Doctor Who The Time of the Doctor

There is nothing so strange as the recent past. I remember watching the eleventh hour. Its a different world. I was living in another hemisphere. 2010. Now thats the name of an Arthur C Clarke novel,  Which has been left on my shelf at homeIn the time before Plaza Vea and Inka Cola. A life left behind

I loved the Amy pond Cameo at the end. She is still radiant

Was Peter Capaldi's Doctor exclamation of New Kidneys-supposed to be cruder...Also he cannot fly the TARDIS. Interesting. I wonder how they are going to play that. I can understand that they want a lot of distance between Doctor 13 and Malcolm Tucker, are they going back to the Doctor cannot fly the Tardis

I wondered if Mother superior was originally drafted as River song. You have been fighting the pyschopath inside you all your life. Ditto the Truth field on Trenzalore-surely that was supposed to be important. There seemed to be a hint about this with the Doc, tricking a wooden Cyberman. What happened to it?

There were a lot of call backs. The room, from the God complex which the Doctor looked into-He saw the crack from Amy Pond's wall. The Silence and the Doctors fear from the God Complex.
I still feel bad about the Muslim MD's death in that episode. I guess that is why I have not rewatched it. The papal mainframe-troops were seen in a Good man goes to war. Apparently the silence were in schism

I was confused by one fact though-In the Day of the Moon, the Doctor records the Silence-When there is but one are they a countable or uncountable noun. The Silence gives Humanity an order. ``You should kill us all on sight'' Now perhaps the Papal Mainframe has edited this for current Humans but surely Clara should have had a more assertive reaction

Clara's home is interesting-she is a teacher, supposedly in the East End of London. She lives in a tower block. Its clearly gentrified unlike Rose's South London. They ignore her step mother which I found a bit harsh I hate Christmas crackers,btw

The difference between 11 and 10 I think is made clear. 11 accepted his fate, after a long retirement surrounded by children. His last words are true. You are a different person all your life. This ties into my view of the Doctor.  He is the strange Teen friend of the pretty girl. I would almost say stoner but slighty spaced is better. At the end he grows up. He accepts its over. 10 is -was an egotist -The metacrisis Doctor. 11 moved on.. 10 did not want to go


It was nice they tied up the ends. I will miss Matt Smith's Doctor. I think the quality of writing has been letting him down, and Clara has always stood in the Shadow of the Pond.

Its time to move  on. Well done Steven Moffat for rescuing things at the end.


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