Children's story.

One day Victor, was at school, classes had just finished.

He walked past the icecream cart. He would have liked an icecream, but he had no money. He thought of asking his mother for money for an ice cream.

He saw someone throw a wrapper on the floor. He was annoyed, did that person, not care about the environment.  As he bent down to pick up the rubbish, he saw something

A clock

The clock was very strange. It looked both old and new. The case of the clock, was polished wood. It was even dusty, and it smelled of polish. But the face of the clock, was bright. The numbers changed as Victor touched the clock, it was no ordinary clock, he thought. He could not understand why someone would throw  away such a perfectly good clock. Did they not know even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Maybe he would bring the clock to his grandfather, to repair

Victor touched the clock, it blinked twice, and then there was a flash, victor rubbed his nose,

The ground was shaking, there was a pair of legs, as big as a combi moving, in front  of him. In front of him, was a real life dinosaur. An animal, as big as the water tower. Victor was amazed. He was seeing an animal, that was extinct for millions of years. But the Dinosaur ignored it. It kept trampling and crashing it{s way through the forest.  Stop shouted victor, you must not destroy all the trees there will be no food for anyone else. But the Dinosaur did not listen.

Soon there were no more trees

Victor touched the clock…

Another Dinosaur  ran past Victor. It was big and fast, Oh my Goodness, A T Rex, Victor said. He marveled at the T-Rex. It was an amazing animal. There was a flash in the distance, and the sky went dark,  ash fell like snow. Oh no said Victor,  There are no zoo or vets to take care of the animals. No where for them to take shelter. They will all die

Victor was sad, no one would help the dinosaurs

Victor touched the clock

The forests had grown back, and he could see a wolf, chasing a pig. The wolf, was very handsome, it had bright blue eyes, and a long white stripe, down its belly. The wolf chased the pig, to a tree. When suddenly a hairy stinky man, came running out of the forest, with a big cruel club. The man chased the wolf away, and caught the pig by its tail. The pig squealed. The wolf howled. leave some pigs for the wolves to eat, shouted victor, but the strange hairy man, just said Q P RRRRRRRR

Victor was sad, for the wolves who would go hungry

Victor touched the clock

This time, he was in a room, of shining steel and bright glass, he looked down, and he could could see the earth. He was in space. He could see space ships, and statelites, 

Hello Great Grandad

Victor turned around and saw a Girl about 8 years old. She had dark hair, and pretty purple eyes, she hugged him.  I am your great granddaughter Columbia,  do you like my Space station.

Yes it{s very nice

But why don't you live on the Earth?

``Oh its too dangerous. No one looked after the air, so it became to dirty to breathe. They cut down all the forests, and poisoned the water. The North pole and south pole melted, and there were floods. So we live in space now. Its very nice, but not as nice, as climbing the andes, or going to the country

Do you have a pet asked Victor

No, animals in space. We can watch them on video screens, but that is all,

Victor was very sad, to learn what had happened to the earth.

I must send you back Great Grandfather, said the girl, she hugged him and touched the clock

There was a flash

Victor was back, at the school. His mother arrived would you like an icecream, she said

No, said Victor you should give the money to charity. He said picking up some rubbish…


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