KLM Air France experience

On the 19th of November, myself my brother, and my fiancee, arrived at Lima Jorge Chavez airport, hoping to get on to flight,
We arrived in good time. We had checked in on line.
My brother has a slight learning difficulty. Mild Dyspaxia, dyslexia but apart from that is a healthy competent adult. He works at  a supérmarket. m
My fiance, requested that Air France staff assist my brother in making a transfer. She stated that my brother is Autistic. This is medically and legally accurate, information. However she was describing a complex medical condition. Which it does make my brother sound worse, then he is. Also my Fiance is not a native English speaker. Again she is describing a complex condition. The staff at the desk, told my Fiance, that they could assist my brother but he would have to be taken through his connection on a wheel chair
My brother was unhappy about being escorted through on a wheelchair. So he wished to decline and make the connection, himself. He had in his possession a mobile phone. Several euro’s worth of coins, and a bankcard of at least several hundred euros worth. I had pointed out several landmarks in Schipol, where my brother could have gone, to contact members of his family, and friends. Such as the Hilton, in Amsterdam Airport.
So we tried to board my brother normally. A desk agent, refused to let my brother board.
The desk agent, stated that my brother would not be able to travel, in case he got into difficulties, and Air France/KLM would be liable.
I offered to waive any claim, and pointed out the above facts. Had the worst come to the worst. My brother would have been able to contact his family, in minutes. He would have had his passport he, knows his address, and probably would have been able to finance a flight home. Note he was more than competent to return home from Heathrow.
We requested to speak to the supervisor, and we waited more than 15 minutes. Before a supervisor decided to speak to us. I realize this was a busy time, for KLM/Air France so we waited quietly.
I showed the supervisor in question, my brothers work ID, tried to explain my brother’s condition, and asked could he board normally.
I told the Supervisor at the desk. That my brother was a healthy competent adult. I showed her my brother’s work ID. In retrospect my Fiance and myself, was probably acting like the overprotective parents of a teen. This was my fiancé’s first encounter with my brother, and someone with dyspraxia. I also note, that in the end. Myself and my fiance, accepted my brother's decision on his competence. He was prepared to be pointed in the right direction, but not carried through on a wheel chair. My brother, thought it was unnecessary.
The supervisor explained that this would be a decision of the crew. We were asked to wait half an hour, we did quietly.
When we returned, the supervisor at the desk, refused to let my brother board despite the fact that we had a ticket. We were treated to a series of excuses. My brother had paid for a ticket, to Amsterdam, and from there a ticket to London. We had also paid excess baggage. . We had complied with every request made.
This was not enough for the supervisor at the gate who also felt the need to speculate on my brothers condition, and to insist, that my brother would be turned away at the EU border? Despite the fact that my brother is an EU citizen. Why would he be turned back
I am extremely unhappy at my brother's treatment by Air France/KLM,


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