The Angels Take Manhattan, Doctor Who

Amy's lines of dialogue are in Red, Rory's are in orange, The Doctor is in blue, and River Song is in purple.
All other speech is in Italics. I refer to the Doctor, as 11. Amy and Rory are the Ponds, and the Pond Williams,

More Doctor Who reviews can be found here

Well the weeping Angels are back, but this time they are in Manhattan. Remember the Daleks in Manhattan? That was not one of the better episodes. Lets hope Moffat does better in NYC than RDS

(Malchera's note. My PC crashed as I was watching the show. The first part of my notes were lost and so what remains, is what I transcribed after I reset my PC. What is recorded is  the last 15 minutes)


New York city of a million stories half of them are true the other half just haven't happened yet. A voice narrates over the keys of an old typewriter
( We see the NYC  Skyline the empire state building, which is presumably now Dalek free) Statues the man said living statues that moved in the dark

The camera shifts to a grand New York townhouse. Its night and its raining hard
``So will you take the case Mr Garner?'' There is a letter on the table addressed to a Julius Grayle, a sum of money in dollars, is dropped next to the letter
Sure why not, the narrator replies. ( A man dressed as a film noir P.I, The actor looks like McNulty from The Wire)
Because you don't believe me.... Says a fat man, in a suit middle aged, white hair-Mike McShane
For 25 dollars a day, plus expenses I'll believe any dam thing you like, answers Garner
But you don't believe that statues can move!(The fat man begins, to smile ) and your right Mr Garner they can't  of course they can't ( The fat man, moves to the window, and open the curtains)When your looking ( outside there is a view of a statue a mother and child)
Goodbye Mr Grayle, the PI-Garner walks out of the house, escorted by one of Grayle's heavies. Grayle watches Garner leave, and returns to looking out his window, we see the rain again, and that one of the statues has moved
The address Grayle gave me was an apartment block near battery park. He said it was where the statues lived. (More NYC views, The Empire state building, Lady Liberty  )I asked him while he didn't go look himself, he didn't answer
Grayle was the scariest guy I knew if something scared him, I kind of wanted to shake its hand.
Garner walks up to the apartment, at Winter Quay, we see the name in neon lights. He scopes the building out, an old woman, looks at him from a window on his left, another woman a few years younger watches him also, and a girl playing peekaboo, completes the scene
As Garner enters the apartment we see one of the weeping angels, its mouth open full of angry teeth..
Hello Hello, Garner enters into the foyer of the apartment building, checker-board title floor. The elevator descends to the lobby, to collect the PI. Garner boards the lift, not noticing the weeping angel behind him
Garner having left the elevator, walks down the corridor apartments, every now and then, red carpet and flickering lights, Garner's eyes are caught by the name under 702, Garner
The PI opens the door to apartment 702, Hello, anyone home?, he knocks and enters, Garner checks a wallet on the table, it has an investigators license in the name of S Garner.. There is rasping from inside
Garner sees an old man, in his pajamas, in bed
Who are you?
There coming for you...there going to send you back 
Whose coming? Back where?
Back in time 
I'm you... I'M YOU.. The man leans forward and we see its Garner, decrepit and aged
Garner backs out of apartment fast, he catches sight of the Angel, coming down one end of the corridor, and another following him, Garner draws his pistol
Garner gets to the stairs, two more angels there, there teeth bared. Garner runs up the stairs, as he runs, we see someone typing, Garner makes it to the rooftop, he scans the skyline behind him, there is A stone mouth open with angry teeth...

The typist has finished the title.  ``The Dying Detective''

Garner turns around and see  The Statue of Liberty- possessed by a Weeping Angel

You've got to be kidding me !

Opening credits

Sting's Englishman in New York, plays over the skyline of NYC
(That must have cost the BBC a pretty penny- I wonder if it is still on the DVD's)
New York growled at my window, but I was ready for it.. my stocking seams were straight my lipstick was combat ready and I was packing cleavage which could fell an ox at 20 feet
Doctor your doing it again...
(11 and Red, are sitting on a rock in the middle of central park. Amy is wearing glasses. She is reading the New York Record(er) Which has the title. Detroit Lions win the Superbowl. ( For readers outside North America think reading Coventry city win the Premiership)
Also the Detroit Lions are Magnum P.I's favorite team 
I'm reading! Out loud! Please could you not? ( Something that grinds my gears too, my mother constantly does this)There's something different about you isn't there... the doctor tells Amy
Whats the book? Rory who is sitting lower down the rock. Its a big rock.
Melody Malone She's a private detective in old town New York 
She's got ice in heart and a kiss on her lips and a vulnerable side she keeps well hidden (Amy is not impressed by the Doctor's choice of book)
Oh you've read it
You read it out loud and then went yowzah 
Only you could fancy someone in a book ( Rory's statement is very odd. Considering 50 shades of grey is topping the best seller lists. ) I'm just reading I just like the cover
Amy turns around. Let me see the cover
No No I'm busy Its your hair, the Doctor sniffs Amy Is it your hair?
Shut up its the glasses. The Scot tells the Time Lord I'm wearing reading glasses now, on my nose see
I don't like them, I make your eyes look lines
No actually sorry
There fine...carry on
Okay I am going to get some more coffee, who wants some more coffee? me
Rory do I have noticeable lines on my eyes now?
Yes  No
You didn't look
I noticed them earlier  didn't notice them, I specifically remember not noticing 
You walk among fire pits centurion
Do  I come over there? You can if you like 
Well we have company
I'll get a babysitter It is so humiliating when you do that
Rory goes off in search of coffees
Can I have a go (The Doctor borrows Amy's glasses)
Oh actually that is much better That is exciting
Read to me
I thought you didn't like my reading aloud
Shut up and read me a story Just don't go Yowzah. The Doctor chuckles and rips the last page out of his book. He places it in the picnic hamper  I hope its not a library copy
Why did you do that?
Oh I always rip out the last page of a book Then it doesn't have to end  I hate endings. ..
The Doctor begins to read..
As I crossed the street I saw the thing guy but he didn't see me  I guess that's how it began 
Rory has fetched the coffee's he crossed the street. I think the top end of fifth avenue -grand army plaza. He is walking through central park coffee's in hand
Rory hears laughter childish laughter behind him, the Husband of Amy looks around , and continues to walk towards the bridge/tunnel in Central park, we have all seen. There is a statue on a fountain behind him, the statue is a weeping angel The laughter follows Rory into the shadows

(Imagine the tunnel in Fall, )

We return to the Dr and Amy. Amy is playing pooh sticks on the central park bridge
I followed the skinny guy for two more blocks before he turned and I could ask exactly what he was doing here He looked a little scared so I gave him, my best smile and my bluest eyes 

Beware the Yowzah do not at this point yowse Amy scolds the Doctor
The Doctor is silent he has read on, Amy asks the Doctor What did the skinny guy say?
He said, I just went to get coffee's for the Doctor and Amy
Hello River

We see River Song smiling under a fedora
Hello Dad
Where am I.. How the hell did I get here?
I haven't the faintest idea But you'll probably want to put your hands up

A man points a gun at Rory's back, Another man . African American, Who we saw working for Grayle earlier, asks River song Melody Malone?
Your Melody? asks her father
A car screeches up, Get in advises the Heavy

In present day New York, Amy asks the Doctor, What's River doing in a book, Whats Rory doing in a book

He went to get coffee pay attention. (The two TARDISeers, are crossing the street in Times square) 
Now the Doctor and Amy are walking by the Bridge, this is quite a walk, from Central park to Times square, across the bridge is quite far. I hope Amy, was not in heels)  Amy has asked how Rory ended up in a book. I don't know we are in New York 
The Doctor and Amy arrive at their home from home and safely  in the Tardis
Where did you get this book?
It was in my Jacket answers 11 How did it get there
How does anything get there, I've given up asking  Amy is scanning the book
Date Date, does she mention the date When is this happening
Yes hang on
April 3rd 1938  ( seems ill omened
We return to pre war, post prohibition days
You didn't come here in the Tardis obviously 
You couldn't have
The scene returns to the Doc and the Redhead
Could'nt have what does she mean couldn't have 
The city is full of time distortions it would be impossible to land the Tardis here. Rory looking out the window, can see Grand central station. (Has he gone back on himself? He was walking out of central park surely?)
Like trying to land a plane in a blizzard, even I couldn't do it 
Even who couldn't do it... Back in the TARDIS
Don't you too fall out she's only in a book 
The Doctor mutters how 1938 will be easy .... He turns a switch on the control, There is a small explosion on the TARDIS console. We see warning messages on the Doctors viewer, and the TARDIS fails to materialise in the NYC sky, opposite the Brooklyn Bridge
Its that it...
1938 we just bounced off it . 11 is a bit shaken by events.
How did you get here Rory asks his wee girl
Vortex manipulator , Professor song shows her father, her toy. Its worn on the wrist. Less Bulky then a TARDIS, a motorbike through traffic ... You?
Not sure, her father half whispers
As Rory and River are driven past a building they are watched by the Weeping Angels

We return to the Doctor and Amy who, have landed the TARDIS in a Graveyard

The weeping angels
, it makes sense
Thats what happend to Rory that's what the Angels do Its there preferred form of attack 
11 is working on the TARDIS, as he speaks to Amy. The Scot is reading the Melody Malone novel  They zap you back in time. Let you live to death

Amy points out the Doctor and her, have a Time Machine, Lets go and get him ( Rory) We've tried that if you noticed. And we are back where we started in 2012. 
But we did;t start in a graveyard, what are we doing here
Dunno probably causally linked somehow... Doesn't matter ( The Doctor opens, the TARDIS and sprays a fire extinguisher into the TARDIS, extractor fans on!

We'll we're going to get there somehow we're in the rest of the book
Page 43 your going to break something
I'm what?
Why do you have to break mine... I asked the Doctor  He frowned and said because Amy read it in a book and now I have no choice. 
Stop no Stop, 11 dashes over to Amy and grabs the book... You can't read ahead you mustn't and you can't do that I've already been reading it   Just the stuff that's happening now, in parallel with us that's as far as we go 
It could help us find Rory
If you read ahead and you find that Rory dies? This isn't any old future Amy its ours
Once we know what's coming its fixed. I'm going to break something because you told me I'm going to do it. No choice now.( Bleak view of Time travel)
Time can be rewritten
Once you've read it. Once we know what's coming its written in stone. ( 1)
As the Doctor takes Amy by the hand and leads her into the Tardis, the camera lingers on a Tombstone
In loving memory of RORY ARTHUR WILLIAMS

Back in 1938. Rory and River are frogged marched into Grayle's Townhouse. River catches sight of a Chinese vase. Early Chin dynasty I'd say
Correct are you an archaeologist as well as a detective asks Grayle,  from the top of his staircase.
( Would an American not say Anthropologist. I studied anthropology in the University of North Carolina)
Back in the TARDIS  The Dr, compares reaching NYC in '38 to...Landing an Airplane in a blizzard.
If I am out by a nanosecond, the engines will phase and I'll shatter the planet. 
I need landing lights
Landing lights, (I would make passes at Amy in glasses)
A signal to lock on to, what did she say early what dynasty?
Early chin, just as you say. Confirms Grayle Your very well informed
And your very afraid that's an awful lot of locks for one door

River I'm translating. Rory see's the words Rapture of summer appear on a Chinese Pot. I'ts a gift of the TARDIS it hangs around. 
This one put him somewhere uncomfortable. Grayle tells, his henchmen Paying attention to Rory Williams, for the first time
The Babies sir?
Yes why not.. Grayle smiles Give him to the babies
Rory is grabbed and hurled down the stairs into a cellar, by Grayles man
The lights are out, you last longer with these. The Hooldum throws Rory a pack of matches
What do you care
its funnier
The Door closes on Rory and we here laughter the giggling of young angels

China 221 BC

A potters shop,

Ahh hello yes... The Doctor is with Amy, special commission from the Emperor and flashes the Chin dynasty Artisan, his psychic paper. While back in NYC, River is being entertained by Grayle, she see's the word Yowzah appear on the Pot.
As Grayle removes her coat, and reveals her cleavage  River having seen the message exclaims, Hello sweetie.. Let see crime boss with a collecting  fetish Whatever you don't want anyone else to see has got to be your favourite or possibly your Girl friend. ( River pulls apart a curtain, in Grayle's  study) 

It reveals a weeping angel

So Girlfriend then
What are you doing? ( River is entering something onto her vortex manipulator) Oh you know texting a boy
Yowzah.. Is the message recieved on the TARDIS
Landing Lights We have a signal locking on. 

Back in Old New York, Grayle comments on the statue. These things are all over people don't seem to notice. It never moves while your looking
Oh I know how they work, replies Professor Song, whilst looking deep into the Angels eyes
So I understand Melody Malone. The detective who investigates angels 
Badly damaged
I want to know if it could feel pain
You realise its screaming the others can hear Is that why you need all the locks? River turns away from the chained angel to address Grayle directly
Grayle flicks a switch. The lights go out and when the lights are returned. The Angel has caught River in it's stony grasp
Your going to tell me all about these creatures and your going to do it quickly 
The lights go dark again
In the cellar, Rory strikes a match.
Hello someone there, Rory can hear laughter and something scurrying. He gets up, letting the match burn.
Rory walks over to see three statues of babies, in the centre of the floor. The match burns Rory's fingers, and it goes dark
Rory lights another match, and see's that the statues have moved towards him, from there previous position. Rory scared lurches back, dropping a match, and striking another. The Angels, are now chasing him
Rory can hear the scurrying and the laughter of the baby angels, and something behind him, something larger
Come on come on, Rory lights one match, and a baby angel waits behind him, ready to blow the flame out

Back upstairs, River is still a captive The angels are predators. There deadly, what do you want with them?
I'm a collector Grayle replies. What collector could resist these? I'm only Human!
That's exactly what their thinking
Whats that? What's happening is it an Earthquake?

We can hear the noise of the TARDIS, above Grayle's home we see a flash of bright blue electricity  The TARDIS control room, shakes Amy and the Docto

You bad boy you could burn New York

It means Mr Grayle just you wait till my husband gets home

Just a moment final checks. 
Since when
The Doctor flattens his hair, and straightens his tie in a mirror A mirror made by Rolls Royce in England
The Doctor and Amy emerge in Grayle's staircase. Amy runs up the stairs and calls after her man. Rory? Rory?

Grayle has been rendered unconscious by the materialisation of the TARDIS. Rory? 11 catches sight of his woman
Sorry I'm late honey. Traffic was hell
River giggles.. The Dr examines Grayle, Shock he'll be fine
Not if I can get loose
The Doctor approaches river and the Angel, He straightens his hair again.
So where are you now Dr Song?... Hows Prison
Oh I was pardoned ages ago and its Professor Pond to you
Pond? Turns out the person I killed never existed in the first place Apparently there's no record of him Its almost as if someone's gone about deleting himself from every database in the universe.
You said I got too big, says the Dr touching River's nose And now no one's ever heard of you didn't you used to be somebody?
Weren't you the women who killed the Doctor?
Doctor who? 11 scans, the Angel with his sonic, she's holding you very tight (Genius)
well at least she didn't send me back in time I doubt she's strong enough
well I need a hand back Which is it going to be, are you going to break my wrist or hers? Oh no really?
Behind the two regenerates. Amy enters the room
Why do you have to break mine?
Because Amy read it in a book Now I have no choice 
Turning to Amy the Timelord You see?
Well what book? Your book, 11 reaches for the paper back in his pocket Which you haven't written yet so we can't read
I see I don't like the cover much
But if Rivers going to write that book she'd make it useful yeah, the mother of the woman trapped by the alien, interjects I'l certainly try, oh we can't read ahead its too dangerous
I know but there must be something we can look at
what a page of handy hints previews? spoiler free. 11 answers sarcastically
Chapter titles.. Red replies. She is a smart tall thing
The Doctor scans, the chapter titles, his eyes rest on THE ROMAN IN THE CELLAR
He's in the cellar..Gimme
The Doctor tosses Amy his sonic, and Amelia runs to rescue and reunite with her husband. 11 kisses, River and goes to follow Amy. Then he stops
Doctor? Doctor what is it, what's wrong? Tell me
11 is reading the chapter list Doctor? Doctor what is it? Tell me
We see the chapter title, the final chapter title
Calm down, Calm Down
The Doctor throws a tantrum. A childish tantrum. NO
Talk to me
You get your wrist out. You get your wrist out without breaking it! The Timelord is really angry here
I don't know just do it, change the future. The Doctor yells, and storms off.

Amy has made it down stairs to the basement of Grayles house. Where we last saw her husband. She is  equipped with sonic screwdriver and torch. Looking for her husband, she catches sight of three statues. Babies on the cellar floor

No their angels!  Baby angels!

The Doctor and Amy, see a trail of spent matches, on the basement floor. Did they get Rory? the Pond asks
Where is he... did they take him?
Yes I think so yes. Answered the Raggedy Man. ( You must know that reference)
Hearing the baby weeping angels, giggle and scurry about the floor, the Doctor and Amy beat a hasty retreat upstairs

The statue of Liberty sets our location, Rory is downtown. Just outside Winter Quay
Back at Grayles. The Doctor paces outside the TARDIS, as Amelia talks to him on the stairs
So is this what's going to happen? We just keep chasing him back in time, and they ( The Weeping angels keep pulling him further back)
River comes into the hall. She is scanning on handheld computer. He isn't back in time I am reading a displacement but there are no temporal markers He's been moved in space, not in time and its not that far from here by the look of it
You got out
So where is he? Red asks annoyed
Rory walks up the same stairs, as the PI did earlier. Nurse Williams  walks into the same building, We return to the Doctor and the other companions
Come on  come on where is he?
If it was that easy I'd get you to do it
How did you get your wrist out without breaking it
You asked I did Replies the mature woman with great cleevage
You just changed the future
Its called marriage honey!
River tells the Doctor and Amy that Rory is not far, there is a car outside. The Doctor asks her to show me,
River writhes in pain. Her wrist is broken. She had lied
Rory gets on the same elevator, as the PI did earlier, he looks down the same corridor, into the Angels lair
Its okay when all those numbers on both units get to zero, that's when we've got a lock okay, thats how we find Rory Why did you lie to me?
When ones in love with an ageless God Who insists on the face of a twelve year old, One does ones best to hide the damage ( So the Doctor has a choice. At least sub or meta consciously  in his next regeneration's appearance , interesting. Also River is human now She ages and bleeds. )
It must hurt... come here
Yes, the wrist is pretty bad too
The Doctor, applies gold regeneration energy to River's wrist 

Stop it stop it ( The gold regeneration energy heals River) There you are how's that? 
Well let see shall we( River slaps the Doctor hard, Amy gasps and the Doctor is left speechless)
That was a stupid waste of regeneration energy...Nothing is gained  by you being a .. sentimental idiot  Oh You embrass me.. River storms off
Tell you what stick to the science part, is the Doctor's Mother in Law's advice. She follows her daughter outside of Mr Grayle's house, into the street. 
Okay why did you lie? Never let him see you damaged ( River is more or less Human now, compare her here with Lets Kill Hitler, where she jumps from windows, and asborbs bullets)
Never ever let him see you age He doesn't like endings.
 There you are The Doctor has been looking at River's portable computer He's at a place called Winter Quay The car yes? let's go...
The Doctor, River and Amy head of down town after Rory As the camera lingers on the statues the mother and her son.
Grayle is awakened from the shock, his house is a ruin. Newspapers spread on the floor.   The statues follow him...
We get a sense of Deja vu, as Rory goes up the elevator and comes into the same corridor. The same doors leading off to each apartment, the same  red carpet, the spring door of the elevator. But at the end of the corridor an Angel stands ready to pounce.  Why would they send him here? River asks, the Doctor why not zap him time, like they normally do. 
Winter quay.
Rory  Amy followed by her Son in law  and Daughter has entered the apartment building at Winter quat, She is is looking for her husband he’s close
Rory? Amy, calls after her husband close
Amy,the Ponds are reunited and embrace
Doctor look at this Why is it smiling? River asks about the statue of a weeping angel, at the end of the corridor. The Doctor notices a sign on the door next to them Amy Rory get out of here..don't look and don't touch.. as he and River barge in the door marked  R WILLIAMS
Whose that..
We see an old man alone in bed.. reaching and coughing 

Amy please Amy please please
Rory ?Amy walks over to the old man, in bed, and takes him by the hand. The Doctor is looking away. 
Rory looks on at himself, He’s you. Rory turns away, The Old Rory says his wife's name and holding her hand ,Rory breathes his last.
Someone please tell me what is going on? The Nurse wants a diagnosis from the Doctor
I’m sorry Rory but you just died...
The Typewriter spells out the legend death at Winter Quay
The place is policed by Angels every time you try to escape you get zapped back in time
So this place belongs to the angels they built it? The Timelord explains to Amelia that the weeping angels when they bring people back through time they creates time energy and that is what the angels feed on. Normally its a one of   a hit and run, if they could keep hold of there victims feed of there time energy over and over again. This place is a farm. A battery farm, How many angels in new york? the Dr asks his wife
Its like they've taken over every statue in the city replies Professor Song The Angels take Manhatten, because they can They've never had a food source like this the city that never sleeps  What was that? ( There is shunting and banging off screen)
I don’t know but I think there coming for you
What does that mean? what's going to happen to me? What is physically going to happen?
The angels will come for you, send you back in time to this very spot Thirty Forty years ago and you will live out the rest of your life in that room  Until you die in that bed
And will Amy be there?
How do you know demands Red Because he was so pleased to see you again
Okay well they have't taken me yet.. Mr Williams, states brings his hands together. What if I just run? What if I just get the hell out of here.. than that ...
Its already happened Rory You've just witnessed your own future 
He's right River disagrees, No He isn't 11 rebuts  If Rory got out, it would create a paradox
What is that?, Amy asks about the crashing
This is the angel's food source The paradox poisons the well It could kill them all This whole place would literally unhappen 
It would be almost impossible
Loving the almost...River points out there is a chance. A slim chance, but it could be done
But to create a paradox like that takes almost unimaginable power
I wotn't let them take him, Amy takes her husband hand 

Whatever that thing is its getting closer
Rory even if you got out, you'd have to keep running for the rest of your life
They would be chasing you forever.. The last Lord of Time, warns the Last of the Centurions. There will be no escape for Rory from the Angels. Well then better get started, Amy adds She opens, the door, and spies an Angel dead ahead. Pardon the term  Husband run! Amelia tells Rory
River I'm not sure this can work, the Doctor confesses, as he draws his sonic 
Husband shut up her  Amy's Daughter tells her spouse. As they confront the two angels. It goes dark and the Angels raise their hands to strike 
The Ponds made it to the stairs where an angel blocks their path, Up  What good's up ? Better than down
Any ideas? River begs as she and the Doc are surrounded by Angels, Run!

Rory has fled onto the roof of the building 
The Statue of  liberty possessed by the weeping Angel, with those huge  teeth, lurk and leer behind Rory
The Doctor and River make it out to the stairs. An Angel below them Okay fire escape
I always wanted to visit  the statue of Liberty I guess she got impatient
The Statue of Liberty is possesed by a huge weeping Angel, it surrounds the Ponds on the roof, same as Garner was trapped. 
Keep your eyes on that, Rory commands
is there a way down
Er no But there's a way out
What are you doing 
Rory gets up onto the ledge of the building himself, an Amy are on a NYC skyscraper.  Amy has her back to her beloved, to cover the huge weeping Angel menacing them 
Rory what are you doing?  Rory stop it you;ll die!
Yeah twice in the same building in the same night Who else could do that Rory has climbed up to the ledge of the building, the side walk 10 storeys clear below Just come down please, Amy pleads

This is what I need to do This will work If I die now, its a paradox right a paradox kills the Angels Tell me I'm wrong? Go on please because I am really scared Great The one time you can’t manage it
Rory leans a little too far back on the ledge and steadies himself Amy I’m goin to need a little help here
Just stop it 
Just think it through this will work This will kill the Angels. 
It will kill you to
Will it? River said this place will be erased from time, never existed If it never existed What did I fall off?
You think you'll just come back to life
When don;t I ?
What else is there Dying of old age down stairs never seeing you again? 
Amy please if you love me,than  trust me and push
I can’t You have to! Could you if it was me Could you do it
To save you I could do anything
Amy cries, she is so beautiful. Amy climbs on the ledge next to her Husband, the weeping Angels, behind her, death in front of her
Prove it... Amy has climbed up beside Rory on to the ledge and l
Shut up
You said you'd come back to life Money where your mouth is time
Amy.. Shut up Together or not at all
What the hell are you doing? Shouts, screams begs the Doctor, he and River have got up onto the roof of the syscraper, and the Doctor has seen his companions.  
Creating the future, its called marriage.
The Ponds staring into each others eyes  jump, they jump off the roof, they fall to their deaths They embrace as they fall. Amy Amy Amy!
River looking away sees it first Doctor, what's happening? There is a light swirling to the Time lord, and River's flank. 
The paradox its working the paradox is working
Light, White light, and we see a stone Angel  Rory beat the angels.
Where are we? Rory and his wife emerge in a graveyard, in broad sunshine
Back where we started replies 11 You collapsed the time line the paradox worked Were back where we belong
What in a graveyard?
This happened last time Why always here. (Is this a reference The Ponds have woken up in the Graveyard.(I presume its that one you see outside NYC as you drive in. It seems to be huge, borders the freeway to JFK)
Does it matter we got lucky, we could have blown NY off the planet  ... can't take the TARDIS back there The timelines are too scrambled... Oh I could have lost you both 
Don’t ever do that again What did we do? We fixed it we solved the problem 
I was talking to myself The Doctor hugs Amy and Rory and kisses there heads. The Ponds laugh, the Dr runs off to the TARDIS, which River exits, 
It could do with a repaint... She tells her hubby
I've been busy! Does the bulb on top need changing? I just changed it
So Rory and Amy then
Yes I know I know
I'm just saying River protests
There going to get terribly bored hanging round here all day
Doctor Rory shouts Next time can we just go to the pub  I  want to go to the pub right now. Are there video games there I love Video games!
Right family outing then. 11, and River walk into the Tardis, Amy is about to follow, and Rory turns arround he has seen something  he calls his wife back to look 
There a grave stone here for someone with the same name as me
Rory vanishes, he vanishes, Amelia Pond screams Doctor!!! Doctor

An Angel remains impassive where Rory once stood 
Where the hell did that come from?
A survivor very week but keep your eyes on. The Doctor scans it
Wheres Rory?
 The Doctor sees the Gravestone and reads the name I’m  sorry Amelia I'm so sorry
No No, we can just go and get him in the TARDIS One more paradox
Would rip New York apart 
Its not true I don;t believe you 
Mother its true First time river calls Amy mother in the episode
Amy walks towards the Angel, tears heavy in her eyes That gravestone theres room for one more name isn't there...
What are you talking about, back away from the angel come back to the TARDIS we'll figure something out The Angel would it send me back to the same time, to him?
Nobody knows
But its my best shot yeah..
Doctor shup up Yes yes it is
I just have to blink
It'll be fine I know it will I’ll be with him, like I should be Me and Rory together
Stop it, just stop it.. (River is called by her birth name, and takes her mothers hand. We see the tombstone of Rory Williams )
You look after him and you be a good girl, and you look after him
You are creating fixed time I will never be able to see you again..
I’ll be fine
Amy please... Just come back into the TARDIS
Come along Pond please
Raggedy man Goodbye!
Amy blinks and leaves the Doctor forever
Upon the gravestone under the name of Rory Williams, 82, is his beloved wife. Amelia Williams, 87.(She outlived her man by five years I hope she was not too lonely)
The Doctor, weeping at her graveyard. 
River at the controls, of the Tardis. River they were your parents 
Sorry I  didn’t even think
Doesn't matter Of course it matters
What matters is this Doctor don’t travel alone
Travel with me then. But not all the time
One  psychopath per TARDIS don't you think.  Okay this book, I've got to write Melody Malone I presume I send it to Amy  to get it published
Yes yes
I’ll tell her to write an afterword
For you
Maybe you’ll listen to her....
The last page
The  Doctor leaves the TARDIS and we see the Doctor running through central park. 11 arrives at the central ridge where he and Amy had been playing Pooh sticks before
Afterword.... By Amelia Williams - ( Oh she settled for Williams, not Pond) We hear from decades in the past a voice we love
Hello old friend ( Babylon five reference Mr Moffat?) and here we are you and me, on the last page By the time you read these words  Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well and where very happy
Above all else Know that we will love you always
Sometimes, I do worry about you though I think once we're gone you won't be coming back here for a while, and you might be alone Which you should never be
Don't  be alone Doctor, and do one moe thing for me 
There a little girl waiting in the Garden, she's going to wait a long while
So she's going to need a lot of hope
Go to her Tell her a story tell her if she's patient the days are coming which she'll never forget
And tell her she'll go to sea and fight pirates
Fall in love with a man who'll wait 2000 years to keep her safe
Give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived
And save a whale in outer space...Tell her this is the story of Amelia pond
And this is how it ends.
Little Amy in the garden. The girl sitting on the suitcase, in her duffel coat and pyjamas   She smiles, as dawn breaks and she hears the sound of TARDIS



Oh my God. This was a powerful episode. Really put the audience and the characters through the wringer. The last of the ponds. We will never see them again. This is the first time, someone has created Fixed time. Since I think the Waters of Mars.

The Doctor is shown in a much darker a light. Remember the Gods, are immortal and often capricious  You must hide your ageing from them. In the beginning of the episode, we see beautiful Amy, worry about the lines over her eyes. River hides the wound she got breaking free from the Angel. We see the Doctor as the child, here. Older then the Ponds by multiples of there age, but acting like a child. Throwing a tantrum when he see's Amy's fate. Shouting at the Ponds, and crying, as Amy leaves him, for Rory. In the end, Amy chooses a marriage, she chooses her husband over her raggedy man. Its funny, aside from Sarah Jane, and the Brigadier Amy is the character we have seen Age the most of the series. We have seen the young beautiful redhead, in middle age, and childhood. We even see her in a school uniform, in Lets kill Hitler.

Been a while since we have seen Mike McShane, remember when him and Tony slattery made Saturday evenings,

Why mention the worst, Amy Pond episodes, Saving the Space Whale-The Beast below and the Pirates. Why not fight vampires in Venice? My favorite Amy episode ``The Girl who waited ''was left out. I
 love the aristea scene as Amy fights the robot in that episode

The Doctor's prediction comes true. The Angels, weak as they were chased Rory.

The Pond's a Nurse and a Kissagram, grappling with the laws of time. Rory grasping the only way to win, to spare himself, he lives out his life, in NYC without his wife. Contrast this with the Two time travellers  the Doctor and River, bickering over the state of the TARDIS, two ordinary people who should have been safe at home in bed in leadworth, at the mercy of Aliens. Two beings from the future, sniping over chores

And we see the Doctor standing over the grave of a companion. That is a first. Remember the events of's Amy's choice. The Old, man, watches the young so pretty girl die

I will miss Amy. (1) However does this mean, that the events of her life were written in stone, because 11 goes and tell Amy her story.


Anonymous said…
"(She outlived her man by five years I hope she was not too lonely)"

By the original "Blink" rules she arrived in 1933 (vs 2012) and they both died of old age moments apart in 2012.

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