
Showing posts from October, 2014

Fan Theory

Missy is the black guardian... (Spoilers) Turns out Missy is the master having regenerated into female form I am not too pleased actually I  dislike the idea of the Doctor changing sex. I generally prefer to think of the Time lords as Alien but that is too Alien While I do like  Missy a comic actress-I think she is a bit too manic


I watched Star Trek into the darkness over the weekend. I know I live in 2011 okay. I had a thought about  how it could have played out differently. Khan says that he was born or perhaps bred to lead other men to peace. In the original series Khan is portrayed as a benevolent Tyrant-Sadly into the Darkness makes him a Nazi. (Yawn) We see the tensions with the Klingons in Star Trek 12 are stirring about to boil over Now imagine this. Starfleet are being beaten across the quadrant by the Klingons. An undeclared war. The Klingons ravaging colonies. The SS botany bay is found by Human traders, always wary of another attack. Half believing the ship to be a Trojan horse. Where are Starfleet? Looking at another Nebula? The ship is being examined -perhaps landed on a farm world. The Klingons attack, and there is a massacre. As they are waking Khan.. Khan wakes Klingons die. Khan promises the battered trading fleets and burning colonies victory

Star Trek, Into the Darkness

I finally got round to seeing  New Trek 2. I basically had the plot spoiled by spending so much time on SF Debris and confused Mathew and such. I still enjoyed it. Its a solid piece of entertainment. I think I was watching a rip from an Airplane though Well done Noel Clark. Only a cameo, but his 15 minutes were pretty nicely done. I think he only had one line, but his face said it all The Star Trek Uniforms now have hats? I guess someone is going for a retro look. I noticed San Francisco still has cars. Interestingly some Uniforms-The Top brass are clearly based on Star Trek the motion picture While Kirk and co on board the Enterprise are wearing classic Trek uniforms I did not see the Spock Cameo coming-There was an in joke with the red shirts. There was more comedy then I expected. Bones being told to can the metaphors. The argument between Uhura and Spock in the shuttle, with Kirk sitting their as the third wheel Nice to see the Klingons. One thing I was not sure about-W

Walking with Dinosaurs 2013

I loathed the Disneyfication of the Dinosaurs The Alaskan scenery was beautiful. I must go there some day. I was disappointed. The Franchise has not needed to stoop to the level of  Johnny Morris. It did here. I would have been insulted as a child. The series has worked across the world, and told stories while informing people. Here it was just grating  Better  to have kept it straight and had the palaeontologist be the narrative voice, and then had a break in the action -returning to the present. To do exposition I am glad I did not waste money seeing this in the cinema. I am saddened that a great series of popular learning cheapen itsel

Swings and roundabouts

I am now a legal resident, but my pocket was picked, and my phone was stolen. I managed to swap a conversation class, for a class with the bankers. I wish my mother a safe trip to Ireland, and good luck to my neice with her new job

Paul Newman

I am sorry to hear of the passing of Paul Newman Actor-Father-Racer-Husband-Entrepeneur-Sailor Butch Cassidy -Cool Hand luke


My 2000th post  Thanks for Reading! Thanks to all my readers-I begun this blog childless and unmarried working in a job I hated on the other side of the world!

Washed the dog


Belated Birthday

Happy Belated birthday to  my  sister

Game of Adventure

H/T Nedist...By Kevin Nails Cersi=Bonnibel

Life in Lima

Strange translation of Tamite card There was an election yesterday-They barred the sale of alcohol

Trolling the net

A busy week for me My beautiful wife has been unwell- My Mother in law has been helping us Good luck to Erika with her exam.