
Showing posts from November, 2013

Brian Griffin

So Brian Griffin from family guy, finally went to that great lounge in the sky. Family guy is a TV series, I used to love. I used to watch religiously. I used to buy the DVDS, watch the episodes one after another, and then watch the commentaries. A shared enjoyment in family guy was a post that held up past paramores. I fell out of love with the series. Though I enjoyed Ted, and I still follow Seth Macfarlane on Twitter. So why did I stop loving Family Guy. I do not know. Perhaps it was the BBC constantly showing Family guy every evening, I also found some episodes a little grating. The episode where Brian tries to convince the town of Quaghog there is no God, comes to mind. I watched Cleveland for the first series and I enjoyed it. However it started to get stale, and perhaps that is the point. Fawlty towers, lasted 2 series and no more. Blackadder stands alone with its 4 series. Less is sometimes more. My problem with family guy is not that it jumped the shark, is that if you tre

Best Wishes

Best Wishes to my friend Scott Palter for a  speedy recovery

Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor

The BBC finally spent money. It took them 50 years. The scenes of the battle of Arcadia, hold up at least with modern Trek. Compare them with Bad Wolf for example, or Journeys End I loved the nod towards remembrance of the Daleks. Clara teaching at the school, where Susan studied. The immortal name of I.M Forman. I know that is also a reference to the first Doctor. Remembrance of the Daleks, is a story I saw 25 years ago. I remember the reference to the Death of President Kennedy Odd that during the Time War, the Doctor communicates with  the military high command rather then the civilian high council of Galifrey. The Dr allies himself with the military against the civilians. I realize there were reasons why they could not get Dalton et al as Rassilion Shame we did not see the Master. By the way, if Galifrey has returned Then has the Master and the Rani...The other renegades... John Hurt during the battle of Arcadia, could have been Winston Smith in 1984. The last man in Euro

50th Anniversary

Well its squeaky bum time...As I wait for the anniversary. Looks like we are going to see the battle of Arcadia, in the time war.  I hope-We will see the master fighting on the Galifreyian side during the Time war I hope-There are cameo's from other Doctors-I loved seeing Paul McGann in  Night of the Doctor Surely they can do something with CGI I am a bit wary of seeing Rose Tyler return, as the demi goddess who looked inside the Tardis At the end of parting of  the ways.. ********** Yesterday I enjoyed playing the Dr Who Google Doodle with  my stepson. It was a lot of fun. Thank you google

Archaeologists officially declare sigh over paleo-diet I am in full agreement. There is nothing wrong with the Paleo diet If it makes you feel healthy. If you enjoy a diet without grains, then that is fine. My wife eats Coy and raw fish. I eat blood sausage. I grew up on a diet of Orange squash. Fish fingers, burgers frosties and chips. I managed to have a child. I managed to pass my genes on.,,  Please do not dress up a diet in pseudo science Thank you.

Today in History

It has been 50 years since the murder of John F Kennedy An event that I do not remember. One that affected my parents and teachers.

Feliz cumpleanos

My beautiful and slim wife bought me two suits for my birthday I got a lovely dinner cooked by my sister in law. Lomo saltado And razors from Walter and Carmen the witnesses at my wedding and chocolates from my pupils All  in all a good day

Round Up

Commiserations on my sister failing her driving test My brother is off to Brazil tomorrow I have had terrible stomach upsets My stepson is off early today

1 year in Peru

I have been in Peru a year. Whatever else happens ... I am glad -  I stuck out the year -  I did not go back to my old job  -I begun teaching -I got married I had a dog, even if just for a while - I watched Adventure time


I am shocked and saddened by the news from the Philippines. Word has reached me of 10 000 dead. I hope the reports are in error. I send my best wishes to the Phillipines How you can help..

Day of the Doctor trailer


Congratulations, to my cousin Shiobann and her Husband Phil, on the birth of their new baby

A decade ago,


Tube ettiquette As someone who used to ride the escalators every day. PS real Teterans take the overground *********** Joking aside I once saw someone almost cause an accident bringing a too large bag on the escalators on the underground. 3 or 4 people piled up, on top of the bag. As the bag got caught, there was a delay pulling it free

Round up 2nd of November

Halloween has come and gone. I saw kids in costumes All saints day was a holiday here I did not sleep well last night. The heat, and its always difficult for me to get up early, when I have had a few days liberty My  mother has returned from Ireland. Where she was visiting my aunt. QPR won today, well done I take the TKT test a month tomorrow. My supervisor checked my class today. I wish she had come last week. When I had my students  cutting bananas. I worry I will get sacked. If that happens I will try another institute