Doctor Who, The Power of Three

The Doctor will be referred to as 11,

Amy is in red

.Rory is in orange 

The Doctor is in blue,

other speech is in italics

We see the Earth, against the stars and the galaxies, and we hear the voice of Amelia Pond Life with the Doctor was like this.
We are treated to a flash of various Doctor Who episodes, featuring the Ponds - The Eleventh Hour A  Good Man goes to War..The Victory of the Daleks .. the Hungry Earth..
An opticians leaves a message on their answerphone, while Rory and Amy go through their fridge. The Dairy products have gone sour
We’ve run out of washing tablets. Says Mr. Williams, and casts a box away
We return to find Rory and Amy sitting in the garden.. We have two lives real life and Doctor life, except real life doesn’t get much of a look in
What do we do?
We hear the whir of the TARDIS
Not today though! Exclaims Amy to her husband, who answers in the negative affirmative nahh  not today!
Every time we flew away with the Doctor we became part of his life, but he never stood still long enough to become part of ours
(Another flash of episodes. The Big Bang, dinosaurs on a space ship, Night Terrors, the wedding of River song)
Except once
(The Ponds are asleep, and the camera pans around their room)
The year of the slow invasion, the time the Doctor came to stay
A black cube materialises out of thin air, and lands on the table near the sleeping Pond’s bed
Ding dong.. The Doorbell of the Pond’s town house rings
Its’ Rory’s father Brian, who we last saw, in the penultimate episode
Dinosaurs on a spaceship Dad  its half past 6 in the morning, his son begins what are you doing lying around? Mr Williams senior demands of Rory and his pretty daughter in law. Brian is brandishing a Box, a black cube
what are they, ?
Nobody knows! There everywhere!
Where have they come from… wait…. Doctor?
Invasion of the very small cubes. We see the Doctor sitting on top of a climbing frame, he studies a cube through a monocle
Then BBC news footage is used as a framing device.. World leaders are appealing for calm… The global appearance of billions of small cubes…Despite official warnings
Professor Brian Cox does a cameo he says there certainly not random space debris, there too perfectly formed for that .. are they extra terrestrial in origin ? well you have to ask  a better man than answers the other good Doctor
In side the Tardis, The Doctor describes the Cubes. 
There all absolutely identical, not a single molecules difference, no blemishes 
The Father of Rory speculates on them. What if there bombs billions of tiny bombs or Transport capsules maybe  with a mini robot inside. Or deadly hard drives or alien eggs..or messages needing decoding or there all parts of a bigger whole, jigsaw that need fitting together
Very thorough Brian, 11 is impressed stay here watch these the Time lord  hands Brian his cube
The ponds are about to step out of the TARDIS, 
Amy asks.. is this an alien invasion because that what it feels like  
Her husband asks if there are life forms in every cube. I
 don’t know 11 replies. ( The Doc  is carrying piping on his back) 
And I really don’t like not knowing  Right I need to use your kitchen as a lab. (The Ponds-Williams have stepped out of the TARDIS following the Dr, they are all carrying bits of pieces I presume for the Doctors experiments) 
Cook up some cubes see what happens Rory looks quickly at his phone. 
Right I’m due at work
You got a job? 
Of course I got a job, nurse Williams replies indignant 
What do you think, we do when your not here?
I imagine mostly kissing 
replies the Alien  
I write travel articles for a magazine and Rory heals the sick, his wife replies.. 
Rory’s shift will start in an hour and he want’s to know where is scrubs are?
A Black Jeep, with Black windows drives up the street, we can hear the radio coms, of the driver Target unconfirmed… may be hostile, voices on radios approaching source now. Men in body armour and carrying guns, walk up to the Pond’s town house
The Doctor is talking to Amy, The Ponds with there house and their jobs… The journalist and the nurse.. a long way from Leadworth
We think its been ten years not for you, or for Earth, but for us The Doctor is being helped by Amy, as he scans a cube 10 years older 10 years of you..on and off Look at you now all grown up!
The Soldiers storm the house. Trap 1 Kitchen secured, Trap 2 Kitchen secured 
There are soldiers all over my house, and I'm in my pants. Mr Williams Jnr complains my whole life I’ve dreamed of saying that
A woman older then the Ponds, enters the house. 
Sorry about the raucous  entrance… spike in energy reading in view of the last 24 hours we had to check it out
Hello Kate Stewart head of scientific research UNIT… and with dress sense like that. Kate takes something from her pocket, and it scans for two hearts, you must be the Doctor
The Doctor salutes.. I’d hoped it be you
Since when did science run the military. Since me… UNITS been adapting Well I dragged them along kicking and screaming which made it sound more fun then it actually was
What do we know about these cubes?
Far less than we need to.. Unit have run a series of tests on the cubes including heating them and freezing them to 200 degrees Celsius simulating submerging them to a depth of 5 miles dropping one from 10 000 feet in a helicopter and driving there best tank over one. There very impressive
I don’t want them impressive I want them vulnerable with a nice Achilles heel.  The Doctor complains, We don’t know how they got here. What there made of or why there here.  All around the world people are taking the cubes home Like Ipads that dropped out of the sky  Kate Stewart continues Observing that the cubes have been photographed, posted on flickr and YouTube, within three hours the cubes had a thousand separate twitter accounts

Flikr is what IG is now, in 2009

Twitter!- Moffat does not remember it kindly 
I recommend we treat this as a hostile incursion Kate wants to gather up all the cubes, and store them centrally in a secure facility . It would however take massive international co operation Which for the moment is not possible
The cubes arrived in plain sight in vast quantities as the sun rose ( The sun was not rising on the other side of the world Doctor) Maybe they wanted to be seen noticed.  More then that They want to be observed, so we observe them, stay with them round the clock, ( The Doctor has a cube in his hand and picks it up and tosses it in the air)Watch the cubes day and night record absolutely everything about them
4 days nothing ( We see the Doctor sitting upside down, head to the floor on the Pond’s couch)
Not a single change in any cube anywhere
4 days I am still in your lounge. You were the one who wanted to observe them The Doctor thought that the Cubes would do something, not just sit there while everyone eats endless cereal
  (Finally someone has said it, constantly eating cereal is gross)
You said we had to be patient
Yes you you not me..I hate being patient  patience is for wimps
The Doctor have got up, and stormed about comes back down, I can’t live like this don’t make me. I need to be busy
Fine be busy Amy yells we’ll watch the cubes
Montage shows 11, staining the Pond’s fence, with wood stain, playing keepy uppy with a soccer ball, according to the Dr he does nearly a million We see the Time lord hoovering and working on a car
That’s better nothing like a bit of activity to pass the time, how long was I gone? About an hour  Cant’ do it The Doctor vaunts over the settee and gets into the TARDIS
Brian your still here ( Rory’s dad is sitting in the TARDIS)
You told me to watch the cubes four days ago Doesn’t time fly when your alone with your thoughts You can’t just leave Doctor,
Quick jaunt restore sanity  come if you like
Brian tells the Doctor his son and daughter in law, can;t just go off like that
Can’t you asks the Timelord
I’ve got my job oh yes the universe is waiting but you have a little job to do
Its not little its important to me Look what you do isn’t all there is
(Rory’s dad looks at the Doctor)
Never said it was..Alright  Fine.. I’ll be back soon, monitor the cubes ( The Doctor is a bit upset, and surprised by Rory’s reaction) Call me I’ll have the TARDIS set to every Earth’s newsfeed. The Ponds, leave the Tardis
BBC news insert, end of a week of cubic theories but no answers. The ticker across the bottom of the newsclip asks invasion or marketing campaign?
Amy is at a party with Rory. I’m so pleased for you too, its about time you made an honest woman of her
The bride asks Amy about Bridesmaids..  (No not, the recent motion picture)I’m so totally there whatever you need
Rory is in his hospital pushing a trolley and talking with a Doctor. Everyone here loves you the nurses. The Doctors your a life saver mate… But there are months where we don’t see you We can’t do without you. I want you to go fulltime
Full time.. blimey !
The scene returns to the Pond’s home. They are in bed.  Its 10 50pm
I said yes
I committed to being a bridesmaid Months in advance like I know I am going to be here
The Doctors God knows where the cubes aren’t doing anything could real life just get started
I like do I
Brian’s log day 67 you can’t call it that Brian’s log Brian’s log day 67 cube was quiet all night .. cube was quiet all day as per previously no movement no change in measurements
You stay up and watch it all the time Brian replies he records the cube at night, watches the footage on fast forward and emails it off to U.N.I.T
MY middle name is diligence..
Wow I can’t wait to see day 68
don’t mock my log I’m doing what the Doctor asked
Its Christmas.. Slade are playing in Rory’s hospital
Mr Ryan please… again. Mr Ryan has stuck his foot in his toilet. In the corner a mixed race girl sits quietly playing with a cube. Her eyes flash blue
Patient is reading a Len Deighton work. An old man, he is waiting for a prescription
Two male nurses, enter the room. Wearing face masks. The Old man, tells them he is fine, and does not need anything. Along with  the little girl.. they surround the patient..The Old man noticing that something is wrong pulls a mask from one of the nurses face. The nurses don’t have mouths, they are Alien and hostile.
The cube at the end of the old man’s bed flashes blue and we see him being bundled off down the corridor by the alien nurses
There are Cubes everywhere. We see one set of cubes piled up at a computer used to keep post it notes. Someone has set up a golf game with three cubes on an office floor. Keeping papers down on a photocopier. A cube used to hold up coffee mugs on a coffee machine, and in bins
The ponds are having a barbeque. Brian is at the grill. His daughter in law is on the phone   Hey Doctor its me So the UN have declared the cubes provisionally safe whatever that means  Banky’s and Damien Hirst have  denied involvement The cubes there just here .. Whats its been 9 months.  People are just taking them for granted We got  o Laura's wedding it was great she’s here tonight .. its our wedding anniversary we thought you might have dropped by ..I left you messages
A bunch of flowers enters the Garden from the house
I know Happy anniversary Come with me and bring your husband.
26th of June 1890. The Doctor takes Amy and Rory to the recently opened Savoy. Rory and Amy have changed into Victorian era clothing.  as an anniversary present. Dinner bed and breakast
Rory kisses the Doctor. However all is not well.
Bit of a shock Zygon ship under the savoy half the staff imposters
still its all fixed now
Thought we were going  home. The Doctor Rory, and Amy run into an old fashioned bed chamber, they are being chased. They all hide under the bed
It wasn't;t my fault
It was totally your fault
Somebody was talking and I just said yes.. To wedding vows you just married Henry 8th on our wedding anniversary
The Doctor sneezes… Sorry
June again… The Ponds have a cake, The Doctor applauds The Ponds arrive back at there anniversary party. No one has noticed. Except Brian
How long where they away?..I don’t know what your talking about Brian  Because there wearing totally different clothes from earlier
7 weeks. I got side tracked a lot
What happened to the other people who travelled with you? Amy’s father in law and Rory’s dad asks the Doctor
Some left me, somewhere left behind, and some not many but some died.. not them, not them Brian never them
can I stay here with you and Rory keep and eye on the cube ( Amy examines a cube) I thought it would drive you mad  I’ll be better at it this time  I… miss you
Brian’s log day  361 850 pm and there is no movement .. and I am cream crackered ( This is rhyming slang for knackered. Exhausted) Brian nods off to sleep
I sent you out to sell as many cubes as you could in 24 hours and look at it you’ve made a right hash of it.  Well Craig your fired
(The Ponds and the Doctor are watching the BBC apprentice )
If I had a restaurant this would be all I’d serve
Yeah right you running a restaurant
I’ve run restaurants.. who do you think invented the Yorkshire pudding
You didn’t
Pudding yet savoury sound familiar
The cube spins.. in front of a sleeping Brian. It wakes him up
Do it again!
Meanwhile Rory is cleaning the kitchen .Amy comes in from the garden and congratulates her husband civilisations saved, surfaces wiped … The Ponds kiss
Where's the Doctor
On the WII again, I’m going for a bath Rory returns to his dishes, but the cube behind him lifts its lid and flashes a blue light
The Doctor is in the Pond’s lounge. He is playing Tennis on the WII, Jumping over the settee  second set Doctor Oh if Fred Perry could see me know.. He’d probably ask for his shorts back
Amy is in the master bedroom. (Not the masters bedroom) The cube draws her attention, she touches it. Little spikes shoot out its top, pinpricks enough to draw her blood. Then the cube flashes into life, and we see the rhyming of her heartbeat.
In the Kitchen Rory’s cube lifts it lid, and turns on it light, changing sides, each time, and taking the nurse away from his dishes.
Third set decider out the way dear.. I’m trying to
The bright black Cube next to the Doctor hovers in front of him
Whatever you are,, this planet these people are precious to me and I will defend them to my last breath. The Doctor frowns, is that all you can do hover? I had a a metal dog that could do that The cube opens and the Doctor says oh that's clever what's that
cube shoots at the doctor… chases him about the room, under the couch and out the door. Then the cube interfaces and scans the TV, bringing up lots of information about Earth You really have woken up
Doctor,, Rory calls the Timelord and tells him the cubes are alive
The cube upstairs just swiped me and took my pulse
Mine fired lazer bolts and now its surfing the net
Brian lets himself in. Your never going to believe this my cube just moved it rattled
Rory’s phone rings. Rory mate I’m desperate for help people are saying they been attacked by the cubes. ( Its the Doctor at Rory’s work) Its going to be a long night.
Okay I’m on my way
The strange little girl, who carried off the old man, Observes the conservation clutching a flashing cube,
I have to get to work they need all the help they can get
Brian offers to come to work to help Rory
Take your dad to work night brilliant  are you going to be alright here.
Red kisses her husband keep away from cubes . What are you grinning about.  The Doctor has been looking at something we’re wanted at the tower of London
Amy and Rory are driven to the tower. A Yeoman of the guard salutes.
Every cube across the world activated at the same moment, explains Kate
You sent me a message to my pyschic paper, you know what I’m almost impressed.  A secret base beneath the tower, hope were not here because we know to much Yes I’ve got officers  trained in beheading Also ravens of death I like her
Kate takes the Doctor and Amy up some stairs into a laboratory where several cubes are under observation  The cubes are behind glass. Some cubes respond to proximity… some create mood swings
er whats this one
Try the door, Amy opens the door, and the cube blasts her with the Birdie song. The last Timelord places his fingers in his ears, and Kate explains the horror of the situation  on a loop. Kate then brings the Doctor over to a control panel. This is the latest
Oh dear says the Doctor systems breach at the Pentagon…China.. every African nation…middle East Kate tells the Doctor she has Governments screaming for information and no idea what to tell them
I’m lost doctor we all are.
Don’t despair Kate..Your Dad never did

Kate Stewart…Heading up UNIT changing the way they work. how could you not be? Why did you drop Lethbridge?
I didn’t want any favours though he guided me..even to the end Science leads he always told me Said he learned that from an old friend. The Doctor smiles
We don’t let him down, we don’t let this planet down
They’ve stopped the cubes around the world they’s just stopped the technician with glasses tell Kate. Amy and the Doctor
Active for 47 minutes and then they just die?
Not dead dormant maybe,
Than why shut down
don;t know I need time to think, I need some air.. who has an underground base? Terrible ventilation. 
(The Doctor scowls walks off, and is followed by Amy, they end up sitting facing the south bank of the river thames)
The moment they arrived I should have made sure they were collected and burned. That is what I should have done
How? No body would have listened
Your thinking of stopping  aren’t you.. You and Rory
I mean we haven’t made a decision
Your considering it Maybe… I don’t know. We don’t know I mean our lives have changed so much There was a time, there were years when I could’nt live without you When just the whole real life thing would drive me crazy But since you dropped us back here, since you gave us this house we built a life

They pull at each other.. Because they pull at me, and the traveling is starting to feel like running away I’m not running away Oh come on look at you four days in a lounge and you go crazy
But this just one corner of one country of one continent of one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that's a corner of a universe that's forever growing and shrinking creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond and there is so much so much to see Amy ..because it goes so fast. I’m not running away from things I’m running to them before they flare and fade forever
Our lives won’t run the same.. they can’t
One day soon maybe you’ll stop I’ve know for a while
Then why do you keep coming back for us ( annoyed tone from Amy)
Because you were the first the first face this face saw and you were seared onto my hearts Amelia Pond and always will be. I’m running to you and Rory before you fade from me.
Don;t be nice to me I don’t want you to be nice to me
Yeah you do pond You always get what you want
(The Doctor looks up alert)
Got what they wanted  Errg. The Cubes that’s why they stopped. Come on The Doc, and Amy return to Kate under the tower
Kate before they shut down, they scanned everything. … they made a complete assessment of planet Earth and its inhabitants
( The lights go off)
That's what the surge of activity was…
Problem with the power (The Doctor scans with his sonic) Not possible we got back ups, Kate says clutching her torch
and then wham..
The Doctor Amy and Kate run into the cube room. Something catches Amy’s eye.  Its a cube, with the number seven on it.
Why do they all say seven
What so important about 7? seven wonders of the world, seven streams of the river ota Seven sides of a cube. A cube has six sides. Not if you count the inside.  (7 of 9)
The cubes across the world all go from 7 to 6
It has to be a countdown… We have to God knows what will happen if it hits zero  The Doctor tells Kate to get the message out, use anything from News channels to  websites to Radio to  text messages people have to know that the cubes are dangerous
Why is this starting now ?The cubes arrived months ago Amy points out, why wait this long?
Because there clever..  Allow People to bring the cubes into the lives and the cubes go about unnoticed but quietly recording everything.. Humans the great early adopters and then wham. Profile every inch of Earth’s existence
Then discover how best to attack us
Get that information out anyway you can
The Doctor goes to the monitor to work on something
Every cube was activated there must be signals energy fluctuations on a massive scale There must be some trace
We need to think of all the variables all the possibitles go go go
THIS IS A NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT, The government advises members of the public dispose of all cubes.. The BBC news reader states. If there are cubes inside your house remove them immediately
A cube counts down from 5 to 4
We are back at Rory’s hospital  Get them out of the building away from here as far as you can..  After telling this to a Nurse, Rory spies his father holding an IV
Dad could you get a me a box of tape for dressings it’s just the cupboard round the corner Yes boss.. The other Mr Wiliam’s replies
Brian seems to be in a corridor that goes on for infinity with nothing distinguishing one end from the other
The two male nurses rush past with there trolley. They almost hit Brian. Sorry, excuse me  I’m looking for the supplies cupboard I said I’m looking for the supplies cupboard Mr WIlliam’s senior calls after the two male nurses we saw earlier.
Elsewhere in the hospital  cube flashes 3, on the girls knee
Rory is looking for his Father..
Hey dad.hey. Rory chases the two male nurses,with the  the trolley, The two alien nurses get into the lift. At the end of the corridor
The lift is supposed to be closed off, and shut down there are stickers saying do not use. Rory enters the lift and looks at the wall. Something draws him towards it. Mr Pond-Williams, steps through a portal and onto a  Spaceship above the earth. Rory steps onto the bridge of the space ship
Back at the Tower, Amy is telling the Doctor he doesn’t have to do this. She’s right you don’t have to be in there we can do this remotely His scientific adviser tells him (Kate)
Remotely isn’t my style See you after, the Doctor kisses Amy
The Doctor gets into a Small observation room, with a window identical to the room, we saw the cube that played the Birdie song in, earlier. 11, plays with the cube, and smiles at the Redhead
The cube in the room, and across the world. The cubes in cafes, and in the office where they were used as a golf game countdown from 2 to 1 . The girl in the hospital looks on, holding her cube
The cubes hit zero
The cube in front of the Time lord opens
Geronimo! As Kate and Amy look on, The Doctor looks inside the cube
There is nothing in here. The Doctor responds to Amy’s question That's good its not bombs its not aliens
Why why is there nothing inside it doesn’t make any sense? The Doctor gets up and paces about the observation room, he leaves the observation room
On a monitor we see people across the world. Walking up and down the street. Glasses is it safe, asks the Doctor Is it the same all around the worldThere empty were safe ? asks Kate
N no no, we’re very far from safe every action from the cubes has been deliberate, why draw attention to the cubes if they don’t contain anything?
Doctor look!
There cc TV feeds from across the world, says the Techie
People on the screen collapse in the street
People are dying, I want information on how people are being affected demands Kate, as she watches people keel over on the pavements
The cubes brought people close together the Doctor speculates and then collapses holding his chest. The cubes had asborbed the power from the powercut, and then released it at the nearest human they could find 7 seconds later. The heart is an organ powered by electircal current and the Doctor has two, one of which has stopped
Short-circuited. The Doctor insists pounding on the Techies chest  how to destroy humanity go for the heart!
Crikey moses ( The Doctor mentions the founders of Christianity and Judaism)
Kate tells, the Doctor that the scan he has set in motion has found the places where the electrical surge was sent from 7 of them, all across the world, the Time lord notes. 7 stations 7 minutes why is that important?  AHHHHHHH How do you people only manage one heart, ( The Doctor cries out in pain) It is pitful.
Amy rolls her eyes (Yes that is speech in my opinion)
The wormhole bridging  two dimensions.. 7 of them hitched onto this planet …but wheres the closest one? Glasses zoom in
The computer scan, homes in on a building somewhere in London
Thats the hospital where Rory works Dad…Dad.. Rory wanders down the corridor after his father, Get away from him
The Doctor, Amy and Kate are at the hospital. How many deaths have been recorded, asks 11? We don’t know we think it could be a third of the population. To Kates reply the Doctor tells Kate she must get the story out, The world needs her leadership right now. The Doctor almost falls, under the strain of one heart. Amy asks him how much longer he will last How much longer I need to locate the wormhole portal, says the Lord of Time. The Doctor scans his surroundings with the sonic screwdriver. Hello Hello
The Doctor’s screwdriver has detected an odd reading from the mixed race little girl, You are giving off some very strange signals, the Dr says as the little girls eyes glow blue and then her face.
Outlier droid monitoring everything, if I shut her down… I can I can’t move. The Doctor collapses as his heart weakens, he falls to the floor Alright desperate measures says the redhead grabbing a defib unit What no no no, that won’t work I’m a Time Lord!
Amy unbuttons the Doctors shirt, and attaches the paddles of the defibulator
Welcome back lefty ! The Doctor is up on his feet and dancing two hearts Back in the game… never do that to me again..
The Doctor and Amy, trace the signal through the sonic, to a Portal to another dimension in a good’s life
The energy signals converge here does seem a bit cramped though. The Doctor steps into the lift, and is followed by the Redhead, the Doctor touches the side of the lift, and sees the distortion in space time. Through the looking glass Amelia
Amy lights up the screen with her smile The Dr and Amy, join the Williams on a space ship
where are ,? were in orbit. One dimension to the left
Amy notices her husband on a table, Rory! The Doctor passes her some smelling salts outlawed in several galaxies.Rory is woken up, and there is a flash… Wow.
Get them out, says the Doctor to his Companion..We see an Alien face. The Ponds, have revived their father and father in law
So many of them, crawling the planet, seeping into every corner the alien states.. Brian stares at the aliens, as his son and daughter in law, pull him away on a hospital trolley
The alien teleports across the room, to face a control screen
Its not possible..The Timelord whispers. I thought the Shakri were a myth. A myth to keep the young of Galifrey in their place.
The Shakri answers the last of Galifrey. The Shakri exist in all of time and none. We travel alone and together. The Seven!
The Shakri craft connected to Earth, through seven portals and seven minutes ..but why?
Serving the word of the Tally
Why the cubes, why earth?
Not earth, humanity, the Shakri will halt the human plague before the spread
Erase humanity before it colonises space
Wht thought the cubes were an invasion, the start of war

The human contagion only must be eliminated .
Who are you calling a contagion? (The Ponds have returned at this point)Oi! Didn’t I tell you two to go?
What is this tally anyway?  Some people call it judgement day or the reckoning. Don’t you know? I’ve never wanted to find out

Before the closure there is the Tally, The Shakri serve the Tally

Pest controllers of the universe thats how the tales went
That's some seriously weird bed  time story
You can talk wolf in your Grandmothers nightdress facing the Shakri the Doctor speaks So here you are depositing slug pellets. So humans will collect them  hoping to find something beautiful inside. Because that's what they are..not pests or plague  creatures of hope forever building and reaching. Making mistakes of course every life form does But But they learn, and they striver for greater and they achieve it
You want a tally put there achievements against there failing through  the end of time (Doc rejoins the ponds)
I will back humanity against the Shakri ever time
The Tally must be met ...the second wave will be released . He's going to release more cubes to kill more people, is the explanation the Dr gives, when Amy asks what the Shakri meant.
Our best hope now is each other. On Earth we see, Kate on the phone to the secretary general of the U.N
The human plague breeding and fighing and when cornered there rage to destroy. The Shakri tells the TARDIS team Your too late Doctor, the tally shall be met.. The Shakri disapears
He's gone?
He was never really here, just the ships automated interface like a talking propaganda poster... I can stop the second wave... The Doctor scans the Shakri interface with his sonic. I can disconnect all the portals .. drifting in the darks space... ah but.
The Doctor wants to fix the situation, one third of the population have collapsed with cardiac failure. Between the two of the Ponds, suggest restarting those stopped hearts, as Amy did in the hospital

The Shakri used the cubes to stop peoples hearts we're going to use them to turn them back on again. Bingo
Will that work? Creatures of hope, says the Dr and starts to scan. A scanning of the sonic, sets the cubes, into life. Don't let me down cubes your working for me now, scolds 11
Oh dear all those cubes there is going to be terrible wave of energy ricocheting around here any second
Run  Team TARDIS runs
I’m going to miss this 
All over the world, people who had collapsed recover.. A full  UNIT secret office, watches the BBC news report confirming all is well again under the sun
You really are as remarkable as Dad said... Thank you. (Kate kisses the Doctor)
Oi A kiss from a Lethbridge Stewart, that is new!
Oh  I'm late for dinner, the Doctor goes to shake Kate hand, makes a face touches his nose with his hand and gets into his car. He salutes her goodbye
The Doctor is having dinner with the Ponds-Williams all of them. They are laughing. I better get going says 11 things to do worlds to save swings.... to swing on..
I know, you both have lives beautiful messy lives,,, I understand says the Time Lord
Actually it you they can't give up says Brian and I don’t think they should. go with him, go save every world you can find
Who else has that chance
life will still be here
You could come Brian
somebody's got to water the plants just bring them back safe

So that was the year of the slow invasion..when the Earth got cubed and the Doctor came to stay   It was also when we realised something the Shakri never understood what cubed actually means....
The power of three! The Doctor and the Ponds, enter the TARDIS


Have we seen the last of the Shakri? They seem to big and too powerful to be one episode villains

This must be the first episode of the Pond's/11 adventures that has real world ratifications. We see UNIT, everything before this, say the events of Leadworth in the the 11 hour, could be explained away by he crack, in Amy's wall, the silence et al

Would you let Rory's dad wonder about a hospital unsupervised? What if he steals drugs, what about legal liability

Nice to see a Lethbridge stewart though, will we see a young Winfred Bambera?


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