A belated Happy St Patricks day

A belated Happy St Patricks day to you all. From Lima, peru. For the first time in over 10 years-I did not celebrate the feast day with my brother. My brother is in Dusseldorf. He has gone to the Altstadt, and its 4 Irish pubs, and buxom and winsome waitresses.
 So it is the end of a tradition that started in 2002. I had been in my last job for a few months. I had not taken a day off. From somewhere I got the idea of going to NYC for St Patricks day. I am not sure from where. My brother was not so enthusiastic at first. The events of 9-11 were fresh in his mind. He asked me what would happen, if terrorists boarded the plane. Our first time navigating JFK, we had a nightmare navigating the I-90 form. On the way back, I was thrown off a flight.
We never met our cousin. We were supposed to rendevous with my cousin in NYC. We never did. We waited and waited outside the trump tower.
For five years we drunk in Desmonds, bar in NYC. Then we ran out of money and went to colonge.
Why colonge, because I had been there the year before and there was a very good Irish pub there.
The Corkonian.
 In 2011 I went to Virginina beach. There I am under blue skies.

Which was a big change from being pale and interesting in chicago, in 2009
That is a lego T Rex. My brother and I passed out we were so drunk, that day. We did 200 dollars worth of damage, to our hotel. We were so drunk.

This is me myself, and my brother and sister in NYC.

This year, I did not expect to do anything. Lima, has but 1 Irish pub. Which is in Miraflores. An hour away at least. No fun, with a full bladder. Lima is a city, where you cannot walk the streets safely. Forget about crime. The pavements are full of potholes, and some of the flagstones are actually polished.

I expected to work on the 18th, so I did not make plans. Then I heard, I did not have too. So I wanted to go to miraflores. But Lima, has been dry for an election. I wanted then to have a small party for the kids. But my card is blocked. When troubles come here, they come in Army group strength, let alone single spies, or Battalions.


Malchera said…
“Every St. Patrick’s Day every Irishman goes out to find another Irishman to make a speech to.” — Shane Leslie

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