work than us, to start with
A lot of people made the transfer. Some were close to retirement and one or two took redundancy when it was offered.
One co worker remained from the other department
I will call him, S
This is his shopping. You see its left out. Its collected before work.
So S, can talk about his shopping.

S, drove everyone crazy. He was not trusted with important duties by management. Though strictly speaking he had 30 years service. S, had been raised to the level of supervisor by my employer before I was born. He complained endlessly, he would not do replacing,
S would talk non stop. He picked a fight with the cafeteria staff. The new franchise holders had in fairness reduced the portions to a much smaller size. Of late he  got into a fight in the rest area. This eventually lead to S’s downfall. The straw that broke the camels back
That is not the whole story here S was funny. I remember a one liner of his, as a co-worker was messing around with a young ladies  desk. Stop rummaging through her draws S had a fantastic knowledge of football. The man would recite every kick, and pass of saturday’s matches. I was of late looking for the price of an octoberfest holiday for him
S had two beautiful daughters. He showed the pictures to us once, sadly he compared them to Kelly Brook.
People kept telling him, be quiet. Keep your head down S.
S had money troubles. I bought a copy of secretary from him, on DVD.
S used to annoy me, he used to annoy everyone. Now, he no longer works with us. I wonder what will happen to him. Nothing good, I would imagine. I will no longer walk past his shopping. No longer have to chase him down for replacing. No longer listen, and no longer avoid.


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