The Dark Knight rises


This is the first, and last of the Christopher Nolan, Batman movies I did not see with my sister. I was quite pleased with the film. I had heard mixed reviews. I think to an extent the film, was a victim of the Franchise’s success. I quite enjoyed it, than again I am perhaps too easy to please. I had to go out of my way, to get to the cinema.
I was unable to use my voucher, and I spilled my coke. Which I had paid to supersize. I did however leave the cinema, in a good mood. I did not need to go to the bathroom, 3 times during the film. Really do they add something to the coke
My sister thought that Michael Caine ( I spoke with her afterwards) dialled his role in. There was less of him, and Lucius Fox, in this movie.
The film acknowledges the passing of time. Bruce Wayne has withdrawn from the world. A near cripple, he is given a run down of his injuries by a doctor. The city celebrates Harvey Dent day, Commissioner Gordon’s masters wish to get rid of him, as a war hero is often inconvenient in peace time. The streets are quiet. Heath Ledgers Joker, is not mentioned at all.
I thought that Gordon Levitt, was doing an impression of McNulty from the Wire. Levitt is clearly a favourite of Gordon Nolan.  You may remember him from Inception. The same film, we last saw Tom Hardy another Nolan favourite. Hardy is unrecognisable as Bane. Another Man, who wears a mask. Actually, to get back to Levitt,  Mc Nulty is not a bad choice to use as your template. That is if  you can imagine McNulty before the whores and booze. I suppose a cop, is the only role, you can be a rookie in your thirties. Anyway Levitt does a good job.
There are nice touches of continuity. Which must have cost a fair bit.  We see Cillian Murphy as the judge, in Banes’ peoples court. Cillian played the Scarecrow in the first movie.  ( Bane has set up a peoples republic of Gotham, the Eastern European/Russian accent would be wasted otherwise. )  We see Liam Neeson reprising his role as the oriental villain in the film film Batman Begins.
I am reminded of the quip about Batman, a billionaire crime fighter, who fights street crime, and is thus a conservative dream. Here Batman is facing a red rising. There is some modern politics bubbling under the Dark Knight.. Catwoman/ Anne Hathaway is very becoming in her leather, and this could be a breakthrough roll for her  Hathawa  transforms from meek maid, to criminal genius, in a single step. However our feline heroine could be said, to be giving a manifesto for the 99%. She asks Wayne, how he can justify taking so much, and leaving so little for everyone else. In another scene, when Wayne loses his business but keeps his mansion. The film has someone observe that there are different rules for the rich. Returning to Catwoman her dream is fetch a piece of software that would, allow her to erase her past. Another worry of our age, is the lost of privacy, as the wayward heroine says. Any 12 year old with a cell phone can find out everything about us. Its hinted that Catwoman, had a less than proper past.
Richard the man who never aged from Lost., was cast as the Mayor of Gotham. The man who played the Senator, from New Jersey, who wanted to be President in the first series of Boardwalk empire is demoted to a congressman, in this movie.
I am reminded again of how cold, Chicago is. The Batman films, are clearly set in Chi town. The overheads and the skyline is clear.  I remember the snow storms in March. Bane’s courts sentence people to death, by sending them across the Ice, of the river.
 A city cut off from the world, as Gotham is, would freeze to death. There are supplies of Kerosene brought in, but who is supplying the power? What about the sewage ?
I am surprised none of the cops, trapped underground got dysentery or some such. Also, there are no veterans or National Guard in Gotham? No knives and forks?
Mathew Modene is alive and well, and working for Gotham city police department

I did wonder about one thing, if Gotham is too corrupt to be saved, and everyone is guilty, why is it only the cops fighting the forces of Bane, why not a peoples rising? The people of Metropolis, rose up to defend Superman, in Superman 2. I also caught the trailer for the new Man of steel movie, that looks good.

I  can nitpicked all day. I enjoyed the Dark Knight rise. . It was farfetched, and the plot was in places flimsy but most of all, it was fun. The ends were tied up nicely. If you expected your life to change, you went to see the wrong movie. Its Batman, not Shakespeare, and there is nothing wrong with that


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